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Everything posted by Uilleam

  1. Wouldn't like to see you caught offside, old boy.......
  2. The Germans got it down to a fine art later. Lothar Matthäus, @Ibrox, I recall, threw himself to the turf, as if poleaxed, when the nearest Gers' player, Ferguson, B., was at least a metre from him. The referee, of course, awarded a free kick against us. Loathsome Matthäus, thereafter for me.
  3. The fhilth were scared of him, literally scared. 'Twas great to watch.
  4. A good fellow, no doubt; intelligent pundit, and knowledgeable; often quite forthright, and opinionated, which background may not please the snowflakes of the dressing room. It seems a bit of a trial period for both sides. A big risk for the club, given his lack of hands-on experience. Interesting to see how he copes. It's another Scottish side, so, bluntly, I could care more.
  5. Rugby League seems to be able to undertake all the disciplinary stuff, pdq, and no messing about.
  6. I have just realised that this is another "feelgood" story about Scottish fitba'. I am surprised that the guy in the weekend papers, brilliant writer, mind like a steel trap, ( Waddell?) missed it in his piece excoriating Rangers for some -any old- reason or another.
  7. I could be tempted to suggest that the initial flurry of procuratorial activity was merely juridical smoke and mirrors, as the Crown Office & PF had not the ability, the interest, or the ambition to press matters to a conclusion, and has, thus, taken an option both easy for itself and pleasing to certain influential elements within our society and polity.
  8. Maybe he has imported business practices from apartheid, and immediately post apartheid, South Africa. I don't know. I know that the Exciseman there very nearly had the breeks completely off him. Personally, I hate the whole 'We'll get away with it' approach to business; rarely is it premised on a coherent risk analysis; equally rarely is there a back up plan; and the approach is generally tactical, to deal with an immediate situation, rather than long, or even medium, term strategic, to say nothing of the fact that the difficulty in question could, perhaps, have been foreseen. For somebody who, I think, made his poke in insurance/re-insurance, he seems to have been somewhat cavalier in his assessment of the risk of taking on the takeover panel. (And I know how absurd the whole imposition of a 20p offer is.) There is, has been, a tendency to ascribe disingenuousness to some of DK's actions, activities, and declarations. It may be, however, that he actually is constrained by Law, by contract, or by family pressure to limit the financial exposure of the family trust(s), wherein lies the family gelt. Hence he may display a very reasonable, and explicable, reluctance to promote a faux takeover offer, and to hoover up as many 20p shares as shareholders are daft enough to sell him.
  9. Now, that seems familiar. I just can't put my finger on where I have come across it before.....
  10. Lingard- Rashford seemed to me to dovetail effectively, almost as though they had been practicing working together.
  11. Agreed. Hope it works out.
  12. I am beginning to worry that DK is one of these guys who bases a lot of his business manoeuvres on the philosophy of 'We'll get away with it', and whose response to advice that this is an unlikely outcome, is 'We'll cross that bridge when we come to it'. We have all met with this, I am sure, and heard the "I don't want hear about difficulties" mantra. This kind of approach is less than 'strategic', and, often is accompanied without a 'Plan B', or even a fall back position, as to have such in reserve is 'negative' and, in some of the worst cases, 'disloyal'. I hope that I am wrong.
  13. I do not know what would happen if the accused, pre trial, made public statements (beyond declarations of innocence) on matters which are sub judice, and on which newspapers, TV, and radio, and some, if not all, blogs, websites, etc., would eschew reporting, far less comment, for that reason. My assumption would be that it would be some form of Contempt, and would be treated as such.
