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Posts posted by delbear

  1. it's hard to go from a top team in a shitty league to a mid table team in a big league ... and of course and extra 40k a week (est) ... if it was me id never leave ranger as a rangers fan there is no higher..... but depends how hard martin bain trys to push hutton!




  2. Can I also thank Barry for all his incredible work to get the place going...


    This guy is a true legend and I'm indebted for him time and time again for his technical expertise, hosting and generally being a great guy.




    second that...... the guy is a gent....




    bit of a nutty weegie tho...:P

  3. This is the thing.


    He does get credit for yesterdays performance and im the first to say he was superb but as Pete says above he gets credit for yesterday but nothing gets said for his 4 poor games before it.


    1 good game and 4 bad doesnt make everything ok.


    He was a bit of a cock yesterday during the kick off when he was telling Cousin to "Come here come here" only those on telly would have saw that - thats once again him shouting at teams mates for not doing what he wants.



    Fergie gets a lot of stick for his shit games.... the moaning at player is part of fergie's nature .... wanting more from everyone..... id love for him to be a bit of a cock every week if the team played like that

  4. that for me was one of fergies best performances in a long time ...... he was fucking magic ... bossing the team, driving the play forward, scoring .... what more can you want ???





    Last year i had questions about fergie and him having what it takes to lead us forward after the PLG carry on but today(after the lyon, stutgart etc) it make me think what more can you ask for from the captain of The Rangers Football Club?


    Easy MOTM today , the heart, the fight and the passion IMO he is one of the best scottish players in the last 10 years



    So barry... Iam sorry that i questioned you as the captain of OUR club...


    As The Cry Goes






  5. Well no points for guessing where I�m going to start on taxi this week.

    Yes it�s the one and only:

    Arturs Ridiculous Terrible Utter Repulsive


    Blunders Oversees Rangers upturn Celtic.


    Even Al Capone couldn�t have got anyone to throw a game any better than (butter)fingers Boruc.

    Seemingly after the game Artur asked the police to arrest the ball for inciting a riot.

    He said it kept crossing the line.

    Wee Gordie was at first worried that Boruc may have goalkeepers disease, but then realized big Art had no chance of catching it.

    Well I suppose Artur�s had enough for one week so I�ll drop the subject.(oops)


    Wee Chesney was in brilliant form after the game, saying, Celtic played their best game in Edinburgh since he took over. It is a pity for Hibs the interview was done in the tunnel, if he had of spouted that manure on the pitch, Hibs would have had the greenest grass in Scotland for their next home game.

    Gordie suggested that, Easter road seems to be the Bermuda triangle for Goalkeepers.

    Nah! Gordy, even the Bermuda triangle has got three points.

    According to reports Celtic and OJ Simpson have a lot in common. They both lack a strong defence



    Craig Leveign took the Arabs to Fir park to meet Gretna with the chance of going top. The Sultan wanted his men to play like Arab warriors but instead they played like a bunch of camels and got humped. Gretna pulled them on to the cold steel, or was it the hot Irons.


    The Gorgie Herdsmen of Hearts took their flocks up to Inverness to feed on Lush thistle.

    It was big Craig Brewster that caught them grazing, and administered a lethal jag.


    Russell Latapy scoring for Falkirk against Motherwell meant that the two oldest codgers in the SPL had scored this weekend. Certainly a case of age before beauty.

    Graham Smith had a wee flap at the goal. The next time he should try for the ball


    Kilmarnock and St Mirren fought out a boring 0-0 draw. It was said, only the empty seats enjoyed the game.


    Troubles started for Aberdeen hours before the Rangers game. An Aberdeen supporter and his girlfriend were stopped from travelling down to Glasgow.

    The girlfriend was found to have the bluetongue sickness.

    A spokesman for the club said "if she was found to have a blue nose she would probably have been culled."

    As Jimmy Calderwood was walking to the bus, he was asked when Aberdeen kicked off?

    About every twenty-five minutes he replied.

    After their 3-0 defeat by Rangers Jimmy admitted even in defeat.

    " I still find these players are my wonder players.

    Every time I pick them I wonder WHY!!!!!"





    what a clanger the polish w%$k droped!!!! i like it when he fucks up .....




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