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Everything posted by pj_1872

  1. "And who can forget the absolute LOLathon when they put Hibs down on penalties" Superb word choice haha! I can see this being a tough game but if the passion and grit that you allude to are on display again I think we'll have too much for them.
  2. Absolutely delighted with that performance. I felt positive about this game after our performance against the sheep, and the team didn't let us down. I wouldn't have Hodson out of the starting 11 now. The defence is much more solid with him in there. I'm not sure squeezing Tavernier into central midfield worked though. Surely a natural CM such as Crooks would've worked better there? Highlights for me were Barrie (best man on the pitch), Holt, Kiernan and Garner. Good management by Warbs to take Garner off towards the end. He'd have known Garner would receive a great reaction from the fans, which can only boost his confidence. All in all a great afternoons work.
  3. I was talking to an Aberdeen supporting mate in work. He follows them home and away, and they are not at all confident about tomorrow. He had even watched the Hearts game and still thought Rangers were favourites. 2-0 was his prediction - and I'll emphasise he is as bitter a dons fan as they come. Must say I found that surprising. Neither side is in sparkling form but our team must be out to prove that they're far better than they showed midweek. And I'm hoping the fans get right behind the team and don't start getting on top of them for early loose passes. I'm really looking forward to it. Come on the Gers!
  4. Agreed. Failed to change the game tonight when we were still in it. Massive pressure on him and the team on Saturday.
  5. Post match will be something along the lines of "The boys are hurting in there. They're in there gutted, discussing what went wrong... We'll dust ourselves down, train well, and be ready for Saturday." ... My patience with Warburton and his one dimensional tactics is really wearing thin.
  6. Miller aside none of our players look angry. No one taking control and telling the others what do do. Just completely cluelesse and devoid of passion and fight. Both Celtic games, Aberdeen and now this. Utter garbage against our supposed nearest opponents.
  7. Complete shambles this. 2-0 flatters us.
  8. Pleased to see Dodoo start. 2 goals and an assist in 2 sub appearances more than merits a start tonight. Looking forward to seeing Crooks. Really tough game to chuck him into but hes been given a chance and it's up to him to take it.
  9. I've never understood people leaving early. Of course there are times people leave as they have a prior engagement but people leaving early so that they can get home for X-factor/grab a pint 15 mins quicker doesn't ring with me. When I see the stadium half empty after 80 or 85 mins having been a sell-out game I always think, 'what are the players thinking when they glance at the stands'. Must be a little demoralising - particularly when you're chasing a winner!
  10. "Hearts have done exceptionally well. They went into administration and benefited from going down and rebuilding and coming back up." Ehh aye I totally agree Ally so why the feck didn't you do the same instead of buying cribari, ageryou, sandaza, kyle (I could go on)???
  11. Good preview Coop, and fingers crossed for a win for Jean! I have a feeling Waggy could start tomorrow - perhaps in place of Garner. I'd stick with Miller and MOH on either flank which I expect MW to do. Hope to see Forrester make the bench at least too. Would like to see him get a run out at some point.
  12. I very rarely buy anything from the Ibrox kiosks anymore. The burgers are something like £4.50 now. That's £4.50 for a dried out burger that's been sitting on a hot shelf for 30 mins. You need a bucket of coke to wash it down it's that dry. Genius from the catering company! If I'm buying food I go to the vans beside the louden. £3 or £4 for a decent burger and a can!
  13. I find it incredible that people are turning against Waghorn off the back of a run of poor form. The guy scored 20+ goals for us last season. Yes, he doesn't quite seem fit at the moment, and if he has spat the dummy after not being picked, that's fine - as long as he channels his frustration the right way and focuses on getting back to form... If he had fallen out with MW, I don't think he'd be featuring in our match day squads. If there is any truth in the rumour that he has made clear he wants to leave, then fair enough, let's not play him but our support are too quick to overreact.
  14. I see on Twitter that sky sports are now reporting there been an agreement to terminate his contract... I suppose it's likely we'll never hear about the terms of this but surely we won't be paying the remainder of his contract? Anyone know how this kind of situation usually goes?
  15. Totally unacceptable performance today. One attempt at goal in the second half is disgraceful. How can that side win 3-0 last week then put in that showing today? Our midfield consistently gave the ball away. Nothing doing upfront either. The fact we drew isn't the major issue for me. The performance from the whole team was dreadful. No urgency shown whatsoever. An opportunity missed yet again.
  16. This is the most frustrating thing for me. I think this team is capable of more but something isn't clicking at the moment. Whether that is confidence or fitness, I don't know. All I do know is that where last season we'd work the ball from midfield to forwards by passing in short triangles at pace, with movement; now our midfielders hesitate when a pass is on and the chance is lost - usually this results in the ball going back to the defence and the attempted build up has to start from scratch again.
  17. We're not scoring because we really struggle to break teams down. For me there's too little movement upfront and lack of creativity in the midfield, resulting in us dancing around the box then ultimately passing back to the defence/GK. I agree that MOH had a good game. Our best chances were a result of him getting to the byline and drilling in a cross. I'd like to see him start on Saturday too. Ultimately it's clear that teams now know how to play against us. Short passing from the back doesn't work when teams press us high up the park. Far too many heart in mouth moments as a result. In the end Fod hit the ball long (not helped by many fans screaming at him) which consistently handed the ball back to St Johnstone. Extremely frustrating game/ result. Good chance wasted and I think the manager has to accept most of the blame for that.
  18. I couldn't make out what it was meant to be. Since discovered it was the rangers badge. Might just have been the angle I was viewing it from but didn't think it was one of the better displays the Unon Bears have put on.
  19. Good defensive move in my opinion. More like a 4-5-1 than the usual set up. Gilks Hodson, hill, Kiernan, Wallace Tavernier, Holt, halliday, Windass, mckay Miller Halliday sitting deeper
  20. "... but with Dean Windass and Harry Forrester ready to step in" Totally agree with your starting line-up. I thought Kranjcar would start but clearly that isn't happening... Hope big Dean has shifted a few pounds by the weekend.
  21. Haha! Will see if I can get my hands on a unicycle. Easier to dart in and out of the crowds. And I'd look cool.
  22. This isn't a bad shout! Thanks all for the info.
  23. Just came across this link from last year's Cup Semi... I assume this will still be the guidelines for this Sunday. http://www.eveningtimes.co.uk/news/13301134.Advice__Scotrail_issue_train_details_for_Old_Firm_fans_heading_to_Hampden/
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