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Everything posted by Uilleam

  1. Our cause is just. The enemy will be defeated. Victory will be ours.
  2. If memory serves, sometime in the mid 60s, the (English) FA organised a match between England and a Rest of the World XI, in celebration of something or other. Included in the "World XI", were Messrs Baxter, J., and Henderson, W., both Rangers. Therefore, both Slim Jim and Wee Willie would have to be counted as "world class" players.
  3. A pity for the player, indeed. However the Scottish media have gone completely overboard about this, to the extent that one might assume that the boy is the only young footballer ever to suffer a serious injury. I do not know how good a player Paterson is, but I seem to recall that MacKay, B., ripped him a new one in the Hertz game at Ibrox, and that his only remedy was to rather violently foul our lad.
  4. Actually, that was desperate. In charge until the gift, a different side thereafter. Our inability to change things (except, of course for the worse) again exposed. If Garner is the answer, I do not know what the subject is, far less the question.
  5. McLean gave one of the worst refereeing performances of our time, in the last match he officiated at Ibrox. On Saturday, he will be under such "scrutiny" by the sellik-minded, and assorted fellow travellers, that he will give fhilthfootballclub just about everything. I am advised by text to bet on a red card for Garner, but will not do so, for reasons of conscience.
  6. Thankfully the Club has a record with knee knack that is second to none.
  7. I know that it is, now, the Season of Good Will, but, guys, "Fuck Aberdeen".
  8. i should like to think that Whyte was surprised to be fisted by the large handed fellow felon.
  9. It would surprise no one if Green acted unilaterally, and ultra vires, in establishing the purchase by Sevco Scotland.
  10. The machinations are Machiavellian, but I think that Green, as Director, possibly sole Director, of Sevco5088 was able to assign the bid (for want of a better description) to Sevco Scotland, of which he was also a Director. The rationale at the time was explained/justified as having as the owning Company one registered in Scotland, and under The Law of Scotland. The fact that this disenfranchised Whyte (and others) may be taken as coincidental, by the naive. Nanker & Phelge would argue that they merely implemented the wish of the purchaser.
  11. I am unsure that this is 100% correct. My understanding is that Sevco 5088 was the preferred bidder, but that it assigned or gave its rights, to purchase, to Sevco Scotland. Chas Green was the key player in the transaction.
  12. It's not the ones who came through, it's the ones the Club missed: Charlie Cooke, John Wark, Andy Gray, among the most prominent, all Rangers' supporters, from Rangers supporting families. How big was the net, and how wide the mesh?
  13. Whyte should be horsewhipped from Plantation to Pennilee. I would pay good money to watch that. I suspect others would, too.
  14. When the CEO, or whatever he is, seems to be no more than a useful idiot for particular interests..........any kind of rational analysis, or application of thought is a pipe dream.
  15. No; but, to a man, woman, and child, we are are dour, humourless, serious minded Calvinists, our dancing feet tied by Jno Knox; of course, per Baron (sic) Reid of Cardowan, we are hypocritical to boot (I know, I know),
  16. Summer football seems the way forward. It would help Aberdeen's lighting problems. After Brexit nobody will be holidaying abroad, or holidaying at all, for that matter. Shopping malls are warm and welcoming (well, perhaps not the latter) in winter months. A better TV deal might be possible (no competition from other leagues). All this before we consider pitches, training pitches, and training generally; warm weather training at Maidens, say, rather than the Algarve. That's McKay's job spec sorted, then.
  17. Here is a piece from today's Guardian, a publication which constantly badgers on-line readers to contribute money . I have always managed to resist its pitch. Articles such as this do nothing to change my mind, indeed, only harden whatever resolve I possess. I wonder how much the fhilth paid for this oxterguff puff? https://www.theguardian.com/football/2016/dec/15/celtic-christmas-advert-leigh-griffiths-brendan-rodgers-scott-brown Nothing says Christmas more than Celtic’s Leigh Griffiths dressed as an elf After their first Christmas advert became an internet hit, Celtic have produced a follow-up as they bid to become the John Lewis of the SPL Leigh Griffiths celebrates scoring a goal for Celtic but has brought Christmas joy to the club’s fans by appearing as an elf in the Scottish champions’ latest advert Paul MacInnes Thursday 15 December 2016 11.25 GMT If you listen, you may hear the sound of sleigh bells approaching. If you listen even closer you will realise you are wrong and that the ringing is coming from the tills in club shops. ’Tis the season to splash out on consumer durables and football clubs certainly aren’t about to miss out on the action. On Premier League websites you can find customised PlayStation cases at Bournemouth, Southampton’s special range of watches, Hull City’s tiger-inspired wrapping paper and, at Liverpool, a photo of Sadio Mané in Santa gear looking overwhelmed by a gift. Some sites might simply plonk a crest on a reindeer-themed jumper and be done with it but others see an opportunity provided by digital platforms and a global fanbase. An example of a forward-thinking club are Celtic, who are seeking to turn themselves into the John Lewis of the SPL. Recently the Scottish champions released their second annual Christmas advert. The premise involves an old man sharing a sofa with his young grandson. He is trying to get the wee ‘un interested in the glories of the Lisbon Lions, whose 50th anniversary falls next year, but the kid isn’t having any of it, so distracted is he by a smartphone. Then, just as granddad is on the verge of giving up, Leigh Griffiths appears on the mantlepiece. He is a miniature Griffiths, dressed as an elf, here to bring joy and Celtic-branded presents to the household. Before you know it an imaginary Scott Brown has appeared in the stairwell. Finally, Brendan Rodgers turns up at the door too, his teeth as white as the falling snow. Truly, it’s a Christmas miracle. Brown’s appearance is a cameo after he starred in the first Celtic Xmas ad as a small child’s only, invisible, friend. Posted on YouTube and shared via their various social channels, the video went viral and gave Celtic an idea. “We realised it was an opportunity to show the lighter side to the club,” says Celtic’s commercial director, Adrian Filby. “That we’re a humorous brand, not just one with a great history. It was also a chance to engage supporters in a different way. Supporters want to get involved. They want to show their passion for the club and share the message wider. Effectively we’re a global club wrapped in a local market, but these adverts give us reach.”
  18. BBC Scotland continued its Sportsound whitewash tonight. Unfortunately, well fortunately, I missed much of the show (and no, I will not download the podcast, thank you very much.) What I did hear was that, contrary to last night's defence of the bigot as a football man, and a good guy ( white non Jewish heterosexual male does not offend white heterosexual non Jewish males, and there's a surprise) was that the post requires not so much football coaching abilities as diplomacy, tact, and interpersonal skills. The more that the panel, particularly the self important English, emphasised this, the more the job description moved away from the appointee. To place McKay in the post is an insult to the Scottish public. As my old mother would say: It is a disgrace. As my old father would say: Are you surprised?
  19. No; if we compiled it , it would be accurate; it would record their fantasies : as I said, a long book.
  20. Don't they have one?.....It's called the holy....mother....something....
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