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Everything posted by CammyF

  1. Both parties making all the right noises and at last, looks like we may have a Commercial Department that will enhance our brand. Also great news that investment will be made available for redevelopment of the mega-store. Will be fantastic to have this back.
  2. Another decent article from Tom English https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/52646285
  3. League will be called tomorrow / Thursday handing Celtic their (tainted) 9 in a row.
  4. If you take out the votes of the SPFL board members, that figure rises to over 41% dissension.
  5. 13 for 2 abstained 27 against What a next step? Court or a vote of no confidence?
  6. The number of abstainees may be important. At 14 votes we have a third of clubs wanting an investigation, what percentage abstaining could be significant? Is 33% enough to call a vote of no confidence? Wonder how the man who said his job is to serve all 42 clubs equally will spin a third of these have no confidence in him?
  7. BBC reporting 14 clubs voting for independent investigation with some clubs abstaining.
  8. Whilst covering Rugby, English was an outstanding journalist. His books, especially; The Grudge: Two Nations, One Match, No Holds Barred, are great reading.
  9. I think, and I may be wrong, but serious journalists like Tom English can see that there is a massive story here (including a back story). For them to get access to all the information, they have had to keep clubs with the evidence onside. Nothing wrong with this, there is a story here and hopefully someone will make themselves famous by uncovering and reporting it. Other like Jackson are no more journalists than you or me, they write for gutter rags and cannot and should not be taken seriously. Hopefully they'll be exposed by ICT
  10. Brilliant statement from ICT and I hope and trust that they take this further. Some may call the article "robust" but others can see it as it was intended, a last ditch attempt to bully clubs into submission. Well done ICT for showing courage to stand up to the bullies, hope other clubs take note and follow.
  11. Another good interview with Gerry Britton Partick Thistle chief executive Gerry Britton believes it may only require the support of a third of the 42 member clubs at today’s EGM to convince the SPFL board that an independent inquiry into their corporate governance must go ahead.Backing for the resolution put forward by Rangers, Hearts and Stranraer appears to be gathering momentum, with Aberdeen joining 
Thistle in confirming that they will vote for it.However, the odds remain stacked against it receiving the 75 per cent of votes from each of the Premiership, Championship and Leagues 1 and 2 required to pass it under the SPFL’s regulations.But Britton feels the strength of feeling over the SPFL’s handling of last month’s vote on their own season-ending resolution could induce them to sanction an investigation regardless of how the numbers stack up at today’s ballot.“I think if you get anywhere approaching a third of the member clubs voting for it, then the power play for the SPFL, who say they are not a separate entity but are representing the member clubs, will surely be to say ‘OK, let’s do this for the benefit of those clubs’,” said Britton. “If you have a significant number of clubs backing it, and I’d say a third would be significant, then surely you say ‘bring it on’.“I would urge people to do the right thing for the good of the game. We want to have a streamlined organisation that has best practice. The league executive should want that as well. They should be able to accept critical evaluation.“The feedback I am getting is [some] people are scared to come out and call anyone out. They see the consequences and remember what has happened to clubs and individuals through the years who have put their head above the parapet. So it is encouraging to hear that clubs of the standing of Aberdeen are also calling for an investigation. It isn’t about picking sides, or backing one side of the Old Firm against the other, it is because it is the right thing to do. We want our game to survive – if we keep splitting in the manner we are, it is hard to imagine having a cohesive group if we continue to go down the path we are right now.”Aberdeen chairman Dave Cormack echoed Britton’s sentiments, insisting an independent investigation is the only course of action which could restore faith in SPFL chief executive Neil Doncaster and legal counsel Rod McKenzie whose suspensions have been called for by Rangers.Cormack said: “We reiterate our belief that an independent inquiry is the only way of drawing a line under what has become a highly damaging episode for the whole of Scottish football.“There is a distressing lack of confidence and trust between the SPFL leadership and many of the clubs, and it is hard to see a resolution, far less a reconciliation, without some form of impartial and objective assessment of the many claims and counter-claims.“Some of those involved will be prepared to make information known in confidence through an independent inquiry, which they would not otherwise be willing to 
disclose. The SPFL will be able to provide details of the contractual consequences for the SPFL of different outcomes, which they have felt unable to share with members, and therefore the opportunity to obtain confirmation that their proposal was the only practicable option available.“Importantly, there will be the opportunity for the SPFL’s chief executive and legal 
advisor to be cleared of the serious allegations that have been made. It is difficult to see how these outcomes could be achieved in a different way.”ĺ
  12. Well for as long as I can remember, as a club Celtic, their (ex) players and their fan base have been constantly telling us that there is conspiracy against them. Now here's there chance to prove it once and for all. Why would they vote against this?
