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Posts posted by delbear

  1. Right People!!!


    Cammy Found A Printer.......




    �£2.50 per letter


    �£10-�£20 for the badge


    + Postage / Costs To Get To Preston With the banner


    So It's Time to get the banner Ready for the new Season

  2. Oh Murray has a large ego that needs constant massaging no doubt about it.


    But he's 56, is getting married and I've no doubt he feels the time is almost right for him to retire to France and his vineyards.


    When I see David Murray nowadays I see an aging, tired man. He doesn't need the emotional stuff that Rangers brings. First and foremost he's a business man who likes to make money. Rangers don't make money any more and he doesn't have the same attachment the rest of us have to the club IMO.



    Interesting article frankie... Things are moving ahead for the mint IMO what you say makes sence..... The change inside the club inc mr bain make you think why is one man "running" all the mints dutys before mr murray put alot more time/effort in to the club is he lost the rangers feeling?




  3. Will it del? Was going to take it to a pc shop like you said. See what they say. If i can get it fixed there and not to expensive to get fixed mind then will just go ahead with it. I not will just have to see about a new one.


    Has the price came down on them now? just out of interest



    Yeah the price is down








    also you go in to gamestation etc and get a pre owned xbox for a good bit cheaper




  4. I had the same problem with my old X-BOX , give em a call and they'll send you a cardboard box, then it'll be picked it up by courier.It will be checked and you'll either get it fix or they'll give you a new one..It takes about 7 - 9 days..Still don't know what was wrong with mine though!!:rolleyes:



    It's over a year old it will cost a fortune!! You get it done for sfa it it's less than a year old





  5. Well while i'm on here and the wee fella is on the xbox the wee girl does the housework and cooks the dinner.

    Is that not what you have kids for?:confused:


    And Koeman it's not a 360 it's the older version. Have left it off all night and he's going to party in a little bit so will see how it is later this afternoon. If not i will have to give them a call



    this is a common fault with the xbox's it cant be reset till the softwore has been re installed



    send it to a pc shop (that can do microsoft ) they will be cheaper or just get a second hand one (http://www.adtrader.co.uk)





  6. Just tried mine on.


    Fuckin hell, really small made!


    Suggest that you all go up a size.



    The top is not much smaller it is the sleeves that are tight




    IMO the shorts look tacky for �£20!!!!!




  7. Anyone bought it yet and if so, what do you think of it? Is it nicer when you see it close up or not?




    it's a quality top!!



    nice shade of blue aswell




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