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Posts posted by cooponthewing

  1. 5 minutes ago, Doc said:

    If we really we just playing for a replay at 0-0 then that's worse in my eyes. That's just gutless. And it's not like we ever looked like keeping a clean sheet. 

    I have tbh Doc and I was thinking this with 35 mins on the clock. They didn't want to be there and looked disinterested. If you had offered me a replay then I would have bitten  your hand off! 

  2. 20 minutes ago, Rousseau said:


    He won't change his general formation from a narrow 4-3-3 and his stubbornness is alarming on this (MW). Since the turn of the year his domestic form has been awful and his Europa league firm excellent (PLG). The latter being a consequence of the players deciding to "show a leg" rather than managerial motivation.

    Not everyone will agree, fair enough. It's been almost two years and six trophies. I am entitled to make a judgment after watching the recent domestic form. It's not a conclusion I have come to lightly. As I said, I hope I am wrong?

  3. 12 minutes ago, the gunslinger said:

    A degree of realism is needed celtc have double the budget of us. 


    If we were to win the  league it would be a massive upset. 

    Then we all have to accept being second best for years to come? I can't accept we are second best as a team,  we should be competing and we have shown we can. This side has the ability they have just decided to chuck it and I have no idea why? When it suits them they play but they are not doing it for SG?

  4. 19 minutes ago, RANGERRAB said:

    Don’t you think Gerrard has taken us forward from what he inherited 20 months ago?

    I think he has but from last nights interviews I think he will try & move on two or three first team regulars over the summer. The likes of Tavernier & maybe Goldson 

    In all honesty Rab; i was standing there yesterday thinking we have been treading water for a year now (at best). Even the manager agreed the performance was a parody of the dire stuff watched before arriving. The recent domestic performances have been abysmal and I am certain the players are not performing for him. They will turn it on for Europe as they are in the shop window, but domestically they have chucked it, and Gerrard can't motivate them. SG has become the new PLG and the tactical similarities with MW are haunting. Sure, we have beaten C****c and our European performances have been good so in that sense improvement has been achieved. However, my point was that I don't see SG winning anything as a Rangers manager. I wish I was wrong and hope I am but its what I see.

  5. On 29/02/2020 at 15:08, Bill said:

    The right thing to do would be to close the season early and award championships and decide relegation/promotion as things stand at the time.

    No Bill!..... Sorry but the season should be null and void. It's the only logical solution as nobody can predict the future. The fact that Timmy would be in a meltdown would be box office! Also, the idea there would be pressure on social services, the likes of which we have never seen, would be a wonderful added bonus???

  6. 33 minutes ago, ian1964 said:


    It pains me to say this but I have serious doubts we are going to win anything with SG and this side. If this wasn't SG he would have been gone way before now. He is a great guy and his team have let him down but I am also struggling to see him winning anything as a Rangers manager. If he stays I hope I am wrong?

  7. 2 hours ago, Stevie - 4lads Blog said:

    I’m flabbergasted it’s come to this 


    two days ago I said we should stick with them, at moment I’d wring every one of their fucking necks



    Excuse the digression Stevie but I am sure Jack said to Tav in the first half he had broken his toe? I was down near the goal when I though he said that to him? It was just after the challenge he got booked for. Not excusing him but I think he was carrying an injury? Might be wrong?

  8. 17 minutes ago, Bill said:

    Talking about Walter Smith, does anyone think those players would have thrown in the towel like that if Walter had been in charge. Sometimes it's less about management and more about leadership. We certainly have no leadership on the pitch and I've a growing realisation that we don't have enough leadership off it, either in the dugout or the boardroom. We seem to be merely treading water.

    Two players that would have given 100% are on loan in Docherty and Murphy. We are using Ojo and a midfield that looks dreadful while these two excel on loan. We also seem like a rudderless ship without a leader. Nobody want to take control on or off the park. Make no mistake that was one of the worst performances I have ever seen. It was void of everything required in a Rangers player.

  9. Just now, CammyF said:

    Sorry but it was the right call on Alfredo. His discipline is shocking and to turn up late after given time off is latest in long line of him letting us done. Manager was left wirh no other option and I'll back him to the hilt on that. 

    It's an understandable point but I agree with Compo. I would have played him then dealt with it after the game. His physicality would have given us something to aim at. Then SG could have made his point by dropping him for the midweek v Hamilton at Ibrox.

