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Everything posted by Uilleam

  1. Two Shillings and Five Pence, before our money was decimated.
  2. Did you notice any difference in pricing strategies since your last visits?
  3. A peculiarly sanctimonious brand of shite, I would contend. Therein lies its "speshul" status.
  4. You don't buy that rasellik is "More Than a Club"?
  5. A joke about child abuse, and the protection of abusers. Topical, then, topical now.
  6. The team should have scored more. Squandered chances win nowt. Is it merely my impression, or does Halliday aye get heavy treatment, and little protection from officialdom?
  7. The fact that it is not alone in condoning bigotry is no excuse. At the moment, it is not absolutely certain that McKay will be appointed: let us hope that he is not.
  8. I read, in today's London Times, that the SFA is "set" to appoint Mr Malky McKay as its National Performance Director, whatever that is, although it involves directing the national coaching strategy and structure from grass roots to the men's and women's national teams. McKay is the former sellik player, who while managing Cardiff City, sent a series of text messages, tweets, etc, which may be characterised as racist, sexist, homophobic, and anti Semitic. The FA investigated, and declared that the messages were a private matter, and, thus, of no concern to it. This decision was roundly condemned Kick it Out, the Jewish Leadership Council, and Women in Football, among others. There are two points to note: It is little wonder that Scottish Football has lost its place at the EPFL, if it is perceived as the kind of organisation which, in 2016, appoints this kind of man to a position of influence. It seems clear that many in the SFA, an organisation charged with the governance of Scottish Football, writ large, is prepared to appoint a bigot of the first water, provided that that bigot has a connection with, and affection for, sellikfootballclub.
  9. Smokin' Joe, Joltin' Joe, whatever, as long as it is not Sloppy Joe.
  10. Hielan', I shouldn't wonder. A contraction of Donald, and something else. Esmeralda? Surely not....the bells, the bells....
  11. We can look forward to the Club and support continuing the existing cordial and fruitful relationship with the broadcaster, then.
  12. Should it not have been a free kick for the foul on the defender?
  13. Nothing on "Welcome to Protestant Hamburg" to come?
  14. Some cretin funded coprophile will be live streaming the event, no doubt.
  15. David Beckham had an entire on field career.
  16. A merited victory in a game which the referee and his accomplices just failed to ruin. Officiating of that standard is unacceptable in a professional League. One can only speculate as to why it is tolerated.
  17. I have to agree with the comments on the referee. Frankly if it is not favouritism, or anti Gers bias, it is complete, utter, and total incompetence. Mr McLean should be despatched to officiate for the Shetland Primary Schools' League,never to return.
  18. On Sky @5.15 pm, ie after the event, so avoid the score and you will be sorted, if you can get to a TV.
  19. i wonder where his freebie Rangers' shares are held.
  20. No, but the nouvelle vague clearly lacks permanence.
  21. I am no tactician. Perhaps somebody could explain -briefly- what we were trying to do. (No smart arses. please; not tonight.)
  22. 2 - 0.......and a piece of piss to score.
  23. I am sorry to say it, but this team is shite. It has no idea what it is trying to do. It cannot attack, it cannot defend, and it, sure as guns are iron, it cannot play on the break. Hertz could, if it put its mind to it, savage us, and it is an OK Scottish team, which is fit, organised, and has a coherent game plan to which it can adhere. European football, ffs, who is having a laugh?
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