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Posts posted by delbear

  1. i do think that if the offended parties do feel there is unresolved injustice then they should pursue it - and those horrified by what they've found about the case should support it. but it being continued by rangers supporters nowhere else than in a football match and on stupid banners is just pointless, self-congratulating, self-indulgence.




    yeah. using someone else's misery to make your rivals look bad is pathetic. like when politicians use a death (jamie bulger's death, say) to advance their own careers (to prime ministerial success ala mr. blair).



    the sheep shaggers sing about the ibrox disaster and no eye lids are batted...... We Get shit from the wan%Ers up north every game also durrant a future for a young boy shatterd yet it's just banter.....


    We go daft about that so as barry said it is out of order but on the other hand ..... is it just " do as you are done by"?



    IMO The BJK Thing hits a nerve with the MOPES over the city .... but if it was my kid involved in torbit's "shame" i'd feel a total different way.....


    The BJK is having a go at a scumtic "leg-end" who hid the fact of it ..... or is it having a go at the actual "event".




    Just My Ramblings on this....



  2. hullo hullo........



    Was it me or did we has a great shape last night? - our defenders held the line well and yon spanish center back was sharp and read the game well...




    Sun burd's and footie.


    What a day yesterday was no hold up or traffic right away parked and down to the stadium..... looking at the warm up rangers told me (imo) that this adam owen dude has got rangers in great shape for the start of the season... just looking at the sub's also is another matter a bench full of people who imo can change a game even burk has looked good so far this pre season! and roy carrol's double save !!!!! a fooking cracker



    so the game started a high tempo! just watching ajax play is superb the way the pass simple yet effective top class side who all ways sell there best players yet pull guys out of no where and get back in to it!! rangers on the other hand were holding them off and keeping shape watching yon spannish dude boss the back line and read the game and watching JCD loose the plot again! the guy is a nutter. good to see the team sprit up and player give a F~@k about the game again ... JCD and McCulloch up fron running gave a pace (that we have not had in a long time) boyd trying hard to get in to the game his flick on and passes and hunger to get involved has improved ...then charlie adams!! had a shit game everthing he tryed went wrong imo (miby just had one of they games) no doubt this boy has tallent buy do you start him this season??? this will be the telling season for him....



    and just to wrap it of ..... the BURD'S last night!!! quality



    only bad point was twisting my back on the way home ... got a nice box of high quality pain killers tho..





    Football Is Back Thank God!!!!

  3. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/6896941.stm


    Listen to the second link half way down the page. The typical yanks cheer every sentance. I think this is a laughing stock him going over there, LA play infront of about 10,000 every week and FOOTBALL will never be as big over there as it is in europe. Its like saying Shinty will become Scotlands biggest game



    this is the best moove for him.. look at the cash he is on and now he will be in movies, more add's and all the other tv shoite that goes on.....



    He Is Looking athe the other side of life imo he wont be a "star" Forever but his cas will last for ever over �£300,000 per week fuck id play in chinia, dubai where

  4. Why Do The Trust take this mans bullshit?



    Has much he has said came true yet?



    extra funding!...... our net spend still zilch!!!


    A joke of a ceo in bain......just see naysmith saga and that spanish dude (cani mind his name)



    IMO why stand and accept his pish.... stand up and tell sir (yuck!) murray. i know the trust cant just stand up and demand stuff


    But i'd rather the trust never spoke to him the hear "i will invest" #things will improve"



    "we will improve pr" NOT FUCKING HARD we dont have any!!!


    i wish i'd not renewed my ST - and that is honest!!!






    Another Pissed Off Bear!!!

  5. So willyou go or will you boycott??




    i did try and phone rangers to tell them to stuff it but was sick of waiting.... i t will be returned to rangers if i loose my allocation beause of it then so be it ....





  6. Out of interest did anyone get Hearts with the inflated prices?


    It would be interesting to see if people refuse them as a boycott, but maybe the club have already debited the account.




    aye me!!! �£34 fuckin quid!!

  7. Agree that overall the quality is not great, with the exception of McCulloch, I think he'd be a very good signing. But as I said, with the Darcheville signing as a template, hopefully some quality signings will sneak in and the first whiff the press will get of it is when the deal is completed and the player is being paraded at Ibrox.



    McCulloch - IMO he is poor runs at defender yes but cant cross a ball well.... another mid-table championship player all IMO





  8. Missing out on Brown has obviously been a hard one to take. But the transfer window isn't even open yet, never mind closed. And whilst the Darcheville signing wasn't exactly awe inspiring, hopefully it's a sign of things to come. By which I mean that the first we'll know of us being in for a player is when he's signed. I have little to no faith in Murray, but I do in WS and hopefully he'll be able to squeeze a transfer budget out of him.




    nowt to do with scott brown.... just the level of shite we are aiming at ....





  9. murray has to fuck off!!


    it's a joke .... Where do we start the fight back? When we sign McCulloch? When we sign Darchville? When we re-sign craig moore? (that would top it off he has been droped from newcastle) ....What about Robbie fowler?? miby a short term fix?



    broadfoot - ok younger player not going to help the squad much IMO

    the other boy from falkirk (forgot his name :devil: ) - ok player not a first team player right away tho!




  10. what a fucking joke when you see what players we are linked with first we sing a old (but fast) french avrage player the we get linked with all these scottish shitty players and duds :mad: i wish i had not got my ST this season



    Wonder what will happen if i cancel my direct debit!!!!







    Murray has made us a laughing stock!! loyal!

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