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Posts posted by CammyF

  1. Well there is actually no point in me speaking to you then and as far as i can see so is every word anybody else has to say. It just seems to go WHOOSH right over the top of you as much i as i can make out

    gersfem, I wouldn't worry about as some of us obviously don't measure up to some others expectations of 'Scots' and 'Rangers' fans.


    I mean, speaking personally, I am a Scot who loves his country, who wears his national dress, who supports his country at rugby, cricket, athletics etc but isn't blind to our wee countries problems. I am also proud of my wee countries ties to the UK and our neighbours England, Wales and NI....


    I am a Rangers fan who lives and breathes Rangers, who follows them all over the world and probably wrongly, puts Rangers before everything apart from my immediate family.


    But hey, thats just not good enough for some folks...


    Cammy F

  2. Try reading them again ;


    I quote


    Ah, but Rangers fans don't actually sing it for any real pride in Britain reasons, do they? They only do it to get up the noses of the Tims - just like most of our repertoire...


    So where is the sections, some, in there then Calscot?


    I quote again ;


    But let me ask you how often and where you sing these songs? Did you sing along when it was played at the BBC closedown? Would you sing them at Firhill if you just happened to support Partick Thistle instead?


    If that was aimed specifically at me, then who was it aimed at? You asked ME when and where I sung GSTQ. I, rightly IMO told you it was fuck all to do with you. Where and when I chose to sing OUR national anthem is my choice. But again, I'll humour you, as well as the previous places I have mentioned, I have sung it at official royal events, olympic games and whislt being drunk



    My main point is that just because you make an unprovoked attack on a guy with a Celtic top on does not mean you hate Catholics and just because you attack a guy with an England top does not mean you hate the English.


    But it does when the attacker shouts, 'This is Scotland, ya English *******' whilst hitting a 7 year old kid, who is actually from New Zealand........


    Cammy F

  3. Next season will be my 13th season as a season ticket holder. Like you Cammy I had been to the odd game here and there before I became a season ticket holder.


    The good times have easily outweighed the bad times and let's hope PLG can bring the good times back.


    Have you ever wondered how much money you've spent in those years Gazza - season tickets, burgers, pints, bus money, away tickets, european trips, programs, fanzines, tops, scarves etc, etc


    Also, have you ever thought how much the stress has taken off your lifespan :mad:


    Cammy F - Skint and dying 10 years before my time Loyal RSC


    And more to the point what can we rangers fans do to try and get ourselves one?


    Nothing - that is the annoying and fustrating thing about the whole issue. UEFA have confirmed that the only way for Ibrox to get a final is for the SFA to nominate us. Oh, they have also stated that if nominated, we would get a final.


    Cammy F

  5. I have just been looking thro some old Rangers memoribelia (sp) that I have lying around and noticed that this season will be the 25th consecutive season following Rangers for this old bear!


    I had been going prior to this, but it was only the odd game here and there. In fact, until then, my uncles used to all go to games in the local area (although most of them supported Rangers, Craptic, Hibs) rather than 'follow' one team and us, the nephews would be taken along.


    Now, I am not wanting praise for this, as there are far more dedicated fans than me around, but thought it was worth noting - wonder if DM has got me anything special for our anniversary :P


    Cammy F - Feeling Really Old Loyal RSC

  6. as gav mentioned earlier- if Ibrox got a euro final surely the SFA and Hampden would lose a lot of income...


    And my understanding is that the SFA still have quite a way to go to pay off the redevelopment of hampden.


    So it wouldnt make sense for the SFA to give ibrox a final- as much as we'd like to see it happen.


    PLUS theres the problem of the uproar from the other half of the city if we got a euro final and they didnt.


    But rino, Ibrox had 5 star accreditation YEARS before Hampden did. Why didn't the SFA nominate Ibrox then?


    Also, what does it matter what the yahoos think? Their stadium isn't up to standard, so it is UEFA not Rangers or the SFA that are stopping them getting a final, its their own cheapness...


