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Big Jaws

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Everything posted by Big Jaws

  1. They were pictured with these tops on just the other day, from memory the day after this story broke, and from that I deduce that it was a clearly orchestrated move by both Club1872 and the Club. The fact that the organization 'SRtRC' had aligned itself with the sectarian Phill 10 names through its Campaign Manager Nicola Hay is in fact a travesty which questions the neutrality of that organization and the Club through Club1872 were right to pursue the issue. So on that front I agree with you. However it does leave the Campaign Manager Nicola Hay in a rather untenable situation one which I feel she will simply ignore until it goes away and the chances are that, with a compliant media, no external pressure will be exerted to remove her via the media. It seems to be the way of it these days that people in these positions have an absolute brass neck and just front it out till it goes away. Further to this if you are going to say someone cant spell then you might want to be able to 'do spelling properly' yourself otherwise you could leave yourself looking rather foolish (Cataluyna= Catalunya).
  2. We're not debating that Pete because if we were we'd get football stopped because every contact is potentially injurious. We're debating whether or not we agree with the referee that both Ryan Jacks challenges on Friday evening against Hamilton were bookings or not, you think they were, I think they were fouls but not bookings. I can live with not agreeing with people about it.
  3. I take your point about the Hibs game it was a joke, not a very funny one, but a joke none the less. Don't get me wrong I think that both of Jacks challenges were fouls against Hamilton I just don't think that every challenge is a yellow card Pete and its decisions like that in the administration of our game that is killing it. Take Penas challenge that he did get carded for for example, thats a yellow all day long, and most likely a red too, regardless of what we think his intent was because he's gone over the top of the ball so theres only really one intent. The same can be said about the Thistle challenges too but not much said or done about either of them both were over the top of the ball again yellow cards and most likely reds. I'm not buying the "he didny mean it" baloney from the likes of the Scotsport team clowns because if you're going over the ball in a challenge at SPFL level its not just because you're late to the challenge its because you're going over the ball.
  4. I was thinking about this very subject over the weekend. I decided to look at a particular example and the stats are interesting. Ryan Jack played with Aberdeen and received 2 double yellows and 1 straight red over 7 years. He has played with us for roughly three months and has received a double yellow and a straight red so far. What has happened to Ryan in three months has he become some sort of hatchet man all of a sudden? http://uk.soccerway.com/players/ryan-jack/46472/ EDIT: The straight red was against Hibernian (which was rescinded on appeal).
  5. Aye he was a great player on his day but not even in the same class as Durrant on or off the field. He always had trouble with self discipline and if it hadn't been for Arthur Newman would have been in a lot more bother during his first spell with us. Even now he's older and should know better he still cant hawd his water and his stupid antics often become public compounding any situations he finds himself in. Its fair to say credit where its due but as far as I'm concerned he gets more credit than he's due.
  6. Apologies if I'm coming across as a wee bit terse lads I'm still fuming that our CDM Jack will probably be missing from the Perth Saints and Dolly games.
  7. I'm just gonna leave this here... The Mhanky mob beat Hamilton 4-1 at New Douglas park earlier in Sept and apparently they are world beaters but we do it with 10 men and we are shite... wtf is that all about?
  8. I dont need him to set the place on fire. I need him to in no uncertain terms kick folk up the bahooki and steal an edge. That's what a box to box midfielder is supposed to do the fact he has already weighed in with goals is a bonus for me.
  9. To be honest with you Gonzo Pena wasnt really at the races tonight but he did enough for me in there to suggest that he's a grafter as well as a creator when he's tip top ready. Why is it even a question to begin with... because Keef 'Rhebel' Jackson said so? GS above me makes the point and to a certain extent I agree with him.
  10. I would agree with you with regards to the mobility of Holt but for me he's too nice... Pena rattled Imrie early doors and he didnt do much after that and indeed his own marker too (Doherty I believe) midway through that first half the second receiving a booking himself later on which as far as I'm concerned sent a message to them that we're up for mixing this up with you. Dorrans was your weak liink tonight mate he stopped the majority of the play in favour of being cautious.
