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Everything posted by CammyF

  1. According to the headline in todays Evening Times, we are trying to get Slovakian Martin Skrtel from Zenit as a (or part of ) a swap deal for Fernando. http://www.eveningtimes.co.uk (page goes live at 5:00PM) Cammy F
  2. LL Hutton Svensson J-Rod Smith Clement Hendami Burke Buffel Sionko Boyd ------ Cammy F
  3. Yip, going over to EEP on Sunday - sorry Del / Gersfem no spares (yet) - don't rule out a phone call on Sunday Cammy F
  4. Rino, The Star have already ran a report that states hooligans from most London clubs have agreed to put their differences aside and will all attend this game to have a go at Timmy and that Rangers casuals are behind all this. So, if any trouble does happen, thanks to The Star, they have a ready made alibi - it was those Rangers fans again.... As you say, how can any law enforcement officer, nah, normal human being, protect anyone singing the praises of child murdering scumbags - only in this fooked up country - thanks Mr McConnell. Cammy F
  5. http://english.ohmynews.com/articleview/article_view.asp?at_code=351189&no=309770&rel_no=1 Cammy F
  6. It appears that Strathclyde Police, at our expense will act as protection for Craptic fans travelling to London. It has been muted that some of the Chelsea fans aren't happy that a support base who openly sing anti-English/British songs, glorifying terrorists and murderers of British civilians are planning a wee welcoming committee. So, Craptic agree to play in this friendly, get paid a fair amount of dosh for it, yet you and me are expected to foot the bill for Scottish Police Officers to 'protect' their fans for breaking the law... As I keep saying, this is one fooked up country we live in. Cammy F
  7. Exactly, was just about to edit the post and point that out Frankie. Cammy F
  8. CammyF

    PLG incident

    Are they? So far this season, Craptic fans have; Assualted the Rangers manager (French Catholic, it would be interesting to find out if the fact that he is the Rangers manager or a Catholic was behind the attack). Once again a Craptic fan has ran onto the pitch putting the safety of players and officials in danger They have sung both sectarian and terrorist songs at both legaue games played so far, hence face a SFA and UEFA investigation Craptic's singing section had split due to members wanting to continue to sing IRA and sectarian songs - both have IRA emblems and names etc - one actually paid a convicted IRA terrorist to paint the Jock Stein banner, with the clubs knowledge and support. Two Craptic players caught singing IRA during a CLUB function in a hotel run by, lets say a man of ill-repute. They have broke into the Rangers trophy room, taken photo's that poked fun at a dead Rangers fan. Craptic and Hearts casuals fought all the way from Tynecastle to Haymarket after the game on Sunday, smashing windows etc. Maybe Colshy has a point.... or has that 'Juan Gy' been really busy? Cammy F
  9. Has a story about 'Craptic jokers' swapping the Cup Winners Cup for a Lucozade bottle in the Ibrox Trophy Room. Now, this story has only ever been highlighted on 2 websites, FF and Terrorist Minded. So, The Sun MUST have picked this up from either site. Now, this is where it gets interesting - the bottle of Lucazade is a dig at as FF poster who sadly died whilst posting on FF one night - he had a reputation of banter with Tims and always won his arguements with jovality and facts. In fact, the thread on Terrorist Minded about this photo included Tims holding a 'God Bless The Pope' scarf at the FF posters memorial brick outside the Broomie Stand (yes, they actually searched the entire wall for his brick). Tims have also used his name whilst phoning up phone-ins and having digs at him, Rangers and the Rangers fans. There are no depths these these scumbags, yes, that is what they are, won't plummit to. And as for The Sun, they know the whole story, yet print this as a joke by Tims. Aye, some fooking joke. http://forum.followfollow.com/showthread.php?t=134956 Cammy F
  10. CammyF

    PLG incident

    Steve, this is the same force that refused to arrest even one Craptic fan for openly breaking the laws of this country - not one Craptic fan arrested for their entrie section singing the praises of terrorists (and sectarian songs). Doesn't back-chat imply that PLG said something FIRST and Timmy retaliated? Here we go, not only are the lap-dhogs in the mhedia turning this into PLG's fault, but the Police are implying that Timmy 'retaliated'.... Compare and contrast OUR mhedias reporting on this incident to a report from SWEDEN - From Sweden's Aftonbladet - if only the Scottish press had the same guts. I'd not heard about the damage to the car before....... Link : http://www.aftonbladet.se/vss/sport/...868292,00.html Translation : Kalle Svensson's manager attacked by Celtic fans. Kalle Svensson manager in Glasgow Rangers, Paul le Guen was attacked on Sunday by enraged Celtic fans. The frenchman managed to get into his car but a side mirror and a side window were smashed. The attack happened after Celtics away match against Hearts. Celtic lost unexpectantly at Tyncastle and the fans were substantially enraged when they got sight of their rivals trainer. Other that the damage to the car Le Guen was verbally abused, and the damage has now been reported to the police. ------------------------------------------------ This is one fooked up country we are living in at the moment. Cammy F
  11. CammyF

