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Everything posted by CammyF

  1. Just home and that is a sore one to take. Started well, got into a lead, they had a man sent off and we were in the box seat. 2nd half started the same way as 2nd half did last week and we lose 2 terrible goals. Goldson and Balogun all over the place for the goals. The SPFL title was and is our No1 priority given it means automatic entry into the CL group stages and secured us circa £30M. However we are 1 OF defeat away from a crisis and serious questions being asked of the managers and players. I have utter confidence that they can turn it around, but they are running out of time. Roll on Friday ?
  2. Voted Helander - best of a bad bunch...
  3. You know the SPFL have no grounds to show we have breached any contracts or rules, otherwise we would have been severely punished by SPFL by now. Interesting to read the SPFL want proof of Rangers claims but have thus far, sidestepped the very pertinent questions SR raised in his initial response. Would also be interesting as to who benefits from the £500,000 finders fee for this deal and will they still expect payment if the deal collapses? As said by others, Rangers don't need to do anything other than we are doing at the moment. SPFL wanting access to commercially sensitive contracts screams of desperation, as does kicking this up to their "big brother" to "get us into line".
  4. Puts today's result / performance into perspective. Thoughts and best wishes to Kemar and his family.
  5. Nothing like giving players a chance eh? Bet you said the same when Borna struggled for 12 - 18 months?
  6. Maybe cancel all tickets for Tuesday, we were amazing with no fans (no pressure) in stadiums.
  7. Sack SG, sell Kent, Tav, Alfie, storm the car park, overthrow the monarchy....
  8. Our strikers have been so poor we've made Mulgrew look like an international centre half.
  9. When's the last time we suffered back to back defeats?
  10. Lucky deflection but defence sleeping again. Uphill battle now.
  11. Debatable if that could have been a red card for Mulgrew, but we need our players to start showing their quality and fitness in 2nd half.
  12. Very open game and hopefully or front 3 can begin to click as they can be the difference
  13. Aye but wait til we sign Kane and Messi, it'll be even stronger ? Roofe missing due to a family issue
  14. No Roofe or Fashion Jr. Strange as neither were mentioned as doubts in the press conformance
  15. Emails are out - £29 for adults. Saying smartcard will be activated for those in CCCS.
  16. Press release says emails to be sent to season ticket holders today.
  17. It would be but can't see them throwing away over £1M of much needed revenue. Does this announcement mean we'll be "accommodating" away supporters (domestically)?
  18. Apparently Murdo is in GB news tonight at 8PM iscussing this exact issue. Might be worth a watch.
  19. Stewart Robertson writes to all clubs in response to MacClellans letter. Some interesting points raised and leaves Doncaster out on a limb. https://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/sport/football/7504868/rangers-stewart-robertson-letter-clubs-spfl-cinch-row/amp/?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Twitter
  20. Yeah typical SNP - ignore the issues and throw accusations around hoping they stick.
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