  11. I thought Dorrans along with Cardoso was poor in the first half Frankie. Cardoso doesnt really deal with people running at him. The Young lad McRorie as his LCH was quite hesitant too he didnt have that gallusness I seen from him in the Thistle and Celtic games that said they both came onto a game later although Cardoso was less assured than he should have been. Both have the weight differential to see those attackers playing on top of them out of the park but they are young so I have to give them some leeway there. Dorrans on the other hand seems to be taking money for jam.
  12. I rarely get ruffled by much but its games like this that get my dander up. No disservice to Hamilton who were an honest hard working side who put in some tough challenges but aside from the opening goal were never really in it however the officials tried their best to make it a contest and even at that with 10 men Rangers still won the second half 1-0. GIRFUY WATP!
  13. Was it ever more obvious that when the teddies put a bit of bite in their game we'll not be allowed to finnish a game with a full compliment? EDIT for clarity:Jack actually pulls out of the challenge to be fair and it is a foul but its not another yellow.
  14. its fairly obvious that its about Pedro and not Miller at all.
  15. I said in a post here on Gersnet at the start of the season, which conveniently I cant find atm, that I felt there was a voice on the park who was telling the players what to do and that I felt it was counter productive to the instructions and tactics PC was requesting from the touch line but that I couldn't figure out who it was. It took me one game to see it and I'm still not sure exactly who it was coming from but I'm leaning heavily towards Miller as it hasn't been in evidence when he wasn't playing. He has experience of that there is no doubt and by all accounts he works well with the youths and lots of players look up to him because he's apparently helpful when it comes to a new player settling in and being integrated into the club. If that is true I'm finding it difficult to produce evidence of this camaraderie or encouragement on the park during a game from him? It may well be that he is just a moody type on the park which is fair enough. However contrast that with Iain Ferguson, who no one could accuse of being a chirpy chappy on the park, attitude towards Mo Johnstone when he arrived which paraphrasing from Fergie himself 'he came in and I could see he really worked hard in training and that was good enough for me'. Millers body language, facial expressions and his lack of attempt bely any such suggestion that he is accommodating especially towards the newer guys. I might even suggest its garbage and that Miller has attempted to ingratiate himself with the Scots in the dressing room in order to cement some sort of position within the club as he nears retirement. It appears to me that he has simply been working his ticket perhaps our resident psychologist 'cooponthewing' will have at least given it some thought over the last month or so. It may also be true that there is no real spat as such and that its just a crabit senior complaining to the nurse that his tartan rug has slipped off and that his mashed banana is too cold.
  16. Its garbage and its revisionist garbage at that. The two situations are nothing like each other for a start when McCann took over a bankrupt Celtic, Rangers never lobbied the SFL to block them from transferring their SFL stake to the new company while 'the bunnet' acted as guarantor for something in the region of £7-8 mil of debt that the old company had. As such they were, effectively, allowed to keep all of their assets and position in the Premier league while the old co was in the process of being wrapped up. Rangers on the other hand were allowed no such luxury Lawell of Celtic, either acting on his own or by instruction, lobbied the SPL board to block the transfer of our stake in the premier league which effectively left us with no league to play in at all hence our application to the SFA. Consequently our main assets in our playing staff were stripped at a cost of roughly £30 mil, docked points, transfer embargo, fines, five way agreements etc etc etc. There was no grace period for a Rangers guarantor to underwrite Whites PAYE debt of roughly £10 mil which given inflation isn't a kick in the arse off of the debt McCann covered 10 years earlier. It was an orchestrated attack which was quite simply an attempt to demolish, or raise to the ground, the Rangers institution. Rangers are a special case, no other club in the history of football has faced what we have and these fuckwits write their dross in the press with an avarice that is not becoming of any journalist with integrity nevermind a sports journalist who should be concerned with the health of subject to which they write. The truth of the matter is that unlike McCanns board this current Celtic board are nothing more than destructive as far as the game in this country goes and that is what these so called journalist should be concentrating on. Any attempt to equate these two accounts are revisionist and to be quite frank with any of you giving it any credence... its half arsed shite!
