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Posts posted by MacK1950

  1. Speirs is in the same category as Jeremy Clarkson,Peirs Morgan etc. so full of love for their own ego that the outside world does not exist.It fuels their own self belief when arguements re their sh*t comments start such lengthy debates.I personally think that anything like our pages is a waste of space when it comes to Speirs an arrogant self centered,egoistic homo sapien,and don't believe a word he writes.

  2. Another loss in court to MASH regarding blocking of shareholder voting to stop them continuing blocking sanctions against the shareholders at AGM's.

    If SD want to block voting at meetings they will have to apply each time in advance under court legislation as a continuation of their previous injunction was dismissed.

  3. It is very worrying re offensive language as "industrial language" as it is affectionately known is an everyday occurrence heard every where,in the street,in all manner of public places,on tv programs etc.If everybody was to be charged with this goodnes knows how the law courts could deal with it.

    It seems that football fans are being demonised especially us.

  4. Read the report in the paper at last it seems something sensible written by a reporter.

    Totally agree that such a sum of taxpayers money should not be used for such a hair-brained idea as not all taxpayers are interested in football.

    While I find a lot of songs ,over the full spectrum of football,to be offensive/annoying if they are kept within the grounds it is a way of letting off steam.

    More worrying is the issue of flares etc.,the culprits should be,if caught,jailed and left with a criminal record.These people are not fans but just senseless morons.

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