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Everything posted by Uilleam

  1. Did he actually turn a profit, however small, on any of his Selling Platers?
  2. Gary McKay-Steven; but Jose-Karl Pierre-Fanfan beats him by one hyphen.
  3. I think that there may be difficulties with just "going into debt". Given recent history, current civil and criminal legal cases, and the present attitudes of lenders to 'risk' it is unlikely that (m)any financial institutions will be running to extend loans, or overdraft facilities. Nor will (m)any be queuing to take equity, if there was a shares issue. Is there a raft of bluenose hedge funds out there? Looking to park cash for the foreseeable future? I think that the situation will prevail for some time, medium term, rather than short term. Investment via share purchase, or lending, therefore, in this timescale, will most likely come from those with an emotional commitment to the Club, from individual and aggregated fans. Of course, if somebody such as Red Bull decided to take an interest, then all bets would be off.
  4. I give you: Jose-Karl Pierre-Fanfan Signed to a fanfanfare, but soon 'fell out of favour'. As far as I know, the only player with a double double-barreled name to play in the top flight in Scotland.
  5. Tero Pentilla, and another Finnish lad, signed by DA, did very little, ultimately went home.
  6. Perhaps it was Mr Anthony Higgins, who sat on the panel with Nevin, and AN Other. As for Nevin, some time ago, he recalled, on Radio 5, an anecdote from his time at Tranmere Rovers. Apparently, his services were coveted by Bolton Wanderers, but he and his wife were settled on Merseyside, and did not fancy such a move. Consequently, when the Manager informed him of an enquiry from another Club, he assumed that it was the Trotters, and said that he was not interested. He was, he said, very upset when he found out that the inquiry was from the very team he had supported since boyhood, sellikfootballclub, to whom he would have moved with alacrity. By the time he chaired the panel on Mizuno, he was of course, a Hibbie, through and through, and completely disinterested in rahoops' affairs.
  7. Yep, plenty of snap, crackle, and flops in the piggery brock bin. The most remarkable, recently, was perhaps the Japanese "wunderkind" (I know, I know), Koki Mizuno, who was granted a Work Permit on appeal, in 2008, following a professional assessment by a Tribunal containing, if I remember correctly, Messrs Nevin, P., and Collins, J. He was touted as a player with world class potential, Nevin even remarking that he might be the best young player he had ever seen. He made 12 appearances in 2 1/2 seasons, was released, and returned to Japan. That signing stands out for two reasons: the hype, and the odour around the Work Permit.
  8. Did the full back Steven Wright come from Aberdeen? Hardly a success down Govan way, if memory serves.......
  9. Actually, I think that it is Strachan who needs to tell the clown to gtf, but your sentiments are correct, and pithily expressed. Of course, whether the bauchle will do so is anybody's guess.
  10. Jackson is an irritating fool. I've heard him on Radio Scotland, where he endeavours to assume the role of intellectual hard man; realistically, neither of these appellations could be attached to him, although he does opine within in the kingdom of the one eyed and the blind, so the competition for such status is hardly fierce. In the article above he states, extremely disingenuously, in relation to King's "festering feud" with Ashley/Sports Direct, "...this stand-off is costing Rangers somewhere in the region of £4m and £6m per annum and it will continue to do so, very possibly for some years to come". The blame for this may hardly be laid at King's door; nor is it, properly a "feud", it is a legal struggle. It would be more accurate to suggest that it is Ashley's feud with King; that, however, would be to posit a position somewhat sympathetic to King, and to Rangers, and that, of course, would never do, for the rather ironically titled "Record". For what it is worth, my view is that King, et al., do not yet have the skeleton of a prospectus to raise funds on the open market, such are the legal complexities, criminal and civil, which continue to hold back the Club. I believe that King, and others, will invest when circumstances indicate a climate somewhat less risky than exists currently.
  11. So, he is leaving his "Rotherham Hell" to return to his "Piggery Hell". I could care more.
  12. If Lafferty was able to play at his best, or near to it, consistently, we would not be talking about him on this forum. At Ibrox, on those few occasions when he was good, he was very very good, but, on those many, many occasions when he was bad, he was horrid.
  13. Moira Anderson would have ridden that 'punch'. Is this clown a man at all?
  14. The match is a bit, well, one-sided now. I fear the worst.
  15. He will have been nobbled at HT, and will "even it up" in this half.
  16. The opposition scores and we are watching a different side. This metamorphosis occurred v St Johnstone, too.
  17. Our cause is just. The enemy will be defeated. Victory will be ours.
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