  17. At his age its pretty unlikely that he'll be able to go any distance because in order for him to compete at a decent level he'll need to be extremely mobile. I notice instantly that he has fairly thin ankles which normally suggests that he wont be able to take the hits with a fighter who can punch his weight.
  18. I've just watched the video analysis and its fairly concise and I agree with most of what's being said with regards to releasing the ball to the furthest promoted Rangers player although I would argue that we made the wrong decisions by trying to play around the fullbacks in each one of those transitions and instead should have introduced variation by attacking the space between fullback and CH's on either side. It was frustrating that we had players in those positions and didn't use them.
  19. My honest opinion is that we're not quite good enough to challenge fort the league title yet but we're not light years behind. Whether we'll be allowed to compete for that title or not is debatable but so far its not been looking promising. Last season we really were just making up the numbers in the SPFL and even at that we managed to finish 3rd. As far as our games against Celtic are concerned we couldn't get near them. Everything was in their favour, new manager, tactics and a determination to keep their places in the side all contributed to a very good domestic season for them. In any other competition we could see just how poor they really were both tactically and personnel wise. Their results in Euro competition show this very stark contrast. This year its different, the poor UEFA result early on aside, I can see a marked improvement in our quality and even though we're not as yet firing on all cylinders by god the rest of the SPFL teams and their fans know it. You only need to consider the last chance saloon, pre emptive, attempts to cuckold us via nefarious lobbying and underhand SPFL board room Machiavellian manoeuvrers combined with increasing fan desperation yelping at anyone who'll listen to somehow stop us. On to the team. Everyone is complaining about Pena so lets start there, his fitness, his passing, his decision making, his this, his that but here's what I see. I was well pleased when I read the team selection and had a fair idea of what tactic was going to be employed by Pedro.. On Saturday Pena was played on the edge of the centre circle in their half pressing Brown when out of possession. Ryan Jack and Graham Dorrans played on the opposite edge in our half moving up when we were in possession further up the field. The Celtic pivot is Brown and by pressing him and his space when he was on the ball reduced his space and passing options that's why Rogic (who I think is a key player for them) and Armstrong were not as effective as they have been against us in that first half. It forced Brown either backwards or side ways because he has neither the skill nor the pace to go through that three in and around the centre circle and when he did get past Pena Ryan Jack was there to mop up. The key to Celtics play is the two MF's floating between the lines ahead of Brown. If a team stops them then it restricts their ability to spread the ball to the wing men, who would then either drive into the box, square it to the CF or cut it back to the two onrushing AMF's.. Pena, Jack and Dorrans did this extremely effectively for 50 minutes of the match which allowed Windass and Candieas to float between their lines when we were in possession. Both Candieas and Windass although playing OK didn't exploit the space between the full backs and the CD's electing mostly to go outside the fullbacks which limited their own options. Every time they did this Pena was on the move in that box to box AMF position. If either had gone in the channels between the full backs on top of Boyata on our right and Simo'something on our left then its and easy pass to the supporting run of Pena or Dorrans (who was unfortunately slightly behind the game line). As I said they chose mostly to go round the fullbacks and cross early into the box which reduced the options as Morelos was by then in a 3 against 1 situation once they had released the ball. Morelos did what he should have in that situation which was try and position for an early ball release and consequently was caught off side a few times although at least two of those he was being played on side by Tierney out on their LFB position. Pena also understood this and tried the early ball on a few occasions which unfortunately either through a lack of understanding from our forwards didn't quite work out or was cut out by the Celtic defence which again didn't quite pay off. It was absolutely the right play to make. His physique if fairly typical of a Mexican in that he is fairly short and stocky which I suspect has some thinking he is unfit. He may well be unfit but he didn't look to me like he was tired when he was substituted in the second half. In fact he looked like he could run for 90 mins easily. His substitution marked a very noticeable improvement in Browns play and that in itself should tell all bears what his effect was on that first half. What I would say though is he looks like a player who hasn't played competitive football in over a year and that showed for me when he was caught in possession a couple of times against Partick and then again against Celtic. I can understand this as you don't get much time on the ball in our league against the other teams and even less time against