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Everything posted by Uilleam

  1. If we were like them, which thank the Lord we're not, Sir, we would be keeping a record, kind of Domesday Book, of all the things that they have said, written, and done, which made us puke, or splutter, or laugh, or shake our heads in incredulity, or throw up our hands in bewilderment, or sometimes just shrug. It would not be a short volume.
  2. Was that the season they had a "candlelit vigil", in the piggery car park, for their manager, the Bigot of Lurgan?
  3. The Mel Gibson of Scottish Football.
  4. I do indeed; I recall also that Regan neglected to apprise the foreign officials of the small matter that they were in Scotland to strike break. I seem to recollect, too, that the fhilth had a referee from Luxembourg, who was not, shall we say, helpful to them, and made one or two honest mistakes. There was much merriment about this, and about whether the fellow was a member of Grand Lodge Luxembourg. (Clearly he was, or they would have had 5 or so penalties)
  5. A sellik supporter of my acquaintance said to me recently, in a bar in Shawlands (in vino veritas), "You know, the Celtic support is thick." I declined to dispute this assertion.
  6. The, ahem, whitewashing of the clearly odious MacKay on Radio Scotland, last night, was breathtaking. Quite how the BBC (yes, the BBC) could broadcast such an unbalanced piece, which featured a panel exclusively comprising of rather well heeled, white, men, is extraordinary None of them were striplings, as far as I could tell, so the whole thing sounded like a conversation one might have overheard at a golf club bar some years ago. Who at Pacific Quay felt that it could present a supposedly serious discussion of sexist, racist, homophobic, and anti semitic attitudes under the aegis of the National Broadcaster, with narry a woman, a person of ethnic background, a gay, or a Jew, contributing? I imagine that it was not a woman, a black or an Asian, a gay, or a Jew. To be honest, I could stomach their apologia for McKay for no longer than 30 mins, and had to switch off, so I may be doing them a disservice. Somehow, I doubt that.
  7. i read, some time ago, an article about fans'perception of what was important for them, ie their team, in the following season. In brief, and across Europe, 1. The Young Team wanted their side to win or do well in the CL; 2. The Middle Aged thought success in domestic competition(s) was paramount; 3. The older supporter, however, took the view that the most important thing was 'beating these bastards down the road'. I have some sympathy with the last sentiment. The CL can go hang, if Rangers is not competing.
  8. This appointment, already looking like one of the SFA's smartest moves ever, now, on a daily basis, demonstrates the depth of its wisdom.
  9. I remember signs in Hamilton, probably at Douglas Park, itself, and maybe in shop windows in the town, advertising Acas v....whomever. I was aye told that the Club went to the dogs with Stepek and his crew in the 70s
  10. Paul Murray lifts "the lid"; who raised the stone from under which these creatures crawled?
  11. Think that it may have been a retaliatory roof spoof on Twitter.
  12. Certainly, he could never work in such a "high profile" post in England. Imagine the furore should the FA, in a fit of utter madness, appoint him to a similar post. The press, the media generally, would hit the roof; there would be questions in the House. The appointment would be untenable. In Scotland, a nasty, small minded bigot, proven as such by his own words, ticks all the boxes for the body responsible for the governance of the game, at all levels, and for all players. Beyond satire.
  13. As I said a few days ago I read, in today's London Times, that the SFA is "set" to appoint Mr Malky McKay as its National Performance Director, whatever that is, although it involves directing the national coaching strategy and structure from grass roots to the men's and women's national teams. McKay is the former sellik player, who while managing Cardiff City, sent a series of text messages, tweets, etc, which may be characterised as racist, sexist, homophobic, and anti Semitic. The FA investigated, and declared that the messages were a private matter, and, thus, of no concern to it. This decision was roundly condemned by Kick it Out, the Jewish Leadership Council, and Women in Football, among others. It is little wonder that Scottish Football has lost its place at the EPFL, if it is perceived as the kind of organisation which, in 2016, appoints this kind of man to a position of influence. It seems clear that many in the SFA, an organisation charged with the governance of Scottish Football, writ large, is prepared to appoint a bigot of the first water, provided that that bigot has a connection with, and affection for, sellikfootballclub.
  14. Unconfirmed, but Twitter bears suggest that part of the piggery had to be closed off tonight due to a problem with.... the roof!!
  15. Forget the piggery roof, for the moment......apparently tonight's game @pittodrie has been abandoned. The Northern Lights have failed, and even God wouldn't trust an Aberdonian in the dark.
  16. What we have to remember is that the windbracing ties (the pillars) have to be demountable, to allow the fhilth to sell tickets with an uninterrupted view.
  17. Taylor was defeated by John Maxton (nephew or grandson of the famousClydeside Red, Jimmy Maxton). It was argued that he was the first Presbyterian, or Presbyterian sounding, candidate that Labour had fielded in that constituency, for years, and he was able, thus, to gain the "Orange" and/or Protestant vote, particularly in The 'Mulk.
  18. I have always assumed that the twin pillars were not some Masonic joke, but were windbracing, tying the cantilevered roof to substructure below the seating plinth, thus preventing the roof blowing off and taking the seating plinth, which is tied to it, with it. During a match, the dead weight of the dead eyed support provides the ballast. I am no structural engineer, so I could be wrong.
  19. One would hope that the electorate of Cathcart, etc, duly bring the roof down upon this deluded imbecile.
  20. BBC "Sportsound", or Finian's Rainbow, as it would be better styled, tonight spent the first half hour of its allotted span discussing two major decisions from the weekend's football 'action'. You've got it in one, brothers : the offside decision against Cowie, and the booking of Walker for 'simulation'. The panel of "experts" comprised of Billy Brown, Scott McDonald, and, by telephone, Charlie Richmond. Brown, as far as I know, sorry, ken, is a life long Hibbie, who happened to coach/manage Hearts: McDonald is a lifelong sellikfan, from a sellik family, and who, if memory serves, declined an opportunity to discuss terms with Rangers; Richmond was described as a "former referee", although, from my recollection, calling him a referee is on the verge of bending reality, and to have him pass comment -actually judgement- on another official is something beyond satire. And, yes, again, you've got it in one, brothers: it was a goal, and Walker should not have been booked. No mention was made of the horror tackles on Rangers' players, before I switched off. It was the kind of independence and objectivity that I have come to expect from the "National Broadcaster", and this familiarity makes it not one whit less depressing. To make matters if anything worse, I have just heard, (unconfirmed, as yet, note) that the Governor of St Aloysius' School, Ms McKinnon, in her less exalted role as charge hand at Pacific Quay, has moved, unusually for the BBC, with some considerable alacrity, to bring that cartoon character trapped in a cartoon character's body, and arch Rangers' hater, Mr Jum "Call me Jum" Spence, back into the Sports' Department's fold.
  21. Quite. The term "boy" in the WofS, or even in the Gaeltacht, for that matter, does not have the pejorative connotations which English sought to impute. If we were, however, south of the Mason-Dixon Line, and Cathro was black, or of mixed race........then the boyo Tom may have had a point.
  22. Given the calibre of the majority of SNP MSPs, and MPs, it must have been a major surprise to him that he was not selected. We can agree, surely, that it was a "shocking decision" by the constituency party, one that can be put alongside that of Alex McLeish, who when Rangers' Manager, did not offer him terms, even after a trial period, of a week or thereby.
  23. Per Wikipedia, Neil Francis Lennon joined Crewe, on a free from Man City, in Aug 1990, aged 19, possibly missing hands on coaching there, but who knows about Maine Road?
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