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Everything posted by JFK-1

  1. I somewhat doubt anyone around here is likely to harass me about issues concerning undesirables among the support I have never seen anything but a desire to rid ourselves of on this forum. As we all know the least infraction dives the jealous into a frenzy. After the cup final when 5,000 opposition supporters invaded the pitch while vandalising the pitch and goals plus advertising boards etc then proceeded to assault our players and antagonise our fans STILL in the stands they were STILL pathetic enough to bring up a flare incident in our end as a heinous crime while their behaviour was excusable apparently. I agree with you that this type of thing has to be stamped out. That's two matches in a row in Scotland this has happened. There was a flare at the cup final and now again in our very first match on Scottish soil since the cup final. That seems to indicate a trend developing which we must all do anything we can to stamp out for the sake of the club since we appear to be held to different standards than anyone else is.
  2. Well I suspect the vast majority of fans would have no issue whatsoever with anyone helping to weed such morons out and as for the authorities if anyone wants to help them out anonymously or otherwise I have no doubt that would be fine too. In fact later I will post pics centred on the incident myself for use by anyone who thinks they recognise anybody. There is a "youth" in there wearing a hoodie with the hood up looking suspiciously like someone trying to hide his face but he hasn't done a great job of it.
  3. I don't get your meaning? You're worried about consequences for people committing criminal acts which are detrimental to the reputation of the club?
  4. Who knows, if the culprit were apprehended and it was a Rangers fan who was responsible for his capture that can't be anything but good PR.
  5. I saw it happen during the TV broadcast but haven't seen any photos of it. If I had been nearby and saw which moron did that I would have immediately pointed him out to cops. We need to weed these idiots out ourselves. Let them know that if you do this WE will get you arrested.
  6. As far as i'm concerned every last one who went on to that pitch is guilty of inciting riotous behavior. Given an estimated 5,000 of them did so we can calculate it was a very large percentage of the total which if there is a list of those who bought tickets should make it easier to narrow down using available photographic evidence. Incidentally I saw it being discussed on a hibs forum that there was fighting on the streets during the visit of Brondby who even they conceded were a friendly bunch. All this is something I didn't see on any media outlet though admittedly I don't read them much. They then went on to declare that those attacking the Brondby fans "were not real hibs fans" and even went so far as to imply it was "huns" in disguise. Now they sepculate that Brondby fans may have a score to settle in the return leg and maybe even travelling "huns" in disguise could kick it off. The fantasies expand daily.
  7. Looks like he could be handy and is a free agent so would cost no transfer fee at age 27. One thing is "injury problems"? Is he unlucky or a dud who will be constantly injured?
  8. On their forums there is a slight level of admission from just one or two that they were totally outplayed but still some sort of fantasy going on that they should have been "6-0 up by halftime" on the basis that they had a comparatively good first 15 minutes or so. You have to laugh, 6-0 up at halftime while the statistics demonstrate that they had 3 shots on target the entire game while Rangers had 7. They were totally outplayed by a team that had a single pre-season match under it's belt and was fielding a virtual second string. If they can conjure up any positives from that regarding their next encounter with us go for it. I predict we will hand out a number of high scoring drubbings this season and it's irrelevant to me if the drubbed later fantasise it into a close run thing. We will still have the points and the goal difference no matter what they fantasise. I suspect the rest of the SPL will have watched this closely and the sane among them will appreciate this was an extremely commanding performance from a side with just one pre season game played and fielding nothing like their strongest 11. Can't wait to see what Annan will face at Ibrox. I said in an earlier post a couple of weeks ago that despite the managers complaints about this coming so early if we could get the Motherwell game out of the way with a win which we have now accomplished then given these matches are competitive this might actually be an ideal pre-season in some ways. The team was impressive and will be even stronger from game to game. My only compliant now about this as a pre-season build up is we can't use as many subs as we would like to. Final match before the opening league game will be against EPL opposition so I feel confident we're going to hit the ground running and flatten Hamilton to hopefully top the league on day one. That would be so sweet, first day back and immediately into a familiar position that will have the haters foaming at the mouth.
  9. On his twitter feed last night he had a photo shopped picture of him throwing the ball away from Wallace depicting him as something I didn't quite understand at the time but now you mention it I suppose it was his idea of a "zombie slayer" Seems to have decided to remove that photo.
