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Everything posted by CammyF

  1. Aye, Crocker and Andy Gray would be the ideal duo for me.... Cammy F
  2. Famously, Ian Paisley said NO and JFH has said no thanks to Craptic. Quite glad actually as I thought he could / would score for fun up here (JFH not Ian Paisley). Cammy F
  3. Am I the only one who thinks he is a huge pile of steaming dung? It's just that Wigan have confirmed that they are trying to sign him from Birmingham... Cammy F
  4. The price for watching football ââ?¬Ë?liveââ?¬â?¢ and in your ââ?¬Ë?armchairââ?¬â?¢ is rising and some of the ââ?¬Ë?armchairââ?¬â?¢ fans are up in arms over this. Now, I know that people donââ?¬â?¢t go to the football for genuine reasons ââ?¬â?? money, disability, illness etc, but why should those who treck the country in the middle of winter to watch a boring 0-0 draw subsidise those who sit in the comfort of their home? Also, many clubs would benefit if the armchair fans actually attended the games. Discussââ?¬Â¦. Cammy F
  5. Be careful for what you wish for Frankie - would you really want them replaced by Joke Brown, Andy Walker and Derek Shyte??? Cammy F
  6. Rino, I would NEVER ask anyone to support England - that is a personal choice. I don't support England - I just don't hate or dislike them. I don't mind them winning, as long as they are not playing Scotland. The same goes for Wales and NI....... Cammy F
  7. Whilst browsing the web, I stumbled across a Craptic fans low-down Scotland and Craptic full back Danny McGrain. It was implied that Danny was turned down by Rangers as he was believed to have been a ‘Catholic’. The evidence that was given to ‘prove’ this was an extract from Danny’s book were he states that a Rangers scout came along to watch him play for his school. The critiquer then rambles on about how this is ‘proof positive’ that we had a sectarian signing policy. Now, Danny went to a non-denominational school and if we did have a sectarian signing policy, surely a scout wouldn’t go and watch a ‘catholic school’ team as the critiquer implied? I and many others have offered up many names of players who were known to have been Catholic whom graced the jersey during this alleged signing policy time. I am sure there are others who didn’t want their religion know (as is their right). When Graeme Souness arrived at Rangers he tried to sign Ray Houghton who was a ROI international from Glasgow. Ray, who was friends with a family member of mine admitted that it was due to the expected reaction of ‘his community’ that stopped his from signing for Rangers. At the same time, Souness used my uncle as a sounding board for West Brom players and one, who was a Catholic was very close to signing until WBA doubled his wages and Rangers withdrew from the deal. Now, the player in question never raised a concern about his religion or the reception he would receive at Ibrox. Look at the problems Neil McCann, Albertz, Rino, Amo, MoJo and Chris Burke have faced from the non-sectarian jolly jaipsters. Also, it is only the Tims and the mhedia who are making a big deal regarding PLG’s religion – 99.9%, if not 100% of Rangers fans don’t care, and that is what riles them. I will leave you with a quote from a Linfield director relating to Catholics signing for them – the same could be argued about West of Scotland, Ulster and ROI catholics and catholics in general signing for us ; “We have an open, inclusive policy for signing players,” pointed out Kennedy. “We’ve always had it, although during the troubles it might have been more difficult because young boys might get into trouble with their own communities for signing for us. We’re very proud of the traditions of our club. At Linfield you’re expected to conduct yourself with dignity and uphold the standards of the club, on and off the field.” Cammy F
