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Everything posted by CammyF

  1. That had been on the cards- this is a really good team we are playing here. Need to up our performance
  2. Been a fast, furious and open start - just what my nerves need
  3. If SG does support BLM and their policies then it's his choice, no? I would imagine he supports the anti-racism message and the aim to eradicate racism from sport and society in general (which I think we all would support). As I said earlier I'll support our club in whatever stance they take regarding "taking the knee". As to the wider arguement regarding the BLM movement, in my experience the far left and far right are just two cheeks of the same arse.
  4. As long as our players want to continue with it, I'll support them and if they want to ditch it, I'll also support then. Racism is still an issue, arguments could be if taking the knee is the correct way to tackle racism in football and wider society. This is a decision for the players and management to make.
  5. The club that don't do statements release another statement - disappointed they never mentioned / updated us on the well being of the sharks, hey-ho. Given their recent history on social media, it'll be interesting to see how long this lasts before being pulled ?
  6. Wow, thought it was their new management team.
  7. Very clever response from Rangers. Read the report, digested it and now responded to it.
  8. SNP have bigger fish to fry at the moment. Internal fighting over Alex Salmond and the Hate Bill. Polls showing them losing support in run up to Scottish elections, and more importantly for them as a single policy party, support for independence dropping below 50%. They are surviving votes of no confidence solely due to The Green Party supporting them. Last Saturday and Sunday was a welcome distraction for them and they'll bleed it dry but won't do anything that'll refocus on their shortcomings (which there are many). Expect much more gestering, threats, messages and condemnation. However, what they have done is bring into focus mass gatherings. In 2 weeks time if there is no major spike in Covid cases in Glasgow, people are going to quite rightly asked why we are still locked down.
  9. Helander all day long - Slavia switched their front 3 constantly as none of them could get any change out of Big Fil. World class save from Greegs, great block and decent 2nd half from Patterson and Goldson was solid.
  10. Politicians using current events to deflect from their own shortcomings and failings is nothing new. As the events of Saturday and Sunday fade, and football people start responding saying what can we do, the more backed into a corner politicians are. Will the game get cancelled? Hell no. Will it get moved, more than likely. 12:30PM Monday 22nd would be my guess.
  11. Brilliant result, still unbeaten in Europe. Well done Rangers.
  12. That's as good a save as you are likely to see - World class.
  13. Getting some great experience and exposure before he's sacked
  14. Another chance, Goldson just had to connect to brilliant Borna free-kick
  15. Not the best opening 20mins but crucial away goal secured.
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