    I can't be the only Rangers fan who is disgusted at the SFA not nominating us and the fact that we are the only 5-star stadium NOT to haver hosted a European final?


    Lets not forget that the SFA weren't shy in using Ibrox when it suited them for finals, semi-finals and intgernational games....


    Cammy F

  7. Why would the SFA put forward Ibrox when they have their own 5 star stadium (Hampden)?


    Ibrox had 5 star accreditation years before Hampden did. There was nothing stopping the SFA nominating Ibrox whilst Hampden was being refurbished or when it didn't meet the standards.


    And surely, given that it is the only 5 star stadium not to hold a UEFA final and it is a lasting memory to those who lost their lives at the disaster(s) then we deserve to be nominated?


    Cammy F

  8. An update on the original story, the lads father who was interviewed on radio 5 live last night said it wasn't a rangers top the attacker was wearing, but a scotland top... not that make any bit of difference, just thought I'd inform you all what was said by the lads father on radio last night.


    Take your points (Gazza and Craig) about the England top, it was just a suggestion and something I would have liked to seen happening thats all.


    Cammy F

  9. Did you expect anything less.


    A certain 3 star stadia will get it before we do!!


    UEFA only recognise 4 and 5 star stadia so technically, The Towers is on a par with the likes for Albion Rovers, Cowdenbeath and Alloas grounds :D


    Cammy F

  10. I agree that what Rangers have done is fantastic and the wee boy would love his day at Ibrox as a mascot but why should he wear an England top? It's a Rangers game he's going to. I can see where you're coming from Cammy but a Rangers game has nothing to do with England.


    It hasn't, but the lad was attacked by a 'Rangers' fan for being English (although he's not) and for wearing an England top. For that reason, I would like for him to see that the vast majority of Rangers fans have no problem with the English, or anyone wearing an England top (and I would say the same no matter what top the lad was wearing).


    Cammy F

  11. Its good that something positive has come from Rangers on this.


    Although I would rather he got a season ticket along with his father..... that would be a gesture fitting of the stature of our club.


    Yeah, but in PR terms for Rangers, this is a huge step forward.


    I would have had the boy as a mascot as well and had him take the field in his England top to show that the vast majority of Rangers fans have no problems with anyone wearing such a top.


    Cammy F

  12. I have just been reading another forum and a poster stated that Ibrox is the only UEFA 5 Star Stadium that HASN'T hosted a European Final.


    If this is true, it is another indication of how low esteam the SFA hold Rangers in. Basically, for Ibrox to host a European Final, all the SFA have to do is nominate Ibrox to UEFA and we would receive a final.....


    Cammy F

  13. Cammy,


    Don't forget your good friend Craig here........


    Motherwell on the Sunday doesn't quite work too well but Utd at Ibrox on Saturday 5th August might be ideal !!


    I need to check the schedules of the parents while we are home !


    Craig, drop me a PM about this and include your email addy if you want as I am one of the most forgetfull people in the world m8...!!!! And keep reminding me about this!!!


    Cammy F

  14. Was going to post this in the thread that was created for the attack on the wee boy in Edinburgh, but it has been hijacked and lost its way...


    Anyway, Rangers have contacted the wee lad involved and invited him and his family to a game and the chance to meet the players. The lad and his father who haven't been to any football game are delighted with the offer and are looking forward to it.


    Rangers have also asked the Police to forward them the name of the attacker if / when found and he will be banned from Ibrox for life.




    Cammy F

  15. Calscot, where and when I sing GSTQ has fuck all to do with you if I am honest. But I'll humour you - I sing it at the BB's, I sing it at the cricket, I sing it at Last Night At The Proms, basically anywhere it is played, I'll join in. So what, I'm patriotic, if that makes me a 'nutter' in your book, no real loss to me...


