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Everything posted by cooponthewing

  1. Best 5 that I have seen? Cooper Gazza Laudrup Souness Hately
  2. The woman next to him has the audio on her phone surely? If she was videoing Alfie then she has it for sure
  3. Same as me back in the 80s MacK.
  4. I almost mentioned something after the first goal mate but left it. All we have had for the last two weeks in some bears friendly media quarters, is a Tav love in. That not directed at you at all Rousseau, just a observation in general. He needs dropped, not stripped of the captaincy (that’s hysterical), not embarrassed, not belittled, just dropped because he looks mentally tired, and it has showed all season. We keep going about rotation, then rotate someone else, be that Polster or Flanagan and remind everyone that anyone is fallible, and therefore could be due a rest.
  5. Richard Gordon has just said at HT and I quote “Katic has to stop crying and man up”? W@nker!
  6. Great news? I got seats down the front for my niece and her pal (me too) hopefully they can see Stevie G up close??
  7. Not using a mobile device you can’t......and right on cue just checked on iPad? You can now, thx BG.
  8. I don’t see it Frankie, but then again we all see it differently. He makes me nervous and I don’t think he will cut it.
  9. I didn’t say he was at fault for the late goal. I said I felt he was a bit of a bomb scare? It’s just an opinion dB.
  10. Am I the only one that thinks Hellander is a bomb scare too? Tavernier needs dropped, I said that on a post a few days ago. However, why are we playing Hellander? It’s because he cost money not because he makes us sit any easier watching it!
  11. I could Ian but that phone no is a total rip off. I may end up doing it but why can’t we a specific seat? Surely that’s the whole point? Anyway, must be that time of the month again as I’m a moany bassa!?
  12. I can’t pick a seat online, and it’s not very accommodating? You can only pick stand and area. I want the very front row with my niece, and her pal so they can see the players up close. I’m away at the minute so can’t get to TO. Not sure why the probs online? I’m using mobile devices, tablet and phone.
  13. I don’t think he is a bad player, I just don’t see where he fits in atm? If Tav goes then I can see him given a chance, but not before.
  14. I have just seen the elbow on Aribo. He looks at him, lifts his elbow, jumps and smacks him straight on! No action taken by the ref means there must be action from the CO!
  15. Called me a moron, I just left that comment with a humorous reply. There is no reason for anyone to direct insults at me, I don’t give them out. Let alone one questioning my existence with eugenics. It was actually ironic as I had been referencing that rocket Darwinist Galton earlier ? There I go insulting now? Been a a long day Craig, apologies for being a bit cranky.
  16. Yet not why the genetic personal insults directed at me over an humorous observation many had made. As I said, I made nothing of it at the time so why is this defence ok? He wasn’t defending the police, he was insulting me. I have never insulted anyone on here so unsure what’s going on here tbh? As I said, he was insulting me, not defending anyone. It wasn’t an issue for me, I thought admin would have notice it?
  17. Ffs? Not even a yellow I seen Frankie post. Will the CO look at that as no card issued?
  18. I missed the game tonight (library again) so am just catching up. What happened with the stitches? Sounds brutal?
  19. I’m not quite sure what relevance that has Craig? My initial post wasn’t out of of order. It was an observation, and a description of my feeling when watching the police do nothing as usual? He said they were outnumbered, that doesn’t make anyone feel safer. Does that change my observation of their competence? Incidentally, I was called a moron for describing my feeling on what was in front of me. Francis Galton, famous eugenicist, described a moron as just below imbecile. They were to be sterilised,not worthy of society, and prevented from breeding. Interesting that’s from a policeman. I didn’t say anything but as you brought it up? It’s a pretty personal insult considering the context.
  20. Mark Falco scored that goal, the first, and Mcoist scored the second, that was a header in the second half.
  21. I still remember his hat trick in the Glasgow Cup v them in 86! We win 3-2 in sure, and it was just after Souness arrived. I was in the Jungle for the overhead kick v hibs but reckon Dynamo Kiev was my favourite. I was only a boy but it sticks in my mind.
  22. I wasn’t laughing at them being assaulted, I was laughing at the sight of them being hooked left right and centre while doing nothing? I’m still laughing as they are only fairly better than bad steward? They are hopeless, and if it were a stand off between the Scot Squad and literally any other force in Europe, i would be laughing again? They are just terrible at doing anything? The can’t police? Perhaps the job description has changed but they are just awful at eh, policing? As for being a moron?? Don’t get your nickers in a twist, we usually try humour and satire on here...........
  23. Totally agree TB and it will cost us in the end. We could all see Kamara and Arfield were done by 70 mins. We got there though which is the main thing. It’s a bit of a thud back to earth this Sunday though?
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