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Everything posted by limeburner

  1. Youre probably right,you do understand that the fans will have the final say. No uptake of season books means goodbye.
  2. Perhaps this is more about our manager?(SHhhhhhh i never said that).
  3. Totally agree mate,this Hodson stuff would have been firefighting(it still should have been done though). Lots of things to be adressed.Cool heads in midfield would be massive.Its not easy though.
  4. Hill was close to fucking him one.(He would have deserved it).
  5. Thanks,you dont want our better defenders on the park,rather a half arsed midfielder instead.!!
  6. Stop skirting around the question. Hodson can defend,Tavernier cant.Again ,should Hodson have started?
  7. Agree with most of that.Just one thing-----Hodson isnt a bombscare.(know what im saying?)
  8. Would this be a big UP for the manager by default?
  9. A BIT.Heard many excuses,but playing on the wrong day?-----really?
  10. Why dont you just say what you really think?Do you want him moved on or not?
  11. We need a Barry Ferguson in the middle,easier said than done. No composure,no calming influence.Always kinda panicky.
  12. Ihope she is having a great time,youre mum and her family are part of me,i love them all,give her my best wishes and have a happy new year in the sun. All the best Craig,a result would be good, if not ,we live to fight another day.
  13. Yip,im with you Craig 53 and still mad!!
  14. If you have nothing good to say----say nothing.
  15. This might be a good time to adress this,there is a valuable member of this site that constantly gets dug up about a certain vote that was held. This happened before i joined.however,is it not time he was given a break for a misjudgment{hes admitted it was a blunder). The guy gets it shoved in in his face any time he disagrees with somebody----its getting tiresome. I dont know the guy from adam-----but think its time to move on.
  16. Any atlantic league would go the same way,Straight knock out for countries our size would far better for holding interest.
  17. imo,they would be better trying some sort of straight knock out atlantic cup competition first. If there was no appetite for this,then forget about a league.
  18. If he had tried it,Broxi would have thrown a couple of cubs in front of him!!
  19. Iwas quoting the opening line from Black Sabbaths most famous song "Paranoid"you do know it,no?
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