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Everything posted by cooponthewing

  1. Just bumping this back up, won't be long till the big party!? It's almost Tuesday already!! Championeeeeeeeeees by Wednesday gentleman ???WATP
  2. Just watched the highlights that were posted by BEARGER and our defence is shocking, however from what I have seen(very little) and going from what I saw last week at Ibrox, the rest of the team have absolutely no faith in the back line, after those second half subs are made the whole mood changes. The first goal was a cracker and the second was The goalies fault, but what I saw at the end was just a repeat of the week before, shambolic defending from the whole team running around no direction and nobody getting them by the throat and pulling them together to stop this Sunday schoolboy stuff happening. It's just unacceptable as has been said by many. I have made my feelings known about Tuesday and how we should all get behind the team and enjoy it. It's a day to remember and as bears we will be there. Then we must give 100% to the Petro and win our first silverware for what will be a new generation of fans for some and for the incredible feat of selling the place out. Greatest fans in the world stem from Ibrox, nowhere else! let's party?We then have to sort this fucking shambolic debacle of a defence out. Otherwise that shower of sewer lickers will rip us apart. We can and will compete midfield and up front, but we have got to stop the nervous, this headless chicken shite with Wilson, Tav and Keirnan! Wallace is the captain, he should be getting a hold of them ffs! Against the mhanks I would play Dom Ball just in front of the 2 CH, just my opinion?? Until then guys, it's Sunday, soon be Tuesday, I have said all along it would be Tuesday for the party, my niece has a shout out for her birthday at Half time, Her name is Kayla and she is 8!? The new generation and fuck I'm getting old,I swore this would never happen ☹️?WATP!
  3. It's all a bit political for me guys? I only come on here as I like me talking about the Bears with other bears, everyone seems pretty sociable, so i will refrain from getting myself into bother. Just keep me right on my the rules gents, don't want to get banned for something I was unaware I was not doing correctly. I'm only here to talk about the Bears and fitba.
  4. Watched Pique at the back for Barca on several occasions even when under a little pressure quite simply pass the ball out the park, look around, regroup. Really easy, keep it simple. Now he is up against Bale, Ronaldo and Benzema, could someone please either A, pass this along to our back line or B, get them to watch a dvd/YouTube or C, use some common sense:shock: Rant over, roll on Tuesday, however my point is just if the guys at the top know when to just get the ball to feck, then it cany be that hard for Wilson and co at the back figure it out and just keep it tight. Although Barca just got pumped 2-1 at home, maybe a bad time to bring this up:laugh2:
  5. Excuse my nieveity please, but why oh why is it a banning offence to have a post title in caps?? I don't do it, but as some of you know I've only been on here since my missus passed and I get bored, nobody to argue with anymore lol, so is there a set of rules I follow before I get thrown out by the bouncers??
  6. Couldn't agree more, we need organisation at the back, the 3 positions with the same exception of the Wallace need sorting. Just enjoy Tuesday and the Petro guys, because the Mhanks could be a big problem!
  7. My heads a mess ffs! 9 goals in 9 games we've conceded, oh jeeeees! Bring on Tuesday enjoy the party and enjoy the night! Then deal with our defence ffs?WATP
  8. ?Bring on Tuesday's Parteeeeeeeeeee?. On a serious note though, we really have to address the defence issues, it can't continue. Anyway WATP and we are back! Championeeeeees! ?
  9. Totally agree! The defence is a shambles, but we r just going over old ground. Gotta tighten up v the mhanks or we could be in deep shit.
  10. Tuesday night lads, I can feel it Tuesday night! Wish teams would stop scoring screamers against us tho!! 2-1 now Yeeeeeeeeeessssssssssssssssss
  11. It's hard to disagree with all the points being made, as each has valid merit. There are so many factors financialy to take into consideration with this(could a private comp build a new Hampden and make a profit? Is it cap in hand to gov? Mainly financial?) I would also suggest RANGERRAB has a very good point about where liewell is going 2020, although if he does try that I think there will be tremendous resistance and bearing in mind we have the 5* Stadium it could be and probably will be a case of big games alternate between Ibrox and Farmyard and for any games between the two clubs it will also alternate during cup games,so if for eg one year drawn in 2nd round league cup it was at Piggery then next time/year it would have to be Ibrox if drawn in Scot cup and so on. Hampden is a shitehole I live not to far from it, logistically it's awful, the pitch is awful, and the atmosphere is very poor due to the proximity of the pitch having a running track around it. When it was being built there, some would argue, backhanders left right and centre, it was built on the cheap and now we are left to find a solution?? Sorry but I don't believe Murryfield, as good as it is, is the answer, I have a lot of respect for the Rugby world but we need to find a home for Scottish football we can all be proud of. How we do that, I don't know?? Bulldozing Hampden and selling it off would get some money in, it's where and how much for a new National Stadium.
