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Everything posted by cooponthewing

  1. Sorry Gonzo I agree with JFK on this. Imagine this is the other way around? Btw are we sure it wasn’t a Bananna coz that’s what it looked like. If it wasn’t they should get a warning, that looks like a banana and that’s racist on a 1980s level.
  2. That’s what it looked like Bill. I remember watching it at the time and that’s what I thought.
  3. Mate of mine is a sheep and he agrees! Was laughing that cosgrove was getting away with it.
  4. Ahhh memories from the terraces. I only go as far back as 85 but do remember it was never advised to be down the front of the terracing. All sorts could come raining down?
  5. I couldn’t hear it on that clip. If there are 3k bears and 10 sing add ons with a mic not far from them, then I don’t think that’s a charge either as it’s not a collective support but a small group who need lifted. Anyway, that’s another argument. I personally hope the club don’t take tickets as there is potential for this to happen. It’s a set up with UEFA as you dont know who is wearing your clubs colours as a fan at European away grounds. This is obvious and Shame FC have been telling us all sorts of fans have been infiltrating them and using this excuse.
  6. It’s given me a heck of an idea for the next karaoke night I’m at!
  7. I wouldn’t be letting your carer make your tea anymore compo! Just do it yersel from now on and Fido will go back to normal.....
  8. I need to be honest Gonzo and agree with everyone else 100% on this, although I take your point re some fans don’t care, as it’s never been about the club for them. If they are guilty, and it’s our fans that have done this, then they should be held accountable by their peers, before the authorities get a hold of them. All the club can do is refuse away tickets, and that ensures this can’t happen because nobody can stop idiots in our support or idiots in other supports imitating us and using offensive singing.
  9. Very enjoyable afternoon apart from the insane polar conditions!! Not at our best and still strolled it. Davis is a class act all round tbh.
  10. When will we find out any action? I had a look this morning but couldn’t see anything on website? How do we know it wasn’t Feyenoord fans infiltrating our support or other to get us into bother? We don’t and Shame FC set a precedent for that.
  11. I would say £50m, and supporters free access to elite worldwide escorting services for a year as a good will gesture.
  12. If DK was making it known he wouldn’t back down to that horrible fat Jabba then I’m 100% behind him (that’s DK, not the overweight interstellar sideways walking lard ass).
  13. They are F***ing useless and pick their victims. They are a disgrace who are shown up when the Polish, Dutch or perhaps German brigade come to town. The Scot Squad would rather be drawing Barton’s on waens at U19 matches. We know what kind of people they are behind the uniforms and mask.....
  14. Just simply psychology-tell people enough times that they are only going to get fined, and that they can do no wrong, then the public are habituated. It becomes just noise in the background and the corruption continues. Liewell on European working groups, alleged favours from the Irish connections within UEFA and on committees? Let’s be honest many of our own support are now habituated to the perceived corruption, so what chance have we got?
  15. Seen this on Twitter. We will see I guess?
  16. Third time this season!! It’s only a £15k fine ? Half a weeks wages for many of the players. Just so blatantly corrupt it’s hard to fathom?
  17. I suspect there is mileage on what the blog describes, but as Frankie points out concrete evidence it is not. That being said, if there is substance to what is being alleged then finding concrete evidence will be difficult.
  18. You mean like All Inclusive? I’m not sure that’s a strong enough line tbh!
  19. It’s much more than a message-board reaction. I would suggest the majority of Rangers supporters don’t give two hoots about the Scottish National side. They don’t give a monkeys about the SFA and won’t be helping any of them do anything. Never Forgive-Never Forget!
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