  14. Third Lanark unveil plan to restore their Cathkin Park home A reformed Third Lanark have unveiled ambitious plans to move to Cathkin Park in Glasgow's southside, the club's spiritual home. It was once one of Scotland’s best-known football stadiums, regularly hosting top-flight matches and attracting thousands of cheering supporters from across the country. But Cathkin Park, in the southside of Glasgow, was left to rot after its home club, Third Lanark, went bust in 1967. The club went bust three years later and the ground was effectively abandoned before being bought by the local council. Its grandstands were eventually dismantled and the ground was bought by the local authority, who retained the pitch for public use. Now ambitious plans have been unveiled that could see a reformed Third Lanark rebuild their spiritual home as a modern footballing centre. A consortium are in talks over funding for the redevelopment of Cathkin Park, which would see an all-weather pitch, changing facilities and floodlights installed. Directors of the project want to see the renovated stadium used for football and cricket – with both sports having a large following in the nearby Mount Florida and Govanhill areas. Cathkin Park's grandstand was demolished in the 1970s but the original post-war terracing remains. The revived Third Lanark AFC are currently top of the third division of the Greater Glasgow Amateur League and groundshare at Vale of Clyde’s Fullarton Park in Tollcross. But the club hopes to return to Cathkin in the near future. “We want to establish Third Lanark as a football and sporting club at the centre of the local community,” chairman Ian Alexander told the Sunday Mail. “We’ve had meetings with Glasgow City Council regarding our proposals and they have been extremely positive. The plans for a five-phase development would initially cost about £250,000 for a basic infrastructure. “It’s a five-year, £5million plan which would see a 2000-seater stand, smaller pitches and car parking built. “We want to forge close links with Govanhill. It’s the most racially diverse part of Scotland with more than 40 nationalities within a square mile.” The original Third Lanark club was formed in 1872 by members of the Third Lanarkshire Rifle Volunteers (3rd LRV). Known by supporters as the Hi-Hi, Thirds quickly established itself as a force in Scottish football and was for many years considered the third biggest club in Glasgow behind Celtic and Rangers. As late as 1961, the side finished third in the top division. But a series of boardroom squabbles in the mid-1960s saw the club relegated, with fans and players alike increasingly alienated by off-the-pitch activities. B]Thirds were liquidated in 1967 and a subsequent board of trade investigation found widespread corruption within the club’s operations. [/b] http://www.scotsman.com/heritage/people-places/third-lanark-unveil-plan-to-restore-their-cathkin-park-home-1-4421112 I still don 't know why they were called The Hi Hi.......
  15. That these buffed-up corner boys will evade even the possibility of being held to account for their actions is disgraceful. It is indicative of the indifference, or incompetence, or both, of the Procurators Fiscal.
  16. ' "But a source said of the move ahead of his trial at the High Court in Glasgow: “He wanted to have his own platform so that he could comment on certain aspects of the case and respond directly to anything being said he disagrees with." ' Will this not place him in contempt of court? I can't think of any criminal trial, at all, where the public, and, depending on the scale and nature of dissemination, quite possibly a jury, have been regaled, during a trial, with the personal opinions of the accused via any communication medium whatsoever.
  17. Rasellik has faces, public, and, by extension, private, which one would never tire of hitting. (To borrow a sentiment.)
  18. These people are truly thick. He who pays the piper calls the tune.
  19. Oi! You are not allowed to use the word "pervert", verb or noun, in any form, in any sentence containing the word "celtic", or referring to it. Scottish Media Style Rules refer.
  20. No doubt fhilthfc will appeal the decision, despite there being no grounds for a plea at all, and nothing in mitigation. "Suddenly, Sirs, a red mist engulfed me", is no excuse. However, if the hooped whores wish to ensure that the thug plays v Rangers, they will see to it that Broonie's brief goes on a 14 day pilgrimage to Lourdes, thus causing disciplinary proceedings to be postponed. (Beaks v Lurgan Bigot, last week, refers.) After broonie's merited dismissal, shameful scenes ensued, on the field of play. Both sides should be charged with failing to control their players, and with bringing the game into disrepute. Perhaps Sturgeon could instruct an Enquiry. Surely she must. I don't think that the referee, Don Robertson, will be seen officiating in the forseeable future, if ever. One hopes that his home insurance policy is not in arrears.
  21. Interesting stuff. Where is it you buy your anoraks, again?
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