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Everything posted by CammyF

  1. We had a decent start to the game but that was a bad goal to lose.
  2. Is it wrong that I'm stirring watch this game with no nerves? 1st time in years lol
  3. When Connor Goldson states in his interview, voice cracking with emotion, that racism is rife, getting worse and going unpunished, it's time for us all to sit up, take notice and self reflect. When Glen Kamara has to issue a statement via his lawyer as he is being called a liar, it's time for us all to sit up, take notice and self reflect. Social media is a cesspit of uncensored racism from all corners of the world, it has to stop / be stopped
  4. I said it's the worst it's been in my lifetime (or that I can remember). Segregation was awful and thankfully repelled, however having lived in the US there are certain areas who'd happily bring it back. Racism is rife and you're right, social media is the platform of choice for your modern day racist scumbag. In fact, if the allegations are true, it appears Slavia are setting up social media accounts and using these fake accounts to target Kamara with more disgusting racist abuse.
  5. Glen Kamara statement There is no place for racism or any form of bigotry in football. Since summer many of us have taken the knee in solidarity with those who have lost their lives to racial violence. If UEFA genuinely wants to 'show racism the red card', then it’s time to stop the tokenism and take a zero-tolerance approach.As a player I do not expect myself, nor any other to have to tolerate racial hatred on or off the pitch in 2021. The vile racist abuse by Ondrej Kedel, took place on the international stage, and any failure to act by UEFA will be viewed as a greenlight for racism.During yesterday’s match with Slavia Prague, Kedel was arguing with a Rangers player and after I tried to intervene, he told me to shut up and then said 'one second my friend'.He then came over to me covering his mouth, leaning into my ear, he uttered the words – 'You’re a f****** monkey, you know you are”I was shocked and horrified to hear such racist abuse from a professional football player. Kedel’s claim he simply swore at me and said 'You’re a f****** guy” is a complete and utter lie, which does not stand up to any form of scrutiny."Kedel’s actions were deliberate and premeditated, but he was loud enough for my team-mate Bongani Zungu to hear what was said."I am grateful for the unconditional support of my team, our club and especially our manager Steven Gerrard. "I want to thank not just our Rangers fans, but the many fans from across the football community and beyond, for calling out racism not just against myself, but also fellow player Kemar Roofe, who was subjected to a tirade of racist bile on Instagram."We as black players are sick of the freedom that such bigots are given to parade their hatred on social media and wonder when the likes of Instagram will start to take action.
  6. Statement from Glen Kamara - well said Glen, 100% behind you. Over to you UEFA; There is no place for racism or any form of bigotry in football. Since summer many of us have taken the knee in solidarity with those who have lost their lives to racial violence. If UEFA genuinely wants to 'show racism the red card', then it’s time to stop the tokenism and take a zero-tolerance approach.As a player I do not expect myself, nor any other to have to tolerate racial hatred on or off the pitch in 2021. The vile racist abuse by Ondrej Kedel, took place on the international stage, and any failure to act by UEFA will be viewed as a greenlight for racism.During yesterday’s match with Slavia Prague, Kedel was arguing with a Rangers player and after I tried to intervene, he told me to shut up and then said 'one second my friend'.He then came over to me covering his mouth, leaning into my ear, he uttered the words – 'You’re a f****** monkey, you know you are”I was shocked and horrified to hear such racist abuse from a professional football player. Kedel’s claim he simply swore at me and said 'You’re a f****** guy” is a complete and utter lie, which does not stand up to any form of scrutiny."Kedel’s actions were deliberate and premeditated, but he was loud enough for my team-mate Bongani Zungu to hear what was said."I am grateful for the unconditional support of my team, our club and especially our manager Steven Gerrard."I want to thank not just our Rangers fans, but the many fans from across the football community and beyond, for calling out racism not just against myself, but also fellow player Kemar Roofe, who was subjected to a tirade of racist bile on Instagram."We as black players are sick of the freedom that such bigots are given to parade their hatred on social media and wonder when the likes of Instagram will start to take action.
  7. Certainly looks like a team who were cowering in their dressing room, having to get Police and Embassy to get them safe passage out of Ibrox.... lying racist bastards (allegedly).
  8. Voted for Kent- clearly targeted by Slavia as our danger man. Patterson had a decent game as did Kamara.
  9. Is it? That's your opinion, I stick by mine. Really not in the mood to get into this tonight, I'm still seething regarding the latest episode in a sad long line of Rangers players being racially abused recently (It's not confined to Rangers players or even the UK, it's all over).
  10. Slavia telling that much lies, and still Police Scotland have not received any complaint from them (or us).
  11. Racism is rife in society, as last night has shown, and its probably the worst it has been in my lifetime. Social media has a lot to answer for, allowing faceless keyboard warriors to pollute all platforms with their racist shit. Gestures may be futile but until punishments are handed out, then what else can we do? It has to be highlighted and should never be ignored. No one should have to put with with being abused - anyone dishing out abuse should be dealt with appropriately- it's as simple as that
  12. Racism all any form is abhorrent and has no place in society. Nobody should be subject to racial abuse full stop. Anyone who behaves in a racist manner should be dealt with appropriately. However, we still don't take racism seriously and punishments (if they are even handed out) are not befitting the crime. An example is the recent Ian Wright case. UEFA will "dodge" this situation but we can't let it slide. Line in the sand time and I stand squarely behind our club, management and players. As Frankie says, seeing the reaction last night of our players and management, it is a good time for self reflection and honest assessment to see if I, you, us are doing enough to eradicate racist abuse. We can lead hear and this statement raises the bar and we all need to get 100% behind the club, management and players. One Glenn Kamara - kick out racist scum.
  13. There were, they won the tie and were better (or wiser) all over the pitch than us for most of the tie. They done a number on us, kicked Kent off the pitch as they had obviously identified him as out match winner. Streetwise, dirty, aledged racists but the better team.
  14. Look on the bright side, our FM and Justice Minister will back us to the hilt on this
  15. It appears that other players (from both sides) heard the remark. Rangers need to get the UEFA delegate involved prior to Slavia leaving the stadium
  16. I find it hard that some Rangers fans just can't admit this! It's no slight on our club, players or management team that we sometimes will face teams that are better than us and that will best us. It always has to be our players or management teams failings rather that the opposition just being better.
  17. Can't win every game - 2nd game we've lost all season FFS
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