  12. If we beat the mhanks I will cartwheel till I get a fecking kneck brace!! Lets enjoy Tuesday, we must win and will win Petro, it will be a great day, enjoy it:rfcbouncy: I honestly believe we are 50/50 with the soap stealers, we can compete up front and in midfield, our back line is the major issue, but we have a great chance. Its going to be a great few weeks guys, no matter what, next year we are back, and they all better believe it! WATP:champs:
  13. Well that's cheered me up m8:rfcbouncy: was sitting feeling sorry for myself in the house watching golf still in my 3 day mourning period re ticket snubbing lol I can't wait for the next few weeks:rfcbouncy: apart from the continual brainwashing of my niece which is almost complete:yesrfc: I have a feeling, oh wait a minute I GOTTA FEELING:party: and then when we pump the unwashed:celebrate2: WATP Party time starts with the frontline Raith Brigade Tomorrow!!
  14. Actually watched this narcacistic overweight showman on sky last week defending his payment through agencies to his SD staff which leave them on zero hour contracts and in his eyes if they received less than minimum wage his conscious was clear as the agency paid them? You couldn't mark this slippery snake with a blow torch!! My field of study is psychology(mature student before the pelters start)this guy has more alarm bells going in my head than waking up next to the church bells after a Saturday night on the lash? Thank our lucky stars he never got his grubby little hands on our club properly!
  15. Just catching up on the debate lads? No matter what, I think we all agree that collectively we are all looking forward to Tuesday some more than others? The point being we will be champs so let's at least enjoy it. The forward battalion at Raith could be partying fitst?. I know there is a lot of debate about Petro(diddy) cup, personally I want to win everything we enter and win it well, again to one degree or another we all want a full house to see us lift silverware. As for the Mhanks, it will hurt like hell if we get beat, I really feel it's 50/50 and we could hurt them. If we can get ourselves into the Scot Cup final beating them and would love to pump either Utd or Hivs in final what an end to the season. As has been pointed out though it's all maybe at mo, so, enter forward battalion at Raith tomorrow then Tuesday and onwards to Hampden Bears. WATP?
  16. I take on board your comments m8, and we are all entitled to celebrate or not whatever way we like. So although you won't be giving it the big knees up, you must remember there are a new generation coming through and this will be their first of many, tastes of victory? Personally I have really enjoyed the football this year and feel the progress we have made on and off th park is magnificent? I remember 9 in a row and appreciate its not the same, however they tried to kill us off, they failed, on Tuesday we will be back and they know we will NEVER forget. I will enjoy the party, I have one of the new generation with me at the Petro final and let's hope it's her first taste of victory. WATP
  17. Last home game of the season as far as I'm aware which is Alloa??(could be wrong, havn't looked:thinking: 23/04 springs to mind. I think we should all chill! The league is done, nobody's horse is going to bolt, We will be having a party on Tuesday, one way or the other, a cracking night is assured. I actually think the Petro final will be a great day out, super atmosphere and am really looking forward to it, time for:rfcbouncy: Then again I reckon I will need counselling over not getting a brief for cup game v mhanks so have fallen into some form of denial like state, I might end up institutionalised over this:violin: WATP Cant wait for tuesday:champs:Championeeeeeeeeeeeess!!! will bet my left Go-Nad on it:celebrate2:
  18. It would be well looked after over our way:lol:
  19. It's going to be a great few weeks for us all. We will wrap up the title either this weekend or Tuesday, either way Tuesday is "c'mon over to my place, we're having a party??? I won't be drinking as will have my Neice but I'm sure you guys will carry me along? Still should be full house and a cracking atmosphere! Then on to the Petro final, already 42k Bears tickets sold so would expect a full house, a great day and our first cup since we got stitched up by those who we shall not speak of. Then, the unwashed! I'm still in mourning that I didn't get a brief but all that matters is that we get right into them, don't give an inch because we can do and I believe will play far better football than the soap stealers!! Then if we do we have a cup final and Europe to look too, with me being lucky in ballot this time? Watch us lift the Scottish Cup, look back over the last four years, smile like a champion because we are Glasgow Rangers, WATP. What an amazing few weeks this could be! ???.
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