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Everything posted by BlackSocksRedTops

  1. His approach in that game against them was unforgivable. The whole world could see that MacGregor had too much space apart from MB.
  2. Steve Davis? Is this the same Steve Davis that was still around at the club despite being effectively retired? 🤔
  3. Steve Davis? Is this the same Steve Davis that was still around at the club despite being effectively retired? 🤔
  4. I don't get this understanding the club stuff. Its way overstated. Celtic won the league 2 years running with the aid of 3 Japanese players who probably didn't understand what Celtic was. What they did understand was that hard work wins over fans and reaps rewards. They also understood a manager with a clear plan and structure. For me it's that bloody simple.
  5. He has been awful but in his defence (of sorts) the whole team has been awful. Whatever skill set he has, our team is simply not set up to get the best out of him. Same for Lammers. Same for Danilio. We simply don't create chances.
  6. I'm intrigued by the 2 additional votes stating Beale should stay. Could those posters please put their case forward as to why he should remain? The players are clearly not playing for him.
  7. Would signing Scottish talent, eg. Shankland and Nisbet, mean more goals? We are a team set up to not make chances. It's criminal. I'm done watching Tav continually hit those floating and aimless crosses to no one.
  8. Get rid of the manager. Get rid of that god awful Tina Turner garbage. All remnants of 9 in a row should be assigned to our museum. We are far from Simply The Best. More annoyed than I was yesterday.
  9. Of course they would. You're being silly now.
  10. By Monday? I would be surprised if he is still the manager after tonight.
  11. Maybe I'm stating the obvious but the players are playing like the don't believe in what they are doing and that comes down to the manager. Bye bye Mr Beale. Yer time is up.
  12. Didn't they do this at the start of the season? I'm sure I've read about this before.
  13. I watched the Motherwell game back and it was worse the 2nd time around. I then watched Pasolini's Salo to cheer me up...🤣🤣🤣
  14. Alisha Lehmann will look horrible in that strip.... not 😏
  15. I may go against the grain but I like it. Its an obvious cash grab but at least its new and different. Words not often associated with our club of late. Most of our strips seem to be rehashes of old 9 in a row strips and it's became stale and boring. I wonder what the shorts are like?
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