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Everything posted by CammyF

  1. Sorry, can't agree with that - and if you read the initial post, the Police are treating this as a RACIST and a football related attack. I quote - Mr Smith said: "He was a psychopath, it was a totally unprovoked racist attack because I was wearing an England top and displaying an England flag." Cammy F
  2. But what happens, if god forbid, we don't qualify for the CL? Your right, but on an interview with RR (or was it Chick Dung) Murray did say that there were 2 or 3 other finacial deals to be announced and these would mean substantial investment and money for the new manager - this was after PLG appiontment was announced. It is furstrating, but after the excitment of getting PLG, it appears that Murray has hoodwinked us again.
  3. That was what was indicated. Now, I didn't think it would be as much as 18M, but I thought that PLG would be given substantial funds as he as a huge job on his hands. However, it appears that Mr Murray has lied to us again and I've just read a rueters report that PLG has stated that Clement is 'out of our price range' at the moment - that is a truely worrying statement. So, I'll ask again - excuse me Mr Murray, where has all the money gone? Cammy F
  4. David Murray has stated today that Rangers will not go on a 'spending spree' and if PLG wants, we have a 'few million' to strengthen the team. I know its bad business to advertise that amount of money you have in a transfer kitty, but David Murray indicated that the new manager would have the CL money and the money from the JJB deal to spend on players. Add that to the fact that we are still awaiting the financial deal that will 'rock Scottish football' to its foundations, it appears that David Murray has pulled the wool over our eyes once again. If none of the above money is spent on players, where has it gone??????? Now, haven't we asked this question before???? Cammy F
  5. It was a basic introduction and they will have more on their evening news show. No mention of players etc....Interesting to note that BBC Scotland didn't even mention PLG on their lunchtime show.... Cammy F
  6. What? look at the picture posted above - a disabled man, dragged from his car and beaten BLACK AND BLUE.... just because he was wearing an England top.... Like I say, would it have happened if he was wearing a Sweden top? Cammy F
  7. Aye, ONE SCOTLAND MANY CULTURES my fookin arse... Raging at these attacks Cammy F
  8. Was reported on BBC earlier - the attacker, who was wearing a Rangers top, pointed to his badge, shouted Scotland and attacked the kid and his father before running off - scumbag Cammy F
  9. Completely agree Craig and I raised this on another thread this week (and was laughed at by some ) As I said above, Joke McConnell is partly to blame for these attacks (as well as losing much needed inward investment) thanks to his anti-English racism. The quicker the Scottish people realise that Scottish Labour is NOT our friend the better. Cammy F
  10. gersfem - it is a UTTER disgrace that parents like yourself can not buy your kids the top they want due to fear that they are going to get attacked. I know I banged on about this for the last week, but this is the type of place we are now living in. Scotland has become a violent, racist and unwelcoming place and it saddens me that Scotland has come to this. Neds over-run most towns and villages, racism, sectarianism, knife attacks etc are common place most weekends (if not most days). Yet, our overpaid politicians sit back and tell us all that Scotland is a great wee place and that EVERYONE is welcome whilst they display anti-English racism. IMO, they are partly to blame for these attacks and its time we reclaimed our towns and our country from these scumbags. End of rant... Cammy F
  11. Borrowed from another forum.... http://media.putfile.com/Le-Guen http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mpkpqeQdHeU Goal to win title in first year and will be here for 3 years.......... AT LEAST... Cammmy F
  12. Gersfem, a friend of mine reluctantly bought his lad an England top 2 years ago - his lad is a Rangers fan but beckham is his hero. So my mate buys his lad the new Rangers top and an England tip with Beckham 7 on the back. Two weeks later the top is in the bucket and he has to splash another ~�£50 for a Real Madrid - beckham 7 top. The reason, the lad was spant on and varbally abused when out playing in his England top. BTW - he got NO abuse for wearing a Real top tho.... If I were you, I'd convince your wee lad to go for another top rather than an England top. One Scotland, Many Cultures, aye right Mr McConnell.... Cammy F
  13. Unfortunately Danny, I don't think this has anything to do with football. These people were attacked due to their nationality (and perceived nationality). Would they have been attacked if they were wearing any other top? I don't think so. These were racist attacks on a 7 year old and a disabled person. Only the lowest of the low could have perpitrated these vile, racist attacks. Fookin scumbags that they are. EDIT - just thought that I would post that the BBC are reporting that the 7 year old lad and his Dad were attacked by a guy in a Rangers jersey - you ain't no Rangers fan in my book. Cammy F
  14. Think Rooney and Crouch will be the pairing England will plump for - he may use Joe Cole as well, this is a role Cole has played for West Ham and he certainly has the skill and pace to play the 'link role' with Rooney and or Crouch leading the line. Cammy F
  15. I don't think it will - all the thread has done is highlight 2 vile racist attacks that occured in Scotland. Cammy F
  16. Apologies, I meant to type 'nationalistic' issue - as in the attack was due to the nationality (or perceived on the 2nd case) of the victim. I know that these are isolated incidents, but it is worth remembering that a youth has just been charged with racial (anti-English) attacks on Lothian Council buildings and a few years back, a 15 year old English lad was murdered in Edinburgh due to his nationality. It is also worth remembering that racist crimes in Scotland are growing 11% per year and wonder round most towns and villages in Scotland and you will encounter racist slogans on walls, bus shelters, shops, shutters etc. In fact, where I stay, the local shop has some nice new graffitti on it - 'Pakis Out', 'NF', 'BNP' and ironically 'Scotland For The Scots'. Cammy F
  17. Excuse me saying this, but this isn't a domestic club issue - this is a 'national' and racist issue. These 2 people were attacked because they were wearing England tops - simple as that. Cammy F
  18. The centre-half - TV replays clearly show that it wasn't Larrsonn.. Cammy F
  19. Eh, but Larrson didn't score tho.... From what I saw of the game it looked like England controlled the first half and Sweden the second. I haven't seen a lot of England in this touriment but IMO their right hand side is a concern. Neither Neville nor Carragher are good right backs and this negates the obvious threat of Beckham. For so long their left hand side was weak, but with the 2 Coles, this has improved vastly. Campbell looked poor last night and as I said prior to the World Cup - England's first choice, fully fit 11 is a match for anyone. However, given Rooneys lack of games, an apparent horrendous injury to Owen (who wasn't fit anyway) and Rio limping off, I can't see them getting to far. Cammy F
  20. Pure and utter racist filth scumbag. Cammy F
  21. I think it is - he received a 1 year extension at the end of the season. Cammy F
  22. ...................... Crystal Palace http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/teams/c/celtic/5097682.stm Cammy F
  23. Do you think Billy Thompson is pleased to be part of the new set-up? Cammy F
  24. I seem to remember him getting ripped at full back every time we played Hibs. They obviously targeted him as a weakness (along with Hutton) and in the 2-1 defeat at Easter Road, they continually knocked the ball over and in behind our very narrow fullbacks. When playing left back he (and Hutton) both appear to go to narrow leaving big gaps down the flanks. This meant that our wide midfield players were getting dragged back negating their attacking threat. He was bought as a utility player and was used by Hibs as a 'sweeper' and as an attacking left midfield player. IIRC he was Hibs top or joint top scorer one year...... If I'm honest, I wouldm't be disappointed in he was released and replaced by a better, younger option. Again tho, I wouldn't be to disappointed if PLG kept him as a squad player. Cammy F
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