    PLG incident

    I am sure the culprits will be dealt with in a serious manner, just like the lighter thrower and the dude who smashed up Shug Dallas' windows :admin: Acht, sure its just 'Juan Guy'...... Cammy F
  12. I think Wallace Mercer was only wrong in the way he approached the subject - instead of trying to sell it as a 'take-over' he'd have been better selling it as a 'merger'. However, he possibly did this to ensure that he had as many Hearts fans on his side as possible. Scotland has far to many clubs for the population to sustain. I know folks will point out that some of these small provincial clubs are run correctly, have little or no debt and serve the community. But, for Scottohs football to florish, some sort or merging or even stadium sharing needs to happen. Cammy F
  13. Some reasoned arguements there, but for me, playing the same teams 6 times per season (if you are unlucky) is not entertaining nor interesting. Cammy F
  14. Thanks for the clarification, but your oringinal quote was open to misrepresentation. Cammy F
  15. CammyF

    PLG incident

    And that's all I was trying to do...... make people smile - can I be renamed GersNet's Richard Prior (more like Chubby Brown before any of you smart bassas says anything) Cammy F
  16. Joining the RST is the best �£10 I've spent this year .... http://www.rangerssupporterstrust.co.uk/news/2006/070806.html Cammy F
  17. Gazza, what Keevins, Traynor, Speirs etc need to understand is that it doesn't matter what he wants to, or doesn't want to hear, but what UEFA deem as inappropriate. As it stands, we have to refrain from TBB's and Eff-Tee-Peeing - as long as we do, we are untouchable and they know it. Cammy F
  18. Can't and wouldn't want PLG to change a formation that won him titles, European success and plaudits with Lyon, just because we draw with DUFC and only being two games into the season. We created untold chances yesterday and probably should have had the game won by half-time, 6-1 wouldn't have been an unfair scoreline at half-time. I think we need to give PLG time to get the correct players slotted into his favoured system. For what it is worth, I can see Dado and Adam dropping to the bench on Sunday with Boyd and Sebo/Burke taking their places. When Fergie is fit, he will take Hendami's place in the team. If we continue to play football the way we have for the majority of the last 2 games, I don't think it'll take long for the players to settle into the formation and for his to click and enjoy the rewards. Cammy F
  19. CammyF

    PLG incident

    In an act of sheer and utter folly, and one that could be regarded as sectarian, new Rangers manager Paul Le Guen walked, as in an Orange Walk, through a crowd of defenceless and frightened Cratic supporters as the tried to escape the red hot hatred of Tynecastle Park on Sunday. After hearing 90 minutes of bile, filth and sectarian chanting, the Craptic fans were then faced with a one man march through their ranks that resembled Drumcree at the height of the tensions. Davie Provan has already written to Rangers to express his disgust at PLG throwing the fragile peace process into disarray. One innocent Craptic fan The herald spoke to said ââ?¬Ë?I was terrified, it was terrifying, I mean, even without the flutes, drums, sashes, bowler hats etc, we knew our lives were in danger and didnââ?¬â?¢t even have time to set up a residents committee. To say we were offended is an offence in its selfââ?¬â?¢. NBM stated that they hope Rangers would punish PLG and promised that it would do all in its power to put those DOBââ?¬â?¢s in their place, a statement and process that is supported fully by The Herald. Graeme ââ?¬Ë?Britneyââ?¬â?¢ Speirsââ?¬Â¦
  20. Only way to revamp it is to have a top league of 16 teams who play each other twice (once at home, once away). Bottom 2 teams get relegated, replaced by the top 2 from the first division. That means only 30 league games which would allow teams to take the CIS seriously again! This will NEVER happen, as the wee didy teams who claim that they can live and prosper without the OF don't want to lose one (or two) home gates against the OF. Cammy F
  21. CammyF

    PLG incident

    Yeah, imagine thinking that in the year 2006 that it is safe to walk down a road that is full of 'football supporters'.... PLG - a fool indeed...... Cammy F
  22. Hold the horses here Calscot - just reread your post and what is this implying I have spent untold �£thousands on season tickets, tops, pies, bovril, Rangers News, Programmes, Travel Club, Ready For The Future, Buy A Brick (I've bought 15 of the fookers).... Please do not lecture me, or anyone else on money given in the support of the club. If it is one penny, or millions, we are all the same - I spend what I can and have in the past, and will no doubt in the future, spend more than I can actually afford. Cammy F
  23. The Herald is now just a broadsheet version of the Craptic View. Cammy F
  24. Here is a comparison from Saturday ; Guy sitting 3 rows in front of me wearing an Arsenal top, sang his heart out all day, stood by the team and stayed for 90 mins. Guy sitting next to him in new Rangers away top, didn't sing, and left after 82 mins. Who would you rather have at Ibrox? Cammy F
  25. CammyF

    PLG incident

    M8, there is a lot more you can add to the list, but I wanted to keep it to 'recent' attacks - Ally Maxwell and John Brown spring to mind as does a certain Mr Gordon Strachan (not a Rangers player, but on the receiving end of Timmy's wrath)...! One I forgot to add was Chris Burke, affectionatly know as the F....... in the blue.. Cammy F
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