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Everything posted by Gaffer

  1. I think many of us have had enough of the apparent attitude problems with certain members of our squad. I'm just glad we have someone who appears to be tackling this issue. Rangers is a club that needs winners. Even if we don't win, I want to see the players with the desire to win. I must admit that I don't like to see the players enjoying themselves after a defeat, and it sends out the wrong message, as well as being a symptom of a losing mentality. That's why I was happy to see certain players told they can go, assuming the rumours are correct. I also like his attitude towards the leaks. It is unforgivable, regardless of what any of the players disagree with. Anyone found to be leaking information should be out. There are no excuses and it doesn't matter how key that player is. There's no room for him at our club. I'm looking forward to him bringing in his own players because I'm really looking forward to being able to assess his abilities as a manager. So far so good, but we can't really call nckude much about him until he's had a transfer window or two. I just hope the results go well enough for him to be around long enough for subsequent windows. If he brings in players with mental toughness similar to his own, I think we should be in a good position.
  2. Good luck to him. Garner aside, does that make Billy worth more than the rest of our squad? On a serious note, I hope the club can make this a trend rather than a one-off. We need to develop more of these talents. If they stay then great, and if they go at least we can reinvest it. Either way, it's a great deal for the club. I wonder if these deals have buy-back clauses these days. It might be useful if he finds himself in a rut at some point and wants to return. Having said that, the only time I can remember us being in a position where we were willing and able to do that was with Trevor Steven when he went to Marseille.
  3. Completely agree! It's the loss of Euro ties that I've missed the most. Being in the prem league again was a great milestone, but Europe is what gets the juices flowing.
  4. It depends on the system though doesn't it?!? If we are playing with wingbacks, they need to be decent at defending but be a threat going forward. The problem is that with wingbacks, we either need to play with three centrebacks or with two that are supported by a defensive midfielder. We can't do that at the moment because we lack those skills in the team. If PC sorts that out (which is like de ja but from last summer), we can play with these more attack minded players. If not, they are being played in a way they are not suited to and I'd agree they won't work.
  5. I agree if you're basing this on the players we currently have. I'm expecting that KM won't play in as many games next season and that means we need a new leader and captain. It's an Amoruso type of captain we need at the moment, so I just hope PC has identified one we can sign.
  6. What the EU should have created was a European Court of Human RESPONSIBILITIES. It's amazing how many people today can tell you their rights, and yet so few talk about the responsibilities that go with those rights. This makes me sick when I read reports like these.
  7. I know we'd probably all want younger players, but this would be a major coup to get him. He still an amazing player.
  8. From what you can see on that video, he looks extremely quick for a CB.
  9. They may not have done anything illegal, but that is just one of many routes by which a bank can be found liable. For example, there are regulations (from the FCA) and a code of conduct for banks from the British Banking Association. It's worth pointing out that banks are paying billions in PPI compensation and yet not only was it legal, in the vast majority of cases, they were absolutely correct in doing what they did. It doesn't however prevent government or powerful lobbying groups from agreeing grounds for compensation. That's going slightly off topic, but suffice to say that the regulator and government are feared more than the law.
  10. I've never really taken any notice of these cases but this one is interesting on so many levels, and I'll now watch with interest to see what repercussions there are for the various culprits in all of this. If the accusations about Lloyds/HBoS are true, it is a disgrace and they should be penalised. The regulator won't step in as they are really only interested in personal banking and not so much in business/commercial issues, but BDO and Ticketus must be considering an opportunity to make a claim against them. I won't go into the basis for their claims as I'm conscious of breaching the sensible restrictions that Frankie has put on this thread, but suffice to say that they could have a strong case I believe. There's clearly more to come out of this case, but the behaviour of Lloyds bank deserves much scrutiny. I would imagine they have already begun an internal investigation as should be the norm in such instances.
  11. As I've said, I completely agree about the elbow and it's shocking that it wasn't punished retrospectively. As for the other challenge, we just have to agree to disagree.
  12. I thought the club was proposing to appoint a Supporters' Liason Officer. That could be something this person could do perhaps? It would seem like the first step in building a closer relationship with the fans, and in idea opportunity for this appointed rep to get the supporters to buy into the vision. Just a thought. I can't remember when this appointment was due to be made or if it's been done already, but either way it would seem a sensible route to achieve this.
