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Everything posted by limeburner

  1. Not rational to be organised? Fine.Ok.You win.
  2. More excuses----keep them up,you will convince yourself in the end.
  3. As long as youre happy were all good.
  4. We wont learn nothing if we are disorganised shambles, nothing.
  5. Ian,we could have at least been organised----we were most definately NOT.
  6. Like the one you have just used.stop talking about Leipzig and talk about how our players hadnt a fucking clue about what they were meant to be doing. Leipzig lost 5-1 to Ajax last week.Youre surely not saying we were even average.
  7. I thought possession football meant you had to try and keep possession-----silly me!! Shambolic,can the excuses please.They are wearing thinner by the month.Disorganised and humiliated.
  8. All roads lead to a "No away fans"situation.Nobody will care if this comes to pass. Broadcasters not so much!!
  9. Who are the players MW has signed and let go?(apart from barton)who wasnt let go,he sort of fucked off.
  10. MWs recruitment plans will need to improve dramatically,there can be not doubt about that.(even allowing for our budget,it must be better)
  11. First matches he played,ive seen fitter asthmatic pit ponys.Hes now a year older and will have been out of the game for the best part of a full year. At 33 years old ,he will need the dedication of an Andy Murray to return to being a top player after a career threating injury like he sustained.Idont think he has this in his character. Will be very happy to be proved wrong.
  12. This media hype is a load of shite,i think its themselves they are trying to reassure,not us. Nearly all football teams are built on shifting sands----they want to believe celtic are built on granite----they are not. Two years from now the big story will probably be----how the hell can it have come to this for celtic? Ill say this for them,they will revel in it.All of them full of the---i always thought this might happen. Poor signings,injuries,jealousy over wages,unsetteled players,disinterest,loss of form,homesickness,board not investing money they think is not needed,i could go on. Every club the world over gets these problems----that lot are no different.
  13. Sorry to be a doom merchant,imo,i think we may have seen the last of Kranjcar. Im basing this on the fact that he couldnt keep a reasonable level of fitness when there was nothing wrong with him previously.
  14. Loads of ex players ,managers etc giving it spend,spend,spend.There is going to be a share issue sometime in the future. Ihope they realise that they are gonna be asked----How much did you put in?Lets see if they are so mouthy then!
  15. As long as its not silly money,we could do a lot worse.
  16. I think him walking with no pay off was a very decent thing and i respect him for that. He was a poor manager but no money grabber.Credit where its due.
  17. Well, i think ive managed to fall out with just about everybody(if ive missed you out,drop me a pm) Seriously,id just like to wish every one of you a very happy and prosperous new year----all the best to you,thanks.
  18. I wasnt meaning to depress you ,sorry.I hope you and yours have a fantastic 2017,all the best my friend.
  19. I totally get that.however,thats the way of things in fitba,you know this ,i know you do .Every fitba fan does.
  20. If we loose 2 more times to them(very possible) If we go out the scottish early(very possible) If we dont finish second(slightly possible) His feet wont touch the fucking ground.Sorry for being blunt.
  21. Very fair comment.However if we------ach you know the rest.
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