  13. Right, what's going on? Shoo Keevins just said on RV that an independent investigation is merited and required (he did say it was to rebuke Rangers claims) ?
  14. Aye, I bullied clubs but on behalf of DAFC not SPFL ? Couldn't make it up....
  15. Aberdeen statement - wasn't expecting this ; Aberdeen Football Club will vote for the resolution at tomorrow’s SPFL EGM. Chairman, Dave Cormack, sets out the Club’s position. “We reiterate our belief that an independent inquiry is the only way of drawing a line under what has become a highly damaging episode for the whole of Scottish football.
  16. https://mobile.twitter.com/i/web/status/1259815604342722560 Neil, Neil, Neil..... keep digging pal
  17. Kris Commons backs Rangers investigation call as Celtic hero pinpoints Neil Doncaster interview tipping pointThe outspoken pundit reckons there are enough unanswered questions that a full investigation must take place.Kris Commons has revealed he now backs Rangers ' call for an independent investigation into the SPFL due to the volume of "unanswered questions" surrounding eventsAn EGM vote will take place at 11am tomorrow where all 42 clubs will have their say on the conduct of the league body since the already infamous Good Friday disagreement.The pundit has admitted he has done a 180-degree turn since initially feeling the Ibrox club were motivated by self-interest.That change of heart has been provoked by the number of clubs coming forward in recent days to express serious concerns and his thoughts towards an interview conducted by Neil Doncaster on radio.And Commons feels Rangers' offer to pay for the probe has removed the key obstacle preventing it from happening.He wrote in the Daily Mail : "If I’m a club chairman tomorrow, there’s no doubt in my mind that I’ll be voting in favour of an independent investigation into the SPFL’s handling of the resolution to end leagues as they stood."I think there are now enough unanswered questions about the whole sorry episode. They are also being asked by enough different people."The fact Rangers are prepared to fund it removes one obstacle and also suggests they feel they will be vindicated. So there’s nothing to lose."When it all kicked off a few weeks back, I thought Rangers were only mouthing off because they didn’t get their way. I thought they should let it go."But the accusations have come thick and fast since. In the past week, we've heard Hearts, Partick Thistle, Inverness, Falkirk, Stranraer, Brora and Kelty all have their say."They all believe the way this affair has been handled hasn’t been so much mediocre as pathetic."The former Celtic and Hibs midfielder admits that hearing SPFL chief executive Neil Doncaster 's radio interview on BBC Sportsound yesterday was the tipping point in his decision.He added: "I was already swaying towards a fresh inquiry before I heard Neil Doncaster on the radio yesterday and that made my mind up."One of the first things he said was that the SPFL had done everything 100-per-cent professionally. But with his next breath, he admitted they’d made mistakes. So which is it? What mistakes were made? How big were they? I’d like to know this and I’m sure I’m not alone.""For the game to move forward, there needs to be confidence in those running the game and, right now, we don’t have that."Throughout this, Doncaster has shown no leadership. From Scottish football’s perspective, zero positive has come out of this so far
  18. It's almost word for word what he said on Sportsound earlier this afternoon.
  19. Doncaster Q&A with Keith Jackson to be released tonight....
  20. Quotes from Kenny Dalgliesh in today's Sunday Post "We’re almost two months into football’s lockdown and still we have no sense of direction from the SPFL.The governing body’s hierarchy has been unable – or even incapable – of preventing bitter in-fighting to take over the Scottish game, with no end to the rancour in sight.The biggest headlines have come from their war of words with Rangers.This is something that may well have been festering since 2012, the year the Ibrox club was put down the leagues and told to start again.That move really knocked Rangers for six, and it was four years before they made it back to the top flight. The club has kicked on since, and has made big strides on and off the park, with the appointment of Steven Gerrard as manager being the most significant move of all. But they still have a long way to go.""The 200-page Ibrox report may well have lacked something really explosive, but it raised matters that need to be addressed and looked at closely. For this to be passed, it requires 75 per cent of the SPFL clubs to vote in favour.It is down to them to cast their vote, based both on the Rangers dossier and their own personal experiences.That’s why I found it a bit strange that the SPFL should be so dismissive, so quickly, of the report. Was it really their place to do that before the votes had been cast?Overall, it has been extremely unpleasant. It is still a mess. Indeed, it is totally toxic."
  21. Think they'll be picking up their collective jaws off the floor ?
  22. We shouldn't forget Chick Dungs performance this afternoon - the classic ; "how can it be an independent investigation if Rangers are paying for it"......
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