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Everything posted by CammyF

  1. When did I say that? In opinion anyone criticising players for standing up to racism has an agenda. This is not and never has been about BLM movement, it's in support of anti-racism. My 9 year old boys have the intelligence to see the difference, why can't a minority of Rangers fans. I don't agree 100% with BLMUK, but I do support our players 100%, and I am 100% anti-racism. You can do both you know.
  2. If it's not Rangers fans who are they? If I posted a racist post in here, would it be undeniable from a Rangers fan? You are either trolling or deranged.
  3. Head in the sand again. What more evidence do you need, I posted comments and pointed you to where the abuse can be found. If it's a signed confession from these "Rangers" fans that you're looking for I might be struggling. In saying that, you'll probably say the signature was forged ? To say Rangers (and all other clubs) don't have a minority of racists / bigots in our / their support is not jumping to conclusions, it's an undeniable truth. And ours, to the department of the club and our players and staff, have been very vocal over the past 3 to 4 days. So much so, our board have had to release a statement supporting the players and management for taking a stance against racism. Now we havebloons trying to equate this to Marxist world domination and anti-white racism, or maybe they are jumping to conclusions? I know I keep saying this, but now I'm done - if you have an issue, take it up with the players or the club. The club have been crystal clear on this, and I'm 100% behind them and the players. Everyone, Anyone?
  4. I posted responses last night and they were (rightly) removed. Try Twitter, FB, Rangers sites, Instigrsm etc. All the negative and abusive comments are not from Celtic trolls. Social media is a cesspit and a platform for loons.
  5. Whilst there were undoubtedly fans of other clubs trolling our players and the club's accounts over this, there was / are undoubtedly also Rangers fans abusing our players. To think otherwise is naive in the extreme.
  6. Statement discussed on Heart and Hand podcast - well worth a listen. https://www.patreon.com/posts/39516798
  7. Not a problem- I really didn't want to post them but thought it was highlighting an issue which was on topic. Completely understand and in hindsight, maybe shouldn't have posted them. No need for you and or Frankie to put them back up - consign them to the trash as that's where they belong.
  8. Here is Heart and Hand podcast featuring a mixed race fan of Rangers discussing this issue - listen and let this sink in. https://www.patreon.com/posts/39516798
  9. This isn't racist? "Notice that it’s the mixed race who are the most vociferous in this? Strange as they are neither black nor white..." If these aren't racist enough for you, then go have a look on Twitter (I refuse as it's a cesspit but have been made aware of some comments).
  10. Have a look on-line, have a look at the replies to CG, have a look at the replies to the club's statement, read Rangers message boards. Club have made a statement, and a clear one at that. I'll leave it at that.
  11. Oh plenty are suggesting this - well of CG at least. But hey we only bow for the Queen apparently ?
  12. So given our Manager has taken to his knee and used the fist salute, are we to believe him to be an anti-white, black supremacist, Marxist, statue destroying, Pailistinian supporter, anti-nucular weapon, rioting agitator / supporter?
  13. I don't understand the last part of your post. Alfredo was abused by a troll that appeared to be a Celtic fan I am sure Rangers have supported Alfredo in the past and did release a statement after the victory at Piggery Also, if you are in disagreement with this, or any other previous club statements (or non-support) feel free to take it with them - sure they will be delighted to communicate with you.
  14. Timely and welcome statement from the club. Supports our player who has been a serial victim of racial abuse in this country and supports our players stance against racism. It is now clear it is a stance against racism and not any political statement or gesture. Also supports and pushed the EA platform.
  15. 100% - so many people quick to dismiss the Black Lives Matter slogan and talk about the Black Live Matter movement. Our players and management are supporting the slogan and message and supporting anti-racism not a (perceived) Marxist Movement. Its not to difficult to understand if you just sit back and think for a minute. SG raised his fist - is he showing supper for a black power movement that wants to enslave and degrade all white people?
  16. So where and when have any of them said that all lives don't matter? I think you'll find they'll believe, like most, that all lives do matter. However, there is undeniable racism faced by people of colour. They are right to call this out and right to highlight it now and to continue to highlight it until it stops. Yesterday, Alfredo was called a black bastard on Instigram. Undeniable racism that is received less uproar from Rangers fans than CG taking to his knee. Utterly baffling. Let's go after the racists and not those seeking to eliminate racism.
  17. So blithely accepting players taking to their knees opposing racism can be viewed as ignorant? How can anyone argue against anti-racism and players seeking equality? Are you seriously saying all our black players support tearing down statues, defunding the Police and the Palestine cause just because they take to their knee and rightly say black life's matter? Or are they just sick to the back teeth of being called a black bastard or similar? Said before on the same day Alfredo was racially abused, some Rangers fans appear to be more upset by CG taking to his knee opposing racism than Alfredo being racially abused. Anyway, splattered all over the media now - we have a choice, we either support or players and club, or we publically criticise them - know the path I'll be taking
  18. People can criticise away but it makes them look ignorant fools. Imagine taking to the knee to oppose racism - pesky Marxists the lot of them eh.... Players are partaking in the "circus" against racism and support for equality - not hard to understand is it? If you don't agree with it, fare play, just ignore it. No need to criticise those doing it and telling them to get to fuck out of "our club". Personally I'd take 1 Connor Goldson over 10,000 racist arseholes every day of the week. Now being reported in the media, so as said above by forlanssister, a complete and utterly avoidable PR disaster.
  19. Interesting to hear SG talk about "egos" in the youth ranks. Was this directed at Kia Kennedy in particular or a shot across the bows of the youth players in general? May also be behind the coaching reshuffle?
  20. For however long it takes for arseholes to stop racially abusing people - simples
  21. With out going back and rereading Goldson's posts, I'm sure he mentions discussions, education ect. Said earlier, if any Rangers fan has an issue with our players taking the knee, or raising the first, engage with the club and the player rather than abusing them anonymously on social media - does neither party any good.
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