  8. I would like to challenge you to find anything in any thread that could be conceived as ââ?¬Ë?attackingââ?¬â?¢ Scotland national team? I have merely pointed out that recently, Scotland have been a heap of steaming dung. That is not attacking them, it is being realistic but some have taken this as anti-Scottish, or an attack on Scotland. Conversely, England have had a largely successful time of it recently. Semi and quarter finals and itââ?¬â?¢s a dozen years since they FAILED to qualify for a tournament ââ?¬â?? that is a record that MOST, if not ALL Scotland fans would gladly swap in a minute. To dispute that would be, and I quote myself here, as it is very apt, talking shit. I vividly remember great Scotland teams and great Scotland performances, both by individuals and collectively as a team. However, those days have passed now (sic), we no longer produce the likes of Baxter (who never played at a world cup), Law, Bremner, Lorimar, JG, Jardine, McGrain, KD, Souness and even the likes of McCoist, MoJo, Gough etc etc. Just because I can appreciate Englandââ?¬â?¢s ââ?¬Ë?successââ?¬â?¢ whilst admitting Scotlandââ?¬â?¢s failures doesnââ?¬â?¢t mean I an attacking Scotland, quite the opposite in fact. The best way to move forward and better yourself is to recognise your failings and try to improve on them. In saying that, Scotland will NEVER reach the heights of past glories, as IMO, we were punching way above our weight. IMO, success now for Scotland is just qualifying for championships and putting up decent showings in the qualifying groups. I would like nothing better than Scotland qualifying for the next WC and progressing from their group, but at this moment in time, that is like a Killie fan wanting his team to qualify for the CL and progress from the group stages ââ?¬â?? a great notion, but a pipe dream just the same. I do not like certain aspects of the international scene, I make no secret of it, but I do not think any less of any Rangers fan who passionately follows Scotland ââ?¬â?? to do so would be hypocritical as I used to follow Scotland as passionately as I did Rangers. I can not stand the anti-unionist, anti-English and ââ?¬Ë?little Scotlanderââ?¬â?¢ attitude of sections of the TA, I do not like the SFA for their treatment of Rangers and Rangers players in the last decade or so. So what, I donââ?¬â?¢t like the wee neds that ruin Scotlands streets, but none of that makes me less Scottish. Is their a rule, or an act of parliament (the Scottish shambles of a parliament that is) that dictates that you are not Scottish, or less Scottish if you donââ?¬â?¢t dress up as ââ?¬Ë?See You Jimmyââ?¬â?¢ or actively support the national football team? If there is, a HUGE percentage of the Scottish nation ainââ?¬â?¢t Scottish then. I have supported Scotland at football, rugby, cricket, bowls and athletics (commonwealth games and Olympics) but I have also enjoyed, congratulated, appreciated some wonderful performances at all of the above from non-Scots. Hold the bus, lets hang Cammy from the hanging tree for not being a ââ?¬Ë?true Scotsmanââ?¬â?¢Ã¢â?¬Â¦.. I remember applauding Juve off the pitch at Ibrox after that had embarrassed us ââ?¬â?? I wasnââ?¬â?¢t the only one either, they were unbelievable that evening and were applauded accordingly. So, does that make me less of a Rangers fan? However, as following both got too expensive and too tiresome if I am being honest, I chose Rangers above Scotland and have never regretted it. Does that choice make me less of a Scot or more of a Bear ââ?¬â?? off course it doesnââ?¬â?¢t only some one with an agenda would claim either to be honest. So there you have it, I understand the Rangers fans who follow Scotland and would never claim they were better / worse than me ââ?¬â?? I just hope that the Scotland supporting Rangers supporters would give me the same credit. Ah for a perfect world. Cammy F
  9. What about Follow The People .... Cammy F
  10. Care to expand on that, or am I reading too much into it? But it was personal - I even highlight that parts in this tread and I have doen the same previously in others I didn't say you had.... Cammy F
  11. Get a grip Gribz, he claimed anyone who used a freindly under Vogts as evidence was ignorant - oh, and guess who used it as evidence.... As I said, I'm fucked off with this place and certain members - I've had PM's asking what some peoples 'agendas' are, and I'm at a loss If the other Admin chose to ban me and or Calscot (or both) than I won't be back. Maybe it would be better if they just banned me as it is clear for me and many others that Calscot and other members have some personal problems with me. Cammy F
  12. Well, well Gribz, I suppose I shouldn't take the above personally, as they were all POSTED TOWARDS me - acht, maybe this daft English c*** has just made them up tho ???? Cammy F