    Go back and reread your OWN posts, you at no point stated that your bile and gernalisation was aimed at 'sections' of the Rangers support. In fact, you clearly typed ; Rangers supporters and 'their' - so you were, IMO implying that ALL Rangers supporters.....


    As for other clubs singing the national anthem. Personally, I have heard Newcastle, Leeds, Sunderland, Arsenal, Linfield and Glentorn fans join in when Rangers fans sung this (and other songs). But, hey what would I know, I was only at the games in question and heard it with my own ears. Maybe I was hearing things tho - I'll get my ears checked ASAP.


    As for my hate of Craptic - big deal - here was me thinking that what a football rivalry was. However, thanks to your insight, I have ditched my Rangers scarf and season ticket and have bought a Craptic one instead :rolleyes: I will also make it my duty to pollute footballing messageboards pleading with fans to stop 'hating' their rivals and start to 'love' them.


    Not that it is any of your business, I have close family and friends who are Catholic and Craptic supporters. I get on great with them believe it or not, and have had and will continue to treat them and any other Tim that is nice to me with the respect that they deserve....


    As for having these same opinons if my name was Shaun O'Shaunassy from Glasgow via Dublin? Who the fuck would I know?


    In fact, if you bother to read some of my old rants on the old board, or any of my articles in No1 Fanzine, you'll find that I am not one for 'running with the in-crowd'. I like to make my own mind up Calscot and I have been successful using this mantra in my life so far.


    If I were to have ran with the 'in-crowd' at School whilst growing up, I certainly wouldn't have been a Rangers supporters, conservative (with a small c), a Unionist. In fact, I would probably have grown up the exact opposite.


    Calscot, I may fail to measure up to your image / standard of a Scotsman and a Rangers fan, but hey, I'll not lose any sleep over it.


    Maybe we can have a pint the next time your up watching The Bears and maybe then you'll understand me and my love for my country, nation and football team.


    As I said above, you've done a great job of turning this thread about racist, thuggish and scumbag Scots into a personal grudge against me and other sections of the Rangers support....


    Cammy F

  16. Ok cheers Cammy. We have applied for away tickets but with it being our first year not really expecting to get any. Just wanted to be able to get to more games this year


    You'll probably get 3 or 4 in your allocation gersfem - probably DAFC, Motherwell, Killie and Dundee UTD. If you are lucky you might even get one of the big 3 - just remember that Craptic don't offer concesions...


    As I said, if our club have any spares, I'll post on here as soon as I know, but like I said most of the time its when we get to the bus that we find out folks have not turned up...


    Cammy F

  17. What away games is it easy to get tickets for? Managed Dundee Utd and Killie last season but wondered if there was anymore


    Most are actually OK gersfem depending on how we are playing at the time and what time KO is etc.


    The only games that you don't see tickets for sale at (on the day of the game) are Hearts, Hibs and Craptic. The other games you'll pick up tickets outside the ground / bus park etc quite easily.


    Our RSC usually get left with tickets for most away games and we are usually to be seen selling these outside of a pub near the ground ;) or trying to sell them to Del and his dodgy Fife m8's.....


    If I know in enough time, I'll post any spares for away games on here, but it is usually when we get on the bus that we know we have spares as folks don't turn up when they say they will....


    Cammy F

  18. This reply seems out of order


    Does it, Jim didn't think so and we have agreed on some points raised and agreed to disagree on other....


    This topic has gone of on a tangent - instead of debating vile, racist attacks it is somehow managed to become a topic where one Rangers fan questions the political and religous believes and opinions of others.


    Their role model must be a cross between Tim Brook Taylor and Ian Paisley with a bit of Michael Carroll thrown in...


    'Their role model' - is that the entire Rangers support, which you are one, or just some Calscot? I am really struggling to get what you arte suggesting here....



    Cammy F

  19. Ah, but Rangers fans don't actually sing it for any real pride in Britain reasons, do they? They only do it to get up the noses of the Tims - just like most of our repertoire...