  13. I know nothing about his business dealings at Ibrox or anywhere else, but what I cannot forgive is the lack of any reasonable due diligence in his sale to CW. If this was a genuine error by him, I don't think that this demonstrates the business acumen we need at the club right now. If it was more sinister than that, he definitely has no place in the future of our club. Either way, we can do better in terms of business leadership. My understanding is that it was not his own money that was used at the club. Based on all of this, I can't see what he'd have to offer, notwithstanding the fact that I'd be shocked and stunned if he'd even be interested in a return.
  14. I now can't even remember the initial point of the thread but that doesn't matter. It's great when the memories come flooding back as soon as certain names are mentioned. Nesbitt was also a favourite of mine, and I'd imagine all supporters were the same. He wasn't the most skilful player but he always gave everything in every game. I miss players like that. And of course, no one will ever score a goal like he did in Europe. We were right behind the flight of the ball as he hit it against their defender, and we could see the spin. What an experience that was, although it was not until later when we saw the highlights at home that we saw the look on his face when he scored. Priceless. I want the European nights back at Ibrox so badly. The domestic games are the bread and butter but there's nothing like those Euro nights. Bring it on.
  15. By focussing on these other incidents I fear we are in danger of being distracted from the real incidents. Brown using his elbows, and the Celtic players gesturing to the Rangers fans are both yellow card situations at least and yet go unpunished. Celtic's persistent intimidation of officials before big games is also going unpunished. These are the things I'd like us to criticise the establishment for and are indefensible. As soon as we refer to these debateable (at best) incidents, our argument is just diluted.
  16. Please can you tell me where in the rules it suggests that the tackle on Miller is not allowed?
  17. Union: You seem to really want to convince me that your opinion is correct. Let me save you some time and effort. You can put as many other opinions that support your view in front of me if you like, but it doesn't change my view. It is ok to disagree. We can still support the same club and have a difference of opinion. It's one of many reasons why this is the greatest game in the world.
  18. On the contrary, there is plenty of doubt and that's why we have come to different conclusions about it.
  19. I'd send Brown off in every game because of his general attitude (and the face he pulls) on the pitch, but for me this wasn't a red card. There's no doubt he was trying to tackle extra hard in retaliation for the earlier incident, but I'd be furious if one of our players got sent off for this. If red cards were given for being stupid, he'd get one in every game but in this case I think a yellow was appropriate. Having said that, we are focussing on the wrong incidents in my opinion. His use of his elbows is dangerous and that should be a point to highlight more than any of these other tackles.
  20. So, is this still the tackle on Miller we are debating? If so, there's nothing reckless or dangerous about it. I explained the law in an earlier post but if that's not enough, I think we just have to agree to disagree. We've got bigger problems than that. Our problem is that we don't have enough players willing to win the ball and take control in games. So the last thing I'm going to do is criticise a player from another team (even if it's them) for making the sort of challenge I want us to make.
  21. I'm lost! What tackle are we talking about now as being dangerous or reckless?
  22. I couldn't care less about any of that. The ONLY way we will ever make our mark again is to put a winning team on the pitch. Everything else is immaterial and certainly wouldn't make the blindest difference to me. As for DK not being there, it's probably got to do with the nineteen thousand mile round trip he'd have to make to attend the game. One thing is for sure though. I'd love to see what these imbeciles write when we're back as the dominant force in the country. Maybe their careers will be over within the next couple of years anyway, as more and more people realise that you don't read papers to find out what's really happening, you just read the Gersnet Forums.
  23. Other than the fact I like both players, I don't think there's much comparison between Tav and McMinn. McMinn was a favourite of mine, probably because he played well (if I remember correctly) in my first ever old firm match in 1986 (or thereabouts). It was a match that ended 4-4 but they just couldn't live with him. I was young then so my memory doesn't work quite as well, but he was so entertaining to watch. I don't think I'd ever put Durrant on any list like this though. He was a genius, and although he wasn't the same when he came back from that horror injury, he was still special.
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