  13. So next up is Calscots wee (highland scotty) lap dog.... Nah, he didn't post personal abuse, and neither did you - I mean neither of you have claimed that I support England and I am English and Calscot never called me ignorent - maybe I'm reading different post from you two - I'll save you the bother of walking Gribz, I'll fuck off as I can't stand this place at the moment Cammy F - Ignorent, English, Bigoted Wanker Loyal RSC
  14. What a dive (or was it a superman inpersonation) by Ronaldo in the France game - and he wonders why he gets booed - cheating fooker Cammy F
  15. Wonder if tey'll print my initials on my top - Brian John Knox Cammy F
  16. I was actually thinking it was closer than that - just shows you how your mind can play tricks on you..!! I remember that between 70 and 80 they didn't have a good record of qulaifying especially for the World Cup Cammy F
  17. I was going to refute that statement, but on reflextion, there is nothing I can say to refute it,..... Cammy F - Under The Thumb Loyal RSC
  18. I've booked my taxi - Mrs C is driving Congratulations and are you going to inform the posters of the impending good (well, depends on how you look at it!) news Cammy F
  19. Hope France win. Allez Les Blues, Allez Les Blues Cammy F
  20. Yip, a dozen years ago - oh for being as lucky and as bad as they are... Cammy F
  21. Did I say that? Doesn't matter who we beat - we didn't qualify and England did - simple as that... So I am ignorant now, add that to the list of personal traites you have claimed that I have... I don't see your point - I asked, apart from that occasion, when did we ever finsih 2nd. Oh, BTW, a 6-0 defeat is a disgrace in anyones lanuage What does this prove? England have beaten West Germany, Argentina, France etc in World Cup games - what does that prove???? OK, lets recap - after drawing with Brazil (a game we should have won) and Yugoslavia and defeating Ziare , we went home right? OK we were unlucky, but in the end, we went home - personally, I would have prefered to have scraped a 1-0 win against all 3 teams and qualified, but hey, I'm biased... Failing to qualify for the WC and Euro Championships and failing to progress when we do qualify is down to more that 'bad luck' - simple as that.. Utter nonsence - England are a far better team than we are - they constantly qualify for touriments and constantly get to the later stages - it is as simple as that. England have managed this with a string of poor managers..... Again, why the insinuation that I am not? I am biased but I am also realistic and admit that we are shit and have been for over 2 decades. IMO the last really good Scotland result was defeating France at Hampden 2-0 (Mojo with both goals). Cammy F
  22. Calscot - after taking time out due to your continued abuse of me, I thought we had gotten past this, but no - now I am ignorent and once again, you insinuate and question my nationality...Please can you tell me what your problem with me is? Seriously, this is starting to get personal and I don't know what I've done to deserve it? Please can you either stop abusing me on posts or I will ask (another) admin to either ban you or me from the forum. Cammy F EDIT - This was meant to have been a PM to Calscot but I hit the wrong button (doh) - I was going to delete it, but fcuk it, I'm leaving it up....
  23. But, due to Englands success they can't be paired in a group with Italy, Ukrane and France - that isn't luck, it is down to them continually qualifying for and progressing oin copmititions. I don't think you are getting at when I mentioned NI and Wales. It's like a London team winning the EPL - it is considered more of an achievement as they play more local derbies, even tho Chelsea SHOULD beat Arsenal, Spurs, Charlton, West Ham etc every time they play them. The same goes for England when they were paired with Wales, Scotland and or NI. As for this years WC, it was one of the weakest, but NOT the weakest - however, no matter how weak they still had to qualify, which they did at the top of the group. You can not ask for any more than that. And as I said, there is no arguing with Englands recent showings in the World Cup and Euro Championship, I can not remember the last time they failed to reach the knock-out stages of either..... that is down to consistancy not luck Cammy F
  24. I predict I'll get - DAFC, Killie (always get Killie), DUFC and Falkirk Cammy F
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