Celtic, although its frustrating, I felt Pedro was a little hasty subbing him after Rogic scored as it was really just our inability to clear a loose ball that was the issue rather than an unstoppable driving run from midfield that made the goal happen. I feel we should have kept the game as tight and restricted as we had been doing reducing their passing to side ways and backwards and then made the subs a bit later in the match as its never over at 1-0 and we didn't need to chase the game at that point. I'm prepared to give Pena the time he needs to settle into how the game is played here and to get his competitive edge back because the runs he's making and the passes he's trying to pull off are quite simply on a different wavelength from most of his team mates and I can really see a player in this lad. Herrera on the other hand does not have your typical Mexican physique as he's much taller than normal, a gigantor by Mexican standards and he's a big unit which is somewhat common if they are tall. I know this because I have a mate in LA who is also of Mexican parentage, he unusually stands at 6'1”, and is also a big unit. Herrera has also been getting some stick for not looking fit and in his case I feel the same as I do with Pena which is again that they look like they haven't played competitively in quite some time. His skill and ball control however is there for all to see. When he receives the ball he rarely looks like he will be in any difficulty from an opponent, and there were a couple of examples of this in the old firm game when he came on, one occasion he was surrounded by three Celtic players and dribbled out of the press easily and released the ball though I would have to say its fairly clear at the moment that he's lacking pace and needs to adapt to the speed of our game. I do see signs that he is adapting slightly quicker than Pena. He's also a much better football player than Moult by a country mile IMO although I would take Moult as a squad player. We have some real concerns with the left hand side of our team. What we have there hasn't been too great for the last few years and the Wallace/McKay combination IMO flattered to deceive. I'm no different to any other bear in that I have a deep respect for the loyalty Wallace has shown to us over the past 5 years but in saying that his play has been pretty poor for the last couple of seasons. Add to that the fact that he's at an age where he's picking up injuries etc its not helped him to acclimatise to the rigours or tempo of the SPFL in particular its physicality and as a result he's looked one dimensional. Now that he Elton and Beerman are out of action for some time it shows just how little cover we have for that area of the pitch which for me is a real concern. The young lad McRorie has come in at CH and as a result we're saying he's done a good job. He's much better than good! In fact I would go as far as to say that I haven't seen a young player with the gallusness, balance, poise and elegance that he has in a very, very long time. Provided we can keep him free of injury, because Scottish mentality as it is they will try and do him, and on the right track he is going to be an absolute cracker and Pedro is right to say that he is the future of the game in Scotland. So where do I think we are in the grand scheme of things? We've improved our, strength and quality in most positions. Our new boys have all now experienced the pace of our game here which is quick but no where near as quick as an old firm game all other games will seem even paced to them after that experience and I expect them to push on. We've improved our points tally and goal AVG from the same time last year. Save a couple of horrendous refereeing performances we'd be in a much more reflective position in the league table. We may not get the full compliment of points from the remaining first round of games but as I said I do expect the boys to push on in the second round of games. I think we're not far away from a legitimate challenge perhaps a year or so... oh aye its coming and when it does just watch Scottish football and fans implode because they are not going to be able to deal with it.
  20. Essentially I think you're right and if it were in a 'proper' broadsheet readers might be inclined to interpret its use in that way. However, its not and in a paper such as this along with the, 'Rangers have previous', it reads as EXPLOIT!... it is subtle I'll give them that but does appear to suggest sinister predatory behaviours.
  21. To be fair to Ross County they stacked the mid field with 5 and for much of the first half contained us to playing everything in front of them fortunately Tav broke their lines and hung up a cross from the byline that Morelos put away superbly with a header. Our second was great work from the wee man closing down the defenders and the keeper he's made a challenge on the keeper then got off the ground took the ball off the keeper and rolled it into an empty net. Need to push on in the second half and increase our dominance.
  22. Big Jaws


    Her husband was played by a mate of mine character (Morrison) he's done not too bad for himself and now lives in Malibu.
  23. Big Jaws


    There is a Wallace Clan organisation (enactments) that meets in Kinning park who also helped out with the factual stuff that appeared in the movie like dress, food and battle formations etc. Its possible they are there to train/practise.
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