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Everything posted by JFK-1

  1. Fitness levels may indeed be a factor. I noticed in a number of games last season that as it got into the final quarter or so of a match our guys still looked sprightly while some opposition looked to be somewhat running out of steam and that included the SC semi. It made me winder if our constant movement style tended to drag the opposition around a lot more than they were used to forcing a lot more yardage out of them than they were used to in a typical match so they begin to run out of steam while our guys are used to the constant movement and conditioned for it. It obviously requires a far greater fitness level than a simple hoof up the park from the back strategy.
  2. Maybe English is just smarter than I am because i'm not grasping his logic. Warburton and Weir signing extensions isn't relevant to Scottish football but Waghorn and Tavernier not signing extensions is? Is that what he is saying?
  3. So are they going to make an offer for him? Maybe Broony and some cash? Do we think he would quit his job to join them?
  4. JFK-1

    SPL Betting

    It would seem the mighty imps from Gibraltar have set alarm bells ringing in betting shops across the land. Rangers to win the title down from 4/1 to 3/1 and sellik from 1/8 to 2/7 Those naughty imps. Talking about betting I bet they're impish enough to construct a solid 10 man wall rock of Gibraltar in the east end of Glasgow and maybe even impish enough for their lone front imp to snatch an away goal.
  5. Yeah, the entire Champions league calendar should be organised around the phobias of some Irish contingent from Glasgow. If not then it's a conspiracy. This is the next resolution. They're going to need new T shirts for this one.
  6. What can I say? Oh I know, boohoo. No disrespect to Accrington but it's more common for Scottish clubs to suffer from their players being tempted away for nothing by English clubs and in addition if Accrington don't like it then they need to sign their players on longer contracts. Accrington operate a general policy of 12 month contracts so this will happen to them every year if they happen to turn up something good in the future.
  7. Yeah, ironic that it sometimes works in our favour which pissed off Accrington in particular no end.
  8. I don't know if it's fair to say that all Gazza's friends have abandoned him, it might be more accurate to say that Gazza has been turning his friends away. I saw a recent interview with his lifelong friend Jimmy "5 bellies" in which he stated that he hadn't seen or spoken to Gazza in over a year but that was Gazza's doing not his. He had been haranguing Gazza about his drinking and drug taking and Gazza like many addicts doesn't want to hear it.
  9. Yeah, if they're under 23. It was the same scenario with Windass and Crooks too.
  10. Maybe I should also have added that despite being a free agent if they're under 23 years of age a training/development fee is due to the parent club regardless of the fact the player is a free agent.
  11. No Rossiter declined the Liverpool offer and instead signed for Rangers at the end of his contract as a free agent and Dodoo can do exactly the same thing.
  12. Yes I think it's fair to say Leicester have found themselves in a position they never dreamed far less expected they would be in and can now look forward to a Champions league windfall too. All they have to worry about now is getting Lincoln Red Imps in their group.
  13. Yes the Rossiter contract was expired or within weeks of expiring when he was approached by Rangers follwoing which Loverpool hastily made him an offer which more than likely simply matched his previous contract so they would at least get a training fee. A fee of 250K isn't much to Liverpool but it's still better than nothing. I seriously doubt Dodoo would have been on much more than maybe a grand a week tops at Leicester and feasibly less than that. Rangers could easily pay him a lot more than Leicester were and it's a good move for him. Playing in front of big crowds and a good chance at European football next year could really set him up for his next move.
  14. Liverpool did the same thing with Rossiter so they would get at least something out of it. And since the length of time the player has been on their books is a factor Liverpool who had Rossiter in their academy since he was around 6 years old got a lot more than Leicester will if we sign him.
  15. He better go tell them that over at kerrydalestreet. They're so red faced there they're likely to combust.
  16. The gave him an offer because if there is one on the table it means they get a training fee. The offer he has been made will likely be a very poor one typical for a boy of his status. The offer only has to at least match his previous contract.
  17. Dunno, but they did play "a team containing a fireman, a policeman and a taxi driver after completing shifts at their day jobs" Can they wangle anything out of that maybe?
  18. Another view from kerrydalkestreet not so optimistic as the other. An individual who clearly has forgotten about the 50 Scotland caps of Broony? This is hilarious, they're beginning to meltdown even before the Scottish season kicks off. What will a defeat in their first match against us do to them? Sack the manager? LOL I would also add to that pessimists opinion that Kranjcar is better than anything they have in midfield.
  19. The view from an optimist over at kerrydalestreet. All very well providing the mighty imps don't score at least one. LOL
  20. Perhaps, but what would they have to pull in the next round to make it any easier? An amateur works side?
  21. Anither factor they have to take into consideration is that imps are about as easy as it gets. The quality in the next two rounds will be infinitely greater.
  22. Joe Dodoo confirms he's training with Rangers, Ibrox loan deal reportedly offered http://www.hitc.com/en-gb/2016/07/12/joe-dodoo-confirms-hes-training-with-rangers-ibrox-loan-deal-rep/
  23. Stop the slagging. He was probably night shift so got a nap after work.
  24. We would all expect them to win the return match but it's still not as certain as he thinks it is. The imps came very close to taking a 2-0 lead to Glasgow which would have made a massive difference especially if then netted one in Glasgow. Imps already have their big win. If they lose in Glasgow there will be no shame. ALL the pressure is on the home side.
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