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Posts posted by BlackSocksRedTops

  1. Interesting to see Copenhagen winning 2-0 away to Galatasaray in the CL. I wonder what their budget is compared to ours. 


    Anyhow...here's my team for Thursday for what it's worth.










    Doubt it will happen but God knows we need a reboot/refresh. Our football is slow and turgid. 3 at the back offers more security IMO



  2. 49 minutes ago, Scott7 said:

    I wish they had to pay for a ticket for that god-awful drum. Moderately priced at £200.00 a match - per half.

    To be honest, I would choose the sound of those drums over the non stop dirge about Bobby Sands anyday of the week. That stuff is embarrassing.

  3. 15 minutes ago, Sutton_blows_goats said:

    Its not just the actual training, its the recovery and medical facilities. IIRC we have a cryro chamber at the training centre to help with post training recovery.

    I presume we are not just giving them it for nothing....💰

  4. 1 hour ago, Gonzo79 said:

    I would normally agree but I'm not looking forward to the match at St Johnstone. We've had a few slip ups there recently. 

    Can't say I've ever enjoyed us going to McDairmad Park. Much like Rugby Park, games always seem to be turgid affairs. 

  5. 22 minutes ago, Rousseau said:

    For me, style of play is a prerequisite of success.


    I don't mean playing fancy football for the sake of it; I mean a successful style of play.

    Very few teams have sustained success by playing awful and aimless football. Teams can adopt a certain style in knockout football (as we did on the run to Manchester) but that won't cut it in the long haul of a league season. 

  6. 7 minutes ago, Uilleam said:

    And David Weir will be coming in as DoF.


    What was that tune the band was fond of playing?


    Ana Markovic and Alisha Lehmann joining the ladies team as part of the same rumour...🤪🤪🤪🤪




  7. 8 minutes ago, Uilleam said:

    There is a rumour -there's always a rumour- which suggests that MB + staff are away, with an announcement scheduled, to that effect, on Monday. This, purportedly comes from a source inside the Club.   

    Oh, and the replacement manager will be some guy called Potter.

    Some guy called Potter? You're getting me excited...




  8. On 07/09/2023 at 11:41, ranger_syntax said:

    Scrap the transfer window completely.

    I don't mind a transfer window as such but it should close right at the start of August to stop potential squad disruption.

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