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Everything posted by MacK1950

  1. Okay will do sorry if it upset you,have a habit where I don't like something/someone of going on about it,anyway only one game left.
  2. Funny he will never make it in a Rangers team,should have gone back south at same time as Oduwa.
  3. Have not seen many of them play but as I said in earlier post that Crawford is most at risk due to age(23). Reports on Hardie very good as are pretty good for for Murdoch. Thomson unfortunately got injured so not much on him.Walsh if his loan worked combined really with Wallace and has speed so is still worth a punt. Re McCrorie brothers don't know much but remember we have six players going to u17 finals this year one being Liam Burt who has already had first team action. FUTURE LOOKS BRIGHT
  4. I agree that allocating tickets is not easy but for those who elected to receive tickets for non league games through the ccc and have attended all the games have the right to receive a ticket for the final. Having done so myself I would be absolutely fuming if I did not get a ticket in front of (1)normal season ticket holders (2) those who would not know their way to a football stadium without sat-nav(3)those who would not know what a cup final is.
  5. Would be good to see Ball again next as a bona fide Rangers player if not we should not let Luca go as he no doubt will be able to do a job for us.
  6. That may well be Craig but his other play does not help the team,ineffective tackling,not tracking back,giving up the chase etc. at times he is a passenger and needs a higher work-rate.
  7. Kenny did it again today professional display good goal. Zalelam,weaved pretty pictures otherwise inefficient.
  8. Watched it on telly it was a bit better than last couple of games but same problems,Tav leaving wide area open letting ST. Mirren get easy shot.Not sending ball into row Z to save time, a lightweight midfielder creating pretty turns but doing nothing to help when needed(back to Arsenal a.s.a.p. please). Although I feel we can win the cup final a lot of mental sorting out will be required.
  9. Think I just heard Warburton on short list of every EPL club bidding war to start.:devil:
  10. There was a lot of doubters over the season re Kenny but I was in support of him all the way a valuable asset to the club. My hope is that Zalelam goes back to Arsenal after today's game and not be seen by us again just hope he does not let us down today.
  11. If Waggy is playing for an hour or so the front players should be him and Miller.
  12. Also if you are on the system you are allowed two refusals which must be made known to the card mandate section before ticket is issued.
  13. If any of our players get it no doubt it will be raised at the "Court of Session":wtf2:
  14. Once he leaves the "real" and not "brainwashed" person might be seen in his own right.
  15. Probably with their attendance at semi-final 11,000 too many,still it is known that rats lurk behind the woodwork and come out when baited.
  16. Re squad we have a decent nucleus our flops are Wilson,O'Halleron(so far) Law and a couple on borderline Keirnan,Halliday, IMO , Sheils,Clark. We need a dominant centre half,not defensive midfielder,to take control at set pieces. I have not included our players in on loan,but would take Ball for another season. We need a couple of defenders(for cover) and maybe a striker although Hardie could come into that. Over past number of games have noted work rate and intelligent movement of Miller so he still has a lot to offer despite his years. So let' see what transfer window gets us in meantime looking forward to cup final as I think MW and DW will lhave us "fired up"
  17. Have now read comments Zalelam flattered to deceive in mid field and was brushed off the ball too easily,once by aguy ahead smaller and much lighter,sooner he is back at Arsenal the better.O'Halleron tied himself in knots,Wilson will hopefully jump ship as he did with Hearts as premier league is too high a level for him,King will be back at Hearts. Ball had an off night and if played as defensive midfielder will help in final. Thank goodness for Tav,Wallace and certainly Miller at least they put the effort in.
  18. Just in from game have not read any comments here but tonight was totally unacceptable a team that played and get paid good money who were utter sh*** and us poor fans having to pay to watch it. A total change in attitude is needed for 21st May or we will be over-run. What a disappointment after the season we had.
  19. Remember he is a loanee from the manky mob who have to resort to a minutes applause as they are too reprehensible in not observing a tribute of a minute's silence. No doubt taught by the more senior manky mob home players.
  20. Got to remember even the most respected have made mistakes---Ray Clemence springs to mind.
  21. Can only vote via my computer so voted for Barry.
  22. Why is Sutton so bitter probably because he did not make the Olympic diving team.
  23. It is a nice gesture but I believe it should only be given by the away team if they are playing the champions of that season on their home ground,it should not be afforded if they are playing away.
  24. Got my e-mail will probably take a while to get on line but I have registered for renewal that way.
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