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stan hibbert

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Everything posted by stan hibbert

  1. haste ye back Barry....Ferguson that is...
  2. well said....i always felt that he thought he could turn it round and start winning again but problem was too many poor signings and players with no idea where they were meant to be playing....
  3. What i never understood with Malcolm is...if we were his boyhood heroes why did he never work harder on his game? no pace..couldnt tackle...nae use in the air..no goals....he could pass the ball tho'... so yeah good luck to him but i sense another pub landlord in the making
  4. A good player that I'm glad to see the back of.... Ta Ta Petrov...
  5. agreed gazza...i wonder if he learned that technique at the barrowfield wasteland...sorry training pitch...
  6. oh yes...very un-henrik-like i believe was the phrase....i just hope the swedish fa have the balls to treat him like any other player and throw the book at him
  7. shocking challenge...and he should be punished further for it...
  8. Trust nando to go OTT...every time i start to have some positive regard for him he fucks it up...i was over the other side of the park so i cant comment on how bad a tackle it was...but it was bad enough by the look of burkey hobbling along the sideline... ricksen it seems just cant help himself... the game itself was a bit of a non event...zenit seemed sharper and more settled as a team but no great shakes either...kept giving the ball to us a UEFA cup team
  9. Out on penalties to amateurs...Bwahahahahaha!!!!!! aberdeen the notts forest of scottish football
  10. Excellent choice...i am also proud to sit in The Bill Struth Stand
  11. lennons quite happy for the mhuppets to sing 'hes like me and you hes a provo too' in tribute to him...but then moans about bigots and sectarianism to anyone who'll listen....lets hope his day does indeed come...
  12. I'd like that to be the case against hearts..it'll be interesting to see if PLG adapts his system to accomodate 2 strikers...
  13. It might be a difficult season for Boyd as PLG chased Sebo for long enough and would probably want to start with him as sole striker ASAP...I agree Boyd needs games to stay sharp...
  14. Agreed...its easy to criticise when you care so passionately and things arent going to plan...lets keep an eye on the bigger picture here and remember we have a top manager and a young team thats newly put together....it was always gonna take time..... ...let forebearance be our watchword:)
  15. Any team with that hopeless bastard emerson cant be that good...so good luck Hearts! get a share of that CL pie from the dhims...make my day.... and good luck Gretna...
  16. Agreed... when I was younger i thought it related to King Billy...but learned otherwise and kept singing it when 'we are the Rangers boys' would have been much better with maybe' wherever we go we'll fear no foe' in for the other line...anyway its all academic now
  17. They are unbelievable...its true that they hate us more than they love their own club...some other dhim tried to tell me that 'we are the people' was copied from a nuremburg rally chant by the nazis...i would say that you couldnt make it up...but they can
  18. Its a real shame as its a great chant/ song ruined by THAT line...we've all sang it and now we have to challenge anyone who sings it next to you....still looking forward to the re-intro of lots of other great Rangers songs...
  19. Dont let the door hit you on the arse on your way out Nando.... Glad to see the back of you...
  20. The repeated mantra from the dhims is 'oh its the away support thats the problem...i dont hear any sectarian stuff when i'm at parkhied' ITS THE SAME PEOPLE you fuckin moron....and...occassionally one will slip from the official party line and admit its ' dirty orange this and masonic that...' along with the party songs....lets remember their official supporters club next to belvedere was raided a coupla seasons ago when the jolly craicsters were belting oot the pro-ira and anti-prod stuff before an OF game....60+ arrests for sectarian offences at parkhied and thats not including OF games and Supt Kevin smith as match commander...they have us constantly on the back foot while talking about 'huns'...seems they hate bigotry and Rangers supporters...
  21. Fuckin brilliant...they continue to disgrace themselves in different continents..
  22. All good....the end of the CL run in '92 was a proud feeling... The '83 cup final when we lost to the sheep shaggers...the teds never stopped singing that day even after the game...Fergie was moaning about his teams performance while all you could hear was the true blues in the background.... We are the People!
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