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Posts posted by Trailio

  1. Would the atmosphere been the same on Saturday if Eck was still in charge?


    What a difference Ibrox was on Saturday. Sun was out, the fans were singing and the football was enjoyable to watch.


    Bring it on!!!!!


    Totally agree Gazza. Even though we didn't get the result the football was delightful to watch. No disrespect to Eck but a 2-2 draw last season would've been like watching paint dry however according to the stats in the Mail on Sunday we had 17 shots on target on Saturday so i'm absolutely certain that if we continue to play like that the goals will come.:D

  2. The thing with Adam is that although he can play on the left I wouldn't say he was an out and out winger so this Martin guy can offer something different. By the looks of it PLG likes to play with tactics and I think we'll see him alter things slightly depending on who we play.

  3. and if we get Fan Fan off the books his wages alone woul cover the fee and possibly even Webster's wages over 1-2 seasons.


    I think Fan Fan will be given a chance as backup this season. He has experience and I don't think he's as bad a player as most people make him out to be. There were some dodgy goings on when he was signed and I think this is the main reason Eck never played him and in the few times he did feature he was mostly played out of position.

  4. Coming to think of it, that main stand one is pretty poor, they could of at least had "Le Guen" written through it :D;)


    I'm actually surprised by how good this one was, as usually most of the hospitality folks have not made it to their seats by this time.

  5. main.jpg


    I was in the Govan Rear...Camera just held up and snapped this


    You can't be too far away from my seat Steve, I'm just to the left of the halfway line. Is that your season ticket?? This is my first season at this new seat and I am well chuffed with the location.


    Quality card display. I'm sure Mr PLG would have been impressed.

  6. I will be interesting to see what the club or the new pr company come out with in reaction to this statement from uefa.


    As we've all said before the club has to make it quite clear to the supporters what is and what is not acceptable and that way there will be no excuses.

  7. Bernard - GTF!!!


    Andrews - Love the guy, i'll never forget that day at Easter Road and the whole "keep believing" thing. The guy was a tryer but at the end of the day his best is not good enough for where we want to be. But I wish him all the best wherever he goes.


    Fan Fan - I still think this guy should be given another chance to play in his correct postition. From what i've heard he's had a rough time since arriving a Rangers and by all accounts he actually not a bad centre half. He's played at the highest level and may be just what we need if say svensson or rodriguez were to get injured.

  8. Looks like Uefa have now explained what is and what is not acceptable,




    Most of it is pretty clear however there are couple of points I am unsure about,


    1. "In its original judgement UEFA stated all forms of sectarian singing - including any version of the 'Billy Boys' - are prohibited and there will be no further appeals process" so does this mean hypothetically if we were all to change the words to a non sectarian version i.e hello hello we are the rangers boys.....this would still cause offence?????


    2. "Moreover, any form of extremist ideological propaganda is banned before, during, and after games." How can this possibly be monitored and or punished, ie a group of fans from another club could get together and sing some sectarian songs outside ibrox and then the Rangers would be punished?? Also what does this mean for the street vendors and bars in the ibrox area??

  9. I say stick with Hutton, he is still young and has time to improve perhaps PLG will get more out of him. The alternatives are not much better so unless we go and buy another right back Hutton should get the chance to prove himself

  10. It's not as if it was a boring game either. I was on the edge of my seat for the last 10 mins.


    Plus we've all been waiting for this day since the announcement of PLG, why cut it short?

  11. Even though he started on the left, he covered just about every blade of grass and at times he was crossing from the right, cutting through the middle and the ball for the first goal was superb. Lets hope he can keep it going

  12. Great pics. The atmosphere must have been amazing. I know all the safety issues regarding the old terracing and why we needed all seater stadia but do you not agree that there is definately something lacking with the atmosphere at all modern grounds nowadays.

  13. No, the only one that is banned is The Billy Boys.....


    Cammy F


    I didn't realise sorry. I was under the assumption that we had to stamp out all songs with sectarian references.


    My mistake.


    Please excuse my ignorance but if this is the case then what is all the fuss about if we only have to stop singing one song.

  14. I think what you are trying to say is that we have probably the worst fans in the world. You're saying they will not sing unless it's about killing fenians and fucking the pope or even doing a Celtic by singing about their home in Ireland ieven though they are Scottish (Build my gallows).


    If that's true then it's a complete embarrassment. Maybe in the long run we'll benefit by replacing these strange people with fans who really want to get behind the team and sing songs about Rangers. Maybe that'll also help the team play better.


    I'm saying that they may not know what to sing, not because they are bad fans its just that for many this is all they know. If you ask most fans to name the 5 most sung songs it would probably be something like,


    1. Hullo Hullo,

    2. Follow, Follow

    3. No Surrender

    4. Build My Gallows

    5. The Sash


    or maybe a couple of others like Bouncy bouncy and We are Rangers


    and although Follow Follow is traditionally a non sectarian song many don't know the correct words so apart from Bouncy Bouncy and maybe We are Rangers the rest are now band and large sections will not know what else to sing.

  15. I'm not so sure we actually have to out and buy a so called 'big name' other than for prestige points over our rivals. IMO big names cost big money which we don't have, and there's no guarantee they will produce the goods, ie Flo, Capucho etc. I would much prefer for PLG to search for the players that have the potential to become big names. He worked in a similar way a Lyon where the likes of Essien, Govou and even Juninhio were pretty much unknown before. I've already read reports that Clement could be the next Gio and thats what is making me excited.


    He is looking for certain players to fit his mould and is slowly building a team which he thinks will be a formidable force over the next three years. I believe there is money available but IMO PLG is spending wisely without blowing it all on one big name

  16. One of my main worries is that the already poor atmosphere at Ibrox will get worse. There are a large majority of Gers fans that only know these songs, the words to the classic songs which are about the club and football are not know by so many. Also there will be many fans that will choose not to sing at all because they are unsure about what is safe to sing and what is not.

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