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Everything posted by MacK1950

  1. Might be highly rated down there but he looks very cumbersome and lacking in mobility IMO.
  2. The March date looks a good idea and hopefully I could make that and get to meet up with fellow forumees not to say that I couldn't make the April date but my son and I meet up after last game with some friends(all season ticket holders) and have a few bevvies after last game of season.
  3. Like many I am in agreement that Pedro should be given a reasonable chance to get us up and running,was not happy with Progres result but it's in the past as are other commented results. To be honest watching Warburton's teams was becoming boring and unattractive and had me wondering why I was still going to watch his teams and tactics:- pass the ball to death,don't shoot,watch the bench at 60mins in case you were going to be substituted,wait another 5-10mins whilst diagrams were be shown and discussed,the level of boredom goes on and on. I am therefore anticipating a bit more this season.
  4. The doom and gloom is becoming depressing,Europe has gone so we must now concentrate on what's ahead and give Pedro our support and backing,remembering the players are responsible for what happens after the first whistle.
  5. Lovernkrands is only 37 register him as a player:devil:
  6. MacK1950


    Gribz not saying we don't need friendlies but just that for non competitive they are a financial burden IMO.
  7. MacK1950


    A friendly or two might be an answer to some but for me I don't do friendlies as they have no impact on my enjoyment and are an unnecessary financial cost.
  8. Just another total:wanker::wanker:
  9. As I have said many times with these astronomical figures for tranfer fees/remuneration etc. the domino effect is awaiting.
  10. In spite of all the degrading of Kiernan I personally would be more inclined to keep him in stead of "bombscare" Danny Wilson. Wilson has had the benefit of playing with higher grade players,whereby Kiernan, especially with us has had to put up with playing with "the wanderer" Tavernier,and has not had the chance to play with better players and Wilson has shown no improvement.
  11. Rab I am not criticising the content or wording of alleged letter just the authenticity of as I have also done on other thread re an alleged letter/comment by Frank McAvennie.
  12. Like the other thread on Gordon Smith letter/comments is this McAvennie one likely to Kosha????
  13. Has anyone in say Club1872 tried to contact Gordon Smith to verify if he wrote the letter. If he did he goes down in my estimation of him.
  14. We see this from Spiers,Jackson,McLaughlin et all is their any newspaper/television media outlet that doesn't want to have a go at us??????????????????????GRUY
  15. Agree about his leaving and coming back as he was not the same talent from first time around,it upset me at the time but did not detract from a young boy's hero worship.
  16. Seemingly eight clubs did not respond from the SPFL if they didn't quite rightly so as the Biased Broadcasting C***s probably paid him over the odds to investigate!!!??? What we should think off is the Arabs,who are in SH*t streak yet want to carry on Thomson's vendetta.Remember they are the ones rumoured that had they won the play off v Hamilton were to go into administration and start SPL with minus 10 points.Hell mend them and hope they never recover SPL status.
  17. Good luck Coop in getting home as my son has/had same problem which was made worse by having his phone stolen the night before.
  18. Was at Louden for Andy Gray Q&A night and during break I saw someone more or less paying homage to Andy Goram.I remarked to him that he was doing so to the wrong person and pointed to the coloured glass tribute to Slim Jim and said he was a true legend and hero.I was astounded when the person stated that he was JIm's son and when I recovered from the shock/surprise was able to have my photo taken with him, with the artwork in the background, so a big thanks to Alan Baxter to whom I sent a copy of the photo and received a nice reply it made my night.
  19. Miss-read title in regards to who went on holiday but my thoughts remain the same regards him being there or not.
  20. Still buy the papers that try to destroy us as they are the ones that my wife reads and has done so for umpteen years and is a dyed in the wool Gers fan as were her late parents and her siblings.Not using the computer she has the right to read what she is most comfortable with so it is not easy for all on here to boycott these tabloids.
  21. Have said many times Wallace is too nice to be on field captain as he lacks leadership,should come from midfield and be Alves or may I say it Jack. As to DK being on holiday it makes no difference to me unless he was going to have been instrumental in team selection,and just think what a stink that would have caused. As I said on other thread the mental attitude was wrong as all avenues said that it was too easy.A horrible start to competitive games but should,hopefully,prove tohave been a solid kick in the nether regions:eek2:
  22. The numbers game runs on and on why not simply tell them you know your positions GO OUT AND WIN THE BLOODY GAME.
  23. Have read the article and at no place in it does the headline appear just another DR headline maker.
  24. MacK1950

    Joe Dodoo

    Did not rate him whenever I saw him play albeit his chances to play were few another in the Zalelam and Oduwa moulds.
  25. Is he taking lessons from Mutton,Jackson and the other Daily Rhetard hacks.
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