    Can only speak for myself, that statement is utter rubbish. I sing these songs due to the pride in my nation - no other reason.


    Some people love to buy into this "in crowd" identity thing and go the whole hog with their football team and so with Rangers that seems to mean being a loyalist/royalist, anti-Catholic, anti-Irish, a unionist, a Tory voter, pretending to be a member of the orange lodge, a prod (whatever that is), an Anglophile, a Boyne celebrator, an Ulster-man, a pope fetishist, etc, etc. Oh yeah, you have to hate anything to do with Celtic with all your passion.


    Again, I can only speak for myself, this is more Utter Pish Calscot. I am pro-Rangers, Pro-Union, Pro-conservative (small c), pro-Church Of Scotland and proud of all that.


    I am anti-Pope, but that comes from my christian believes and has nothing to do with Rangers. I detest his stance on religion, abortions, homosexuals, aids, condoms etc.


    I do hate anything to do with Craptic, that is natural in a football supporter. I hate them ffor purely footballing reasons. In saying that, its most pitty rather than hate to be honest.


    Can't see what you are trying to get at here Calscot....


    Cammy F

  20. I don't think we are, maybe its because I am comfortable with the whole British & Scottish 'joint' identity ;) However, like you say, we have taken steps to regain our Scottishness and I think, no matter how they have gone about this, the club has to be congratulated for this.


    As for RB and GSTQ, I can see where you are coming from, but if we can get the numpties who salute during these songs, then I can't see the problem. England fans sing these songs with pride and gustto and without the salutes, hopefully we can be the same :D


    Cammy F

  21. We seem to have this idea that 99% of our support are dyed in the wool unionists, but i think the actual figure would be more of a surprise. I've always been proud enough to call myself both British and Scottish in the past, but i've just had enough of the anti-scottish agenda now, and i want out


    That'll be you banned then











































    I think it is a very recent thing that Rangers fans believe that they must follow a certain political expression, but that can't be further from the truth. Many Rangers fans are socialist and many will want an independant Scotland. I for one would never want every Rangers fan to have the same political agenda as myself, that isn't want supporting Rangers is about....


    Cammy F - One Faith, One Crown, One Union Loyal RSC

  22. A list of Sentanta games confirmed so far ;


    Saturday 29 July, 12.30pm, Celtic v Kilmarnock

    Sunday 30 July, 2.00pm, Motherwell v Rangers

    Sunday 6 August, 2.00pm, Hearts v Celtic

    Sunday 13 August, 2.00pm, Dunfermline v Rangers

    Sunday 20 August, 2.00pm, Inverness v Celtic

    Sunday 27 August, 2.00pm, Kilmarnock v Rangers

    Sunday 17 September, 2.00pm, Hibernian v Rangers

    Sunday 1 October, 2.00pm, Falkirk v Celtic

    Sunday 22 October, 2.00pm, St Mirren v Rangers

    Sunday 5 November, 2.00pm, Dundee Utd v Rangers

    Sunday 12 November, 2.00pm, St Mirren v Celtic

    Sunday 26 November, 2.00pm, Hibernian v Celtic

    Sunday 3 December, 2.00pm, Falkirk v Rangers

    Sunday 10 December, 2.00pm, Dunfermline v Celtic

    Tuesday 26 December, 2.00pm, Hearts v Hibernian

    Wednesday 27 December, 8.00pm, Inverness v Rangers


    Sunday 14 January, 2.00pm, Hearts v Celtic

    Sunday 21 January, 2.00pm, Dunfermline v Rangers

    Sunday 28 January, 2.00pm, Inverness v Celtic

    Sunday 11 February, 2.00pm, Kilmarnock v Rangers

    Sunday 4 March, 2.00pm, Hibernian v Rangers

    Sunday 8 April, 2.00pm, St Mirren v Rangers


    Cammy F

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