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Posts posted by Uilleam

  1. Andy himself, is a dismembered organ; permanently in a state of tumescence whilst obsessing about Rangers. He can achieve no relief, has no satisfaction, and regularly meets ill Phil for self help sessions. A coming together.


    Hold the front page - we have a bigger splash.

  2. Who is this moron, and why is he wasting Building Control time?


    Is he merely another one of these Rangers' hating multi taskers who can masturbate and tap out tripe on the keyboard simultaneously?

    (That does take talent, granted.)


    I would be worried if King was not proposing to undertake repairs, maintenance, and cosmetic improvements.

  3. I think that the boy has talent, but like O'Connor, and Riordan before, from the same club,

    there is too much of the ned about him. Curious. Are they in some way related? Incest is just

    another shag in Pilton or Prestonpans, I am told.


    Me? I never go east of High Street, since you ask.

  4. If English has any pretension to being a journalist, he should know that Warburton v Rodgers is a great story, one

    of significance to Scottish fitba', and one which he should be glad to see running for the whole season, if not more,

    (Red Imps result notwithstanding).

    However he takes, avidly, the BBC (Scotland) shilling. and its editorial line, which may be summarised as

    "Rangers is bad". We should expect, therefore, nothing but negativity at best, open hostility at worst from this

    preening and posturing prick, a company man to the bottom of his publicly filled purse.

  5. Players wanting to play, rather than just happy to collect a paycheck.


    And prepared both to work and to look after their diet, lifestyle, etc, to that end.

    All, of course, under the all seeing eye of The Magic Hat. Refreshing.

  6. I came in , less than an hour ago and found I had an e mail. It said,

    "Stopped laughing yet?"


    I replied, impishly, as follows:


    Put simply, No. It's impossible not to laugh at such an impoverished and impotent performance. Even the impartial are

    unimpressed by its limpness. The implications? Well, Clodagh's job may not be imperilled, but such will be the impact, he will be impelled to act,

    and implore players to sign (given DD's imprimatur, and the importance of keeping the impressionable impure and impious

    on-side). Most of them, however, have imploded, impugning the manager with foul imprecation, and importunately demanding his impeachment,

    his imprisonment, or, even his impalement. They are impatient, it seems, although surely the team may improve. Is that implausible,

    or -heaven forfend- impossible?

    The manager himself, impromptu, post match, appeared impenitent, talked impenetrably, and seemed imprudently impervious to criticism.

    Fresh impetus is needed. Cue impending, impetuous, impulse buying.


    Maybe I should get out more.

  7. Too many teams, too many games, too many participants playing like they were spent,

    all of which contributed to the primacy of defensive play/tactics, and delivered a poor tournament.


    That the Final was disappointing should be no surprise.

  8. The important point is that the Club is offering them improved terms. The players and/or their agent(s) are jockeying for

    further enhancement. This strikes me as something that goes on day and daily, at this time of year.

    I am inclined to suggest that this is mischief making from Murray at the Guardian (neither journalist nor paper are

    friends to Rangers) because there is no information on Warburton's next acquisitions.


    Really, the press should be concentrating on the Resolution 12 bouncing bomb, about to blast Scottish fitba' to smithereens, at or about 6pm,

    tonight, Friday, just when any and all offices of concerned parties are closed for business for the week end. (And when all the anti sellik conspirators

    will be away at The Big Walk).

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