  10. 1 minute ago, Doc said:

    Yeah it's not like Alfie had to learn how to fit in with a set plan and didn't do it because he turned up late. On the showing tonight there was no fucking plan in the first place. Given the needs of the game and getting result and the obvious lack of other options I think Gerrard made a seriously bad call. Deal with your displeasure after the game. Use the only asset you have that can stand up to Hearts physically.

    I agree Doc. It's unsettled the team and we had nothing up front. You look at that side and there is definitely an issue with bottle and desire to play for SG when fortitude is required. That's a big problem. Also, nobody gets pass marks, it was abysmal!!

  11. 12 minutes ago, Rousseau said:

    I'm as angry as the next guy, but I'm also quite confused - how can go from being the best team in the country, blowingvaway top European sides, to this gutless, impotent performance? It's inexplicable.


    I would like some answers from SG.

    Embarrassing and shameful performance! I can feel my body again now ffs ? We could have lost by more. Gutless performance and I wonder if the Europe run is more about the shop window than playing for SG? Disgraceful! 

  12. 18 minutes ago, Bluedell said:

    There were games on BT and Sky so Premier are presumably trying to avoid them.

    The other quarter final is at 1920 this evening which is another weird KO time?

  13. Looking forward to this today, not been to Tynecastle in a good number of years. Only downside if the weather forecast? (There is a statement you only make after 40!). I fancy a good performance as we should get a boost from Wednesday. I can't see us taking the foot off the gas but then you never know?

  14. 21 hours ago, ian1964 said:


    Seen this earlier Ian. Absolutely pathetic from the Scot Squad but not surprising. The most illuminating part of the clip was the cop pointing to his hat? They are an embarrassing disgrace, but I guess everyone knows that.

  15. 12 minutes ago, Bluedell said:

    I think a Spanish side would have been more attractive, and our tactics would have worked better against them but I guess it's all subjective.

    Tbf I am presuming BL will play an attacking game? I have not seen them so I guess I am not in a great position to comment. I am thinking historically we have decent results v German sides and not so good v Spanish? As you say though it is a bit like pulling the fat bird up the dancing? She is good looking but the least attractive and you know she will be hard work.......

  16. 3 minutes ago, Bluedell said:

    It's one of the hardest draws we could have got, and one of the least exciting. However it's a great achievement getting to where we are now, and have arguably had some good luck in previous draws so I guess we can't complain too much.

    I would prefer to play a German than a Spanish side tbh. I am glad we avoided Turks-Greeks and Spanish, but that's not to say this is not one of the hardest draws.

  17. 17 hours ago, barca72 said:

    Now how did these fans get into this game? 

    What would happen if they were incognito and acted like Leverkusen fans and threw in a few FTPs?
    Celtic used that excuse with Hammersby fans and they didn't get stadium closure.
    I'm not trying to excuse the problematic behaviour of our fans, but it does show how easily the waters can be muddied.


    You are quite right Barca72, there is no way of knowing who bought tickets on the day of the game? Braga shop we're selling them for €60.

  18. Ironically the Braga shop may have thrown doubt on this as there is no way you can blame the club for this. Braga were selling tickets to any regular off the street punter so, I don't see how the club, or home fans, can be held responsible?

  19. 14 minutes ago, craig said:

    Absolutely - they go into full moonhowling mode when you make the very suggestion that they gained an unfair advantage ON the field of play due to the child abuse.  Full denial that families would never have allowed their kids to play for CBC had they not covered up the abuses.... and a number of those CBC kids ended up at CFC.....  They most definitely obtained unfair sporting advantage by covering it up.

    Absolutely, Craig! Decades of sponsorship, gate money, European Money and trophies gained due to the institutional cover up of child sex abuse. Not just any case, but a grooming gang reportedly trafficking children around the UK and further afield. The sporting advantage they gained from this cover up spanned decades too.

  20. 7 hours ago, compo said:

    On a good night to be a rangers fan we even got to eventually see the channel four report on historic sex abuse the next days' papers  carry reports of our fans making a fool of themselves by singing the naughty songs with reference to the pope when will they ever learn probably the night we play a game with no fans 

    Just a quick point on this. The Braga shop was selling tickets to the Rangers area on the day of the game for €60!  How are the club supposed to mitigate for that? Anyone could have got hold of them and the club could do nothing about it. Therefore, there is no way round this. The club will get shafted when there is nothing they can do to stop a few idiots in accessing the ground.

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