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Everything posted by limeburner

  1. Tread carefully with this. The man obviously has mental health issues,he is to be pitied rather than scorned.
  2. I was first to reply. I hope the players have not rushed this decision to get organised this early in the season, after all its only nearly April. Perhaps they should ,in hindsight give it another month.
  3. An 85% to15% in favour of his motion from shareholders must be a big factor in this no?
  4. He obviously thinks he is beyond reproach by anyone,even governments. Nobody in his organisation seems capable of reigning him in. They will regret this in future,big time.
  5. Lets face it. these guys could be anything. They could be first class , they could be crap. Only time will tell, whoever appointed them. I hope we have got something right ,it would make a pleasant change.
  6. 35000 to watch that dross is fecking incredible.
  7. Hes toiled to make a right decision in the last three years,cant see him changing now. He will do whats right for Ally ,we,the fans will be left to pick up the pieces as usual, its what he expects and is used to.
  8. If someone can turn Rangers around in a reasonable space of time, they will become hot property. Holding onto them will be nigh impossible. Lets hope thats a problem we have in the near future.!!!
  9. If this is a feasible proposition i would much rather have a Vodka marquee!!!
  10. Hes being diplomatic at best. In reality hes talking shite and he knows it.
  11. Well ,if his company is not up to the job get rid ASAP.
  12. We have not been defeated, but we are being victimised. So he was half right. I dont like being victimised ,action is needed. New PR company? well lets be hearing a lot more from them. Or are they just along for the lucrative ride.?
  13. Surely the best decision for all concerned,I wish him well. However,if you are Rangers manager your loyalty must be to the team and not your pal on gardening leave
  14. The Easedales tried to do it their way, they failed miserably. Any defence of them now is beyond understanding. They would probably admit this themselves,they are a footnote in our history,best forgotten.
  15. He can go and seek respectability elsewhere,He will never find it at Ibrox. Good Riddance.
  16. Hopefully Gourock to Largs as a driver.
  17. Anyone remember the name of that cult a few years back who thought their leader was in a big spaceship hiding behind the Moon?
  18. Take the point about long term etc. But surely a manager who openly states he doesnt want the job has to be removed asap.
  19. So Ashley and co garner 6% of vote cos 9% was their own. Read it and weep mikey. Brilliant just Brilliant.
  20. Typical reaction from someone used to getting their way then dont. The toys were out the pram there,loved it.
  21. Back in his coaching role by Monday or away completely, surely?
  22. Hmmm, die rich die disgaced.He will be a feckin disgrace. Nothing but a latter day coalmine owner. Despised individual,repulsive, goodbye mike hope we never see your like again.
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