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Rousseau last won the day on July 19

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  1. All the best, Sam Adrianus Martinus Lammers! I'll always remember when he... That day he... Did that... When he... Good luck!
  2. Aherm: "I didn't say it was brilliant, just that there is cover and that other positions are more of a priority, for me." We're skint. CB is worse than CM.
  3. Rice should be pushing, IMO. I didn't say it was brilliant, just that there is cover and that other positions are more of a priority, for me.
  4. Cantwell doesn't play in that position; he's a #10. In Centre-mid we have: Diomande, Raskin, Barron, Dowell, Rice and Mckinnon, with Sterling filling in. I think that's fine. We are linked with Jordan who would be a decent addition. CB and #10 is more of a priority, for me.
  5. I love an inswinging cross. You don't see it much, but it always looks much more dangerous than a traditional cross.
  6. Shankland is a goalscorer; Dykes is just a target-man. I wouldn't mind Shankland for a modest fee, but I don't see Hearts playing ball. Dykes is a hard 'nope!', for me.
  7. To be fair, to see players sold - even at a small loss - rather than allowing them to run their contracts down is a step in the right direction.
  8. It's still too soon to say, which is frustrating in itself.
  9. I'm personally a little disappointed we've not been able to find a place for him, but I'm not displeased to see him moved off the wage bill if he's not in Clement's plans.
  10. 5 yellows in 5 starts last season. (15 appearances in total.) 10 yellows in 38 appearances for Birmingham the year before. There's not been a red card in at least the last 4 years, as far as I can see.
  11. Not a passer or goalscorer, but likes to dribble (successfully) and assist, looks combative, likes to get stuck into the defensive side.
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