  10. When I first posted his twitter link there was a pic of him throwing the ball away from Wallace on it mocking Rangers. Seems he has now decided to hide that
  11. It wont be the midfield we start with either so though it's a good win and the manager now has games against easier opposition to tinker with his side it's still difficult to tell what the team will look like in a playing sense. But since yesterdays team ultimately put on a dominant display and got a comfortable win and the league starting team will be considerably stronger we can expect little will match us this season.
  12. I have no idea how much money we put into the scouting system. All I know is that it was zero before Warburton arrived and I have seen McParland comment that the likes of Liverpool put significant cash into it which enables them to have dozens of scouts scouring the lower leagues home and abroad while we have maybe less than a handful of people. If we could even build up to putting a million a year into it just to monitor every last English lower leagues team over the course of a season all we need is a single gem to pay the money back tenfold. They're out there waiting to be found and since not we or anybody else for that matter can possibly compete with the EPL teams in transfer fees it's the obvious path to take.
  13. Judging from his twitter page I think it is. Proud of being an ass too. https://twitter.com/derekwatson89
  14. Though I haven't been an advocate of boycotting away matches before maybe it's time for targeted boycotts. Put Motherwell on that list because everything about it from the arsehole who wouldn't give Wallace the ball to the bizarre stewarding of our fans while it's theirs who are known for pitch incursions is out of order. I have seen estimates that the crowd was 6,9000 and about 4,000 of that was ours. If todays is an example of how they and their fans think they can treat us well treat THEM accordingly. Hit them where it hurts.
  15. Couldn't agree more. You have to wonder how stupid a creature needs to be to imagine this is impressive to anyone but anything as stupid as he is and surely that's a tiny minority.
  16. I feel the defence will significantly improve when we have the first choice 11 on the field and as you say the football is at times quite stunning and will only become even more stunning when that first 11 is in place. If we accept that the defence will improve and that the stunning football will become even more stunning there isn't much if anything out there who will stop us scoring and score more than we do. Almost with his first touch of the ball a semi fit Kranjcar pinged a pass from one wing to the other that landed right at the feet of the target. It's shaping up to an unstoppable force. We just beat what you would expect to be a top 6 SPL side on their patch with half a team half fit. I'm even more confident than I was before.
  17. I was more concerned about the refereeing and we may have problems if this is typical. Windass gets booked for shirt pulling while blatant shirt pulling on O'Halloran who had left the guy standing is nothing? Then two obvious and blatant handballs get not a look from the ref? Anybody think Foderingham would still have been on the pitch if he had done what their goalie did? It's worrying and I hope a complaint of some sort is registered. If this happened to anybody else it would be a conspiracy.
  18. Stats from the match and again we have to keep in mind this team isn't fully prepared and isn't the first 11 while Motherwell were at home are far more prepared and fielded their first 11. Possession: Motherwell 34% - Rangers 66% Shots: Motherwell 13 - Rangers 20 Shots on target: Motherwell 3 - Rangers 7 Corners: Motherwell 3 - Rangers 6 I would say THAT sets down a marker and now we have a bunch of far easier matches to bed in the first 11. Let's see what happens to Annan at Ibrox on Tuesday when we are likely to field a stronger team that may include Barton and I would suspect probably Hill.
  19. The defence may look different when we have Hill in there organising plus the manager is still looking for another CB. And it has to be considered that when the first choice midfield is in place chances are not so much will even get through to the back. Going forward again it's not even the first 11 and we can already see we're going to terrorise this league. Imagine what it's going to look like with Barton, Rossiter and Dodoo in there. As for Sutton he's just a total bitter prick trying to establish another fantasy for the sellik that we're not so good. Let him. Fantasy doesn't pass over into reality.
  20. So there it is. A comfortable win with a team that isn't fully match fit and isn't the first 11. Suck on that Sutton.
  21. What's Sutton saying about two handballs inside a few minutes?
  22. Sutton couldn't find a positive thing to say about it if we were winning 6-0
  23. Yes a second will kill it but we have to accept that teams will get chances from time to time but balance that with all the chances we're getting from a team that is still in pre-season preparation and isn't the first 11. I'm impressed with the display in such circumstances because when you consider Motherwell are pretty typical SPL opposition and who are much further ahead in their own pre season preparation and are fielding their first 11 we look extremely good for the season ahead.
  24. What a tit, they're losing and he wants to waste time? Laughing my socks off. Keep it up.
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