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Everything posted by Uilleam

  1. I think that The Irons' problems are more in defence. 7 goals in 2 games shipped, despite/because of Mr Head and Shoulders. I am sure a no of clubs have looked at Carvalho, over the past 2/3 years, but have ended up shopping elsewhere. I think that he may have appeared to be overpriced, a concept which, lately, has flown out of the window.
  2. And yet, he passed a medical. Don't tell me the Club has gone back to the days of Daniel Prodan......
  3. Of course the lords of Session may take, as they have in the past, a "common sense" position, and refuse to enforce the absurdity of having to make an offer for shares at below the market value of those shares. I should not bet on it,
  4. McLeish's pronouncements and prognostications are like his football teams: lacking imagination.
  5. I am no expert, but it seems that the worst outcome will be that King, and the action applies to King only, will be forced to make an offer of 20p per share to all the other shareholders (excluding the 3 Bears). This will be, as every schoolboy knows, a complete waste of time and money. Non compliance would, presumably, be regarded as Contempt of Court. King may be 'cold shouldered' by the Takeover Panel, irrespective of any CofS ruling; "Cold-shouldering has only ever been meted out in two previous cases. This is an exceptional sanction which is delivered by issue of a public statement indicating that the offender is someone who in the opinion of the Panel is not likely to comply with the Code and typically specifying a period when the sanction is to remain effective. The rules of the UK Financial Conduct Authority and certain UK professional bodies oblige their members in certain circumstances not to act for such persons in a transaction subject to the Code..." King may have difficulty in persuading fellow trustees to release monies to fund promotion of the entirely specious share offer. There may be difficulties with a share issue to raise capital, until several hundred thousand GBPs are wasted; thereafter King, if cold shouldered, may have difficulties underwriting the issue or purchasing additional shares. Whatever, it seems clear, through any looking glass, that the Rev Dodgson wins again.
  6. Has the Club managed to keep this out of the press, and away from TV and radio? Be a 1st, if it has.
  7. Motherwell; as part of the deal for Louis Moult?
  8. People on these boards don't control hiring and firing @Ibrox. Maybe that is just as well. Write to Stuart Robertson, and express your dissatisfaction. If you are sensible, polite, and avoid green ink, you might even get a reply.
  9. If you can't tell a dud after 10 minutes, you know nothing.
  10. Try the Director of Football, or maybe the Football Board.
  11. I don't know how you can make such an allegation, but if you have grounds, do tell. I'll agree, and I think I said so, or similar, at the time, that given the apparent baggage, he was a high risk acquisition. The thing about risk is that, in general, the higher the uncertainty, the higher the reward. We have yet to see this player, on whom PC may well have gambled his job. I'll reserve judgement, pro tem., I think. Mark Hately stunk the place out for a few months, as I recall.
  12. That's Pena written off, then.
  13. Stop talking sense!! It will never catch on. As you well know, PC was damned by sections of the support from Day 1, and numerous members of this chorus will only really be happy if he fails, and is bagged. Sad, as some Yanqui might say.
  14. Uilleam


    Damning him with faint praise, there, sir.
  15. Uilleam


    I think that a fit and firing Pena is the key.
  16. However his name is pronounced -and I'm guessing Pehnya, or Peynya- I think that he is the key player for PC. The problem is that he came here with a lot of extraneous baggage, related to lifestyle, and there was some quite heated argument on these boards about his signing. Without these issues, I suspect he would never have been anywhere near Ibrox, and certainly not at the price. He looks overweight, and, clearly, he is not match fit. The questions are what, and how long, will it take to get him up to scratch? Let's hope he will start matches sooner rather than later.
  17. Uilleam


    The purchase of Moult would be nothing more than a desperate, panic buy. I do not know what gives you the idea that he is more tactically sophisticated than W & G.
  18. Uilleam


    Moult is no better than Waghorn or Garner, quite frankly, maybe not quite so good, and would struggle, like them, against teams set up like Hertz today.
  19. Rangers, as they say, failed to convert superiority into goals; in fact, Rangers failed even to convert superiority into shots on target. Even the crossed balls, such as they were, did not trouble the Hertz defence, which gobbled them up, as though in practice. Therefore, it seems clear, he has to work on striking options, on the training ground, and in the transfer market, if possible. I think, far from the unthinkable, that he has to give Kenny Miller a rest. Not for nothing was he called Kenny Misser, in days gone by.
  20. I'll stick with Burns, for the moment. The boy would have done well, for himself, if he had considered these famous lines O wad some Power the giftie gie us To see oursels as ithers see us! It wad frae mony a blunder free us, An' foolish notion...
  21. Mr Allan may well have occasion, now, to reflect, ruefully, upon the wise words of Rhymer Rab: The best laid schemes o' mice an' men Gang aft a-gley.
  22. These guys, now playing for other teams, failed to do it for Rangers last season: none of them would have made a difference, today. against the Hertz, well drilled, 10 men behind the ball tactic.
  23. Not many actual shots on goal. A few innocuous crosses, right enough.
  24. Oh what a tangled web we weave, When bad advisers we believe....
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