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Everything posted by JFK-1

  1. That was a helluva pass all the way across the pitch from Kranjcar. Good sign.
  2. I'm watching Rangers TV online from Oklahoma and presuming they allow people abroad to watch it free because I didn't pay.
  3. And again it has to be appreciated that this is effectively a pre-season warm up match and is nothing like the first 11. It's impressive.
  4. And there it is for all the naysayers. I just felt it was coming.
  5. Got them under siege now and despite a few troublesome break aways I feel such break aways may look more impressive than they are simply because it's popping out of what's basically a Rangers siege. This is a good display from what is far from our first 11.
  6. Shaky start which is hardly surprising for only the second game of the season and the first competitive game but we're starting to dominate it.
  7. It's perfectly clear from what he is saying that there will be nothing like the first 11 on the pitch at Motherwell but I still think that's irrelevant. It sounds like we are going to be fielding a stronger team for each succeeding match so even if it were a loss at Motherwell we will still comfortably qualify for the next round. Not that I think Motherwell will win, whatever we field is going to be really up for this. Anyone who isn't going to be an automatic first choice has to impress to be considered for the first 11 so they will be going at it hell for leather. It will still be at least as good a team as anything we fielded last season and we did perfectly well against all SPL opposition we played last season. All of them aside from St Johnstone were beaten and even St Johnstone were thoroughly outplayed. I'm as eager to see how Motherwell set up for this as I am to see who we will field. Will they simply try to dig in as so many before them have including SPL opposition? On the other hand will they try to play since I would imagine they too will still expect to qualify even if they lose this one.
  8. Wild guess. It wont say I sent him to the stand "for no reason whatsoever"
  9. What's the betting that if he had never scored a goal in his life and had never played above local pub team level but we payed millions for him then the same people would be happy.
  10. Might this be a what the hell have we done moment from hibs directors as they all look at Lennon after he does exactly the same thing he did at Bolton by being sent to the stands in his first game in charge? And I think we all know how well overall Bolton did with him in charge.
  11. If they had already banned them from the Scottish cup there might have been further implications of calls for them to lose the Euro spot. It might take a step further now that their Euro adventure may be over after a mere 17 seconds which is the time it took Bronby to score an away goal. We shouldn't laugh, but I will anyway.
  12. I have a good feeling about the coming season, each signing just bolsters my confidence all the more and I honestly believe we're going to have the last laugh on all of them. They're ALL living in a fantasy reality of their own creation and that's perfectly demonstrated by the fantasising of those over at hibs after tonights result. Thie latest fantasy is that tonights result wasn't so bad and "only the first half" Really? Being beaten in the first leg by a Euro opponent at home while giving them an away goal in 17 seconds is somehow not so bad? Now having to play them at their own home needing a minimum 2 goals to go through isn't so bad despite failing to get even 1 on your own patch? In the real world it's a major setback for most. And looking at their rambling I thought they had perhaps just been unlucky? They were getting the better of it maybe and just not getting the breaks? Illustration of that from a comment one of them has made about it and this is typical commentary btw. Looking forward to it now? Check out the BBC stats of the match. Possession: hibs 53% - bronby 47% Shots: hibs 5 - bronby 8 Shots on target: hibs 3 - bronby 4 Corners: hibs 2 - bronby 8 Are these people so lost in a fantasy bubble they don't even SEE reality as it unfolds before them? And when we take that SPL title if they want to retreat to the risible fallback position of "new club" well fuck them. I don't give a flying fuck about that fantasy anymore and if they want to fantasise they're being outclassed by brand new startups so be it. It's meaningless outside the fatansy bubble anyway since they have failed to convince anybody that matters including ANY footballing authority that the fantasy is real. It all simply adds to how pathetic they're making themselves look as we focus on on the real world. Bring it on.
  13. Interesting appraisal so let's see what he can do with a run of games and some Warburton coaching. One of the goals he scored in the above video was exceptional and if he can do things like that on a regular basis we have acquired a player who could fetch tens of millions in the future. This video link will automatically start at the point where he is setting up to score the goal i'm referring to. THIS is world class.
  14. So the hibs go down 1-0 at home and Bronby now have to be favourites to go through. I always suspected they would go out in the qualifying rounds but thought their great Euro campaign might last a shade longer than the 17 seconds it took Bronby to score.
  15. Well imagine this too. A lot of the comment I have seen coming from them recently revolves around our squad being a team of "freebies" They're so stupid they just coninue to set themselves up to look complete idiots when the "freebies" give them the run around as I totally believe thay can. If cops and taxi drivers can take them we most certainly can. And I don't care about the excuses of heat etc in Gibraltar which is another situation they themselves set up to make themselves look total idiots. After our victory over Charleston battery the inevitable mocking came from them. Sub par American opposition was the cry despite the fact we too faced extreme heat in South Carolina. So let me see. What are the Imps of Gibraltar? Top class taxi drivers and cops who can't be beaten because it's hot? They continue to dig their own holes of stupidity before falling into them.
  16. The match with Bronby isn't even over yet and the conspiracy/excuse mill is already gearing up. Could never be the case that Bronby are simply better than them. Right?
  17. The boy looks to be technically gifted enough to cause nightmares against the typical SPL opposition and has an eye for goal. I was particularly impressed by the one he put away in the following video with the build up starting around the 2 minutes 12 seconds mark. Top class skill and finishing that will have you longing to see this type of talent rampaging through the SPL hammer throwers.
  18. Good news if true. He's young and if the manager thinks he merits a 4 year deal then he must have a great sell on value 2 or 3 years down the line while we get a useful addition to the squad for the immediate future. Meanwhile over at sellik after the euphoria of signing a high profile manager taking a wage of millions a year they're already turning on him after just one competitive match and appear to have no coherent plan on how to remould a squad that might be good enough to beat taxi drivers united. And who knows, even if they beat the taxi drivers the next round might pull out a Euro giant like Molde, ground capacity 11,300 Woe is them.
  19. It's a sign of the sickness in Scottish football and maybe even Scottish society in general that we all laugh at hibs going 1-0 down in a minute and even want them to lose despite the fact the country desperately needs co-efficiency points. And don't get me wrong i'm laughing too and even hoping they are totally humiliated but I wasn't always like that. The past 5 years or so has made me like that.
  20. I have my doubts about Barton even being on the bench for this one but aside from who will play for us the opposition has to be thoroughly researched. If it transpires that they have any cops, taxi drivers, or pizza delivery guys in that team then they must be treated like Barcelona.
  21. JFK-1

    SPL Betting

    Is he going to be embarrassed if they fail to qualify for the CL again? Even if they get through this there are still two more rounds against much stiffer opposition than cops and taxi drivers who have just completed a shift.
  22. Who knows, might be the case that nothing better actually came along for him and when you consider they could struggle to get out of that league again he might find himself stuck there which definitely isn't ideal for someone with aspirations of playing at a higher level. They seem to think over there that Lennon is some sort of wizard who somehow guarantees promotion. They might ask Bolton about that.
  23. Well I expect they're all harking back to the halcyon days of winning 2-0 away to East Kilbride.
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