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Everything posted by MacK1950

  1. Tend to agree move will be for financial terms as he has shown no ambition since moving back to Scotland but as I have said previously think he has improved with responsibility.
  2. Have criticised many times in past but now see an improving player with having more responsibility but pace still a problem.
  3. Have watched game after game this season and us getting kicked off field and waiting for first booking inevitably to be one of us to be booked/sent off first. Step forward Madden/Thomsom/Collum and Beaton for starters.
  4. Was a joy to watch and now in his role a ambassador is great to listen to. Happy Birthday Willie and here's to many more
  5. Quite a list I will probably take in some of them depending on what else I may have on.
  6. Don't know if anyone noticed on the BBC Scottish news after the cup draw was made no mention of the Rangers tie was read out but the mhanks/sheep and others were.
  7. Are we not to blame we are putting in derisory offers for Scottish players and unsettling them so what chance would O'Neill have
  8. Top marks go to Rondon who ran to ref and grabbed him to stop play also to keeper who realised what had happened. For once not an over the top issue but a complete accident.
  9. It is so sad and doesn't bear thinking about.Remember working with a lad younger than me who woke up and found his 15year brother dead beside him,he was completely devastated and never recovered from it and became completely withdrawn.
  10. Good result IMO but wish Gers fans would not go and sing "Billy Boys"
  11. How the hell could you pick a team on what rank & file supporters think.With all the best advice weighing it up could take a month to pick a team for the following week!!!!!
  12. Was not one of my favourite grounds for visiting during "journey" a positive sh*****e,but draw not too bad.
  13. Think we are better continuing with sending our developement squad to games they are playing now due to calibre of opposition as I fear many of the "colts" will be kicked off the field by the not so great playing in this division.
  14. We can go on about how it is hoped that one person or another gets "done" on the field but it is just talk,maybe Broonie excepted.
  15. A "rhetorical" question,when making signings do we get players who will be the same as they are with the club whom they are signed?,it's a case of suck it and see at first.
  16. Interesting read and good answers from a dedicated "Bluenose".
  17. Aye I seen them going round collecting empty gingies to help
  18. With the sheep winning today and us not having a run out now the postponement is bad news,as the game would have given us the chance to see how the new guys "gel"in a competitive game. Although covers were borrowed I believe they were "snow covers"and IMO would be rendered useless in stopping a frozen pitch.
  19. It's bad enough having SD signage in view from my seat without having nightmares about him coming back in any way.Looking forward to day when all ties are cut with him.
  20. Good luck to him but this could be the end of his time here if he has not been given a new contract by now.
  21. Regards being taken in by Green it was something that was easy to do. I stood in the queue for a season ticket on the start of our "journey" from 8.45 till 16.45 and still had not reached the ticket office,but my son phoned to say he had eventually secured one for each of us. During the wait Green came out twice and spoke to the hordes and was truly convincing in his speeches and was loudly cheered by us all. It was only as time passed,albeit quite quickly,that he was seen for what he was. As for Ashley he is not to be trusted and would never be a "knight in shining armour".
  22. The lunatics have left the asylum
  23. Well we won't see him again this season!!!!.
  24. BIG BAD RANGERS again from the biased broadcasting clowns.
  25. Newspapers are getting sadder and sadder the guy is 78 and not played here since 1962,I would would be angry if this happened to a former Ger who had not played for us for many years. It is just headline grabbing.
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