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Everything posted by Davy

  1. The mans an idiot!!!!
  2. Davy


    As you say the silly season has started......When I see them paraded in a shirt at Ibrox/Murray Park I will beleive it
  3. Davy

    Charlie Adam

    42 on target 47 off target
  4. Davy

    Charlie Adam

    Tell me why they would make it up???
  5. Davy

    Charlie Adam

    Watching RTV... Adam had 42 shots on target...More than any other player in the SPL...Fantastic stats from midfield
  6. Good read..I always look forward to listening/reading to Davids coments,he tells it as it is
  7. ''The price Celtic have paid for Brown is way too much for someone who hasnt proven himself in europe or international level'' We were just saying this in work tonight...Also some tims were saying the same thing
  8. Gordon Smith is the most impartial pundit in the media.I like listening to his comments,he panders to no one.
  9. The super Cooper goal in the Dryburgh cup final
  10. Uefa have no duradiction over another country's police force.They would have to take it up with the country's goverment. It mystifies me why we don't get back up from our media the way the do in England?
  11. I was at New broomfield a few weeks ago for the Keltic game...I was very impressed by Furman
  12. I would like to see us getting Webster,our midfeild would be very strong if we can get Scotty Brown...Nacho Novo I think will stay. But we need a foil/grafter to play alongside Boyd.
  13. Ask any top footballer what the hardest part of the game is?..He will tell you it is putting the ball in the net in open play.Boyd has done that in a regular basis for us and Killie.... FFS!!! they gave it to that fat bassa Hartson for exactly what Boyd is doing..Hemdani should be up there as well,but he won't be..The Jap will get it for that free kick.
  14. Why is Kris Boyd not being mentioned for player of the year?.Since I was knee high to a grasshopper I always thought the objective in football is to put the ball in the oppositions net as many times as possible. Kris has done this 23 times this season and has also netted for his country 5 times.In any other country he would be out in front..But I'm sure they will give it to some foreign guy who scored a free kick
  15. For some reason for which I don't know?..Whistling Jack Smith's..I'm Kaiser Bills Batman
  16. Coudn't agree with you more Cammy,I personally don't sing DW,TS,RB and GSTQ for other reasons,but as far as I can see there is no offending words in them.
  17. Davy

    Alan Hutton...

    Hutton has been playing well recently,maybe we were a bit over critical of him
  18. Davy

    Keep Believing

    Oh how I would love it!!....But I can't see it happening
  19. They will not explode the myth.....Pure and simple
  20. Fuk me!!! He is fatter than me and i'm in my 50's
  21. They played well in defence....But they never made a clear cut chance in the whole of the 210 mins. It was all half chances
  22. Davy

    David Nugent

    Was down at Preston today delivering goods to a supermarket and I asked the guy tipping me if he was good. He said he was ''A good player'' but he couldn't see him going to the SPL
  23. Sebo Sionko G.Rae Hutton Buffel Papac.......I also think Hemdani will go but I would keep him.
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