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Everything posted by JFK-1

  1. Just like you obviously don't care about anything but a line no one here is interested in? We're on the cusp of a new season with a lot of new signings. THAT'S what we care about. I'm sure you can find plenty other forums you can create an account on as you just did here where they will join in with you and you can all rave away happily together. Try the hibs.net forum for a start. Glad to be of help.
  2. Incidentally for anyone who thinks Motherwell can win this match you can currently get 3/1 on them while Rangers are 13/12
  3. It might even be argued that whoever he fields will be super motivated if they aren't an automatic first choice. Anybody in that position will want to impress to change his status as back up.
  4. I would absolutely love to give Motherwell a good hiding for the events of last year but still happy to accept the manager is still preparing the squad. I would rather thrash them in the league than this if it came to a choice.
  5. Naturally we want to win all competitive matches but the manager is still going through the process of preparing the squad for the opening league match which is far more important. I would rather have 3 points from that opening league match than a league cup win at Motherwell and in addition it's common for teams in England as well to field a team that isn't the first 11 in early league cup rounds. The league cup is silverware but aside from that it's nothing else in comparison to the league itself and the Scottish cup both of which offer a European spot. I would also expect us to still qualify even if we lost at Motherwell and still believe that whatever he fields will give a good account of themselves and have every chance of winning the game. In fact a win with a side that isn't the first 11 would send out an impressive message of intent to the rest of the SPL.
  6. This is the thing that for me transforms it from merely weird to totally bizarre. What's the point of all this? Who is this wacko trying to convince of his fantasies? UEFA? That's clearly not going to happen and it's amusing to wonder what the UEFA administrators actually think of all these crackpots behind the typically politically correct public responses. Is it us the obsessed crackpot is trying to draw into his insane fantasy? Ok let's say we all went insane and agreed that he was absolutely correct all along about absolutely everything. So we're all in it with him at that point. Problem. It doesn;t matter how many crazies join the fantasy the reality of official records still remains and that reality is all that matters. I can maintain that Rangers won the European cup 10 years in a row back in the day then if I get a million crazies to agree with that it's real? Or is it all pointless while official records maintain and always will maintain otherwise? You know, things like this which will always be there no matter how crazy we all become. Rangers Football Club: Nickname, The Gers: Founded, 1872: Manager, Mark Warburton: http://spfl.co.uk/clubs/rangers/ And that, at the end of the day, is that. You couldn't make this kind of crazy up. Or maybe you could and turn it into a a TV show. Call it Game Of Clubs and litter it with fantasy dragons and resolutions. But anyway, enough of the hilarity and back to the serious business. I have an idea for their next T shirt campaign if they can't shift the existing stocks.
  7. Nice strike from distance with both power and accuracy. Only problem I see with it is he looks to have plenty of space giving him a clear line to use his power and accuracy. But given the evidence of last season when almost everyone we played including SPL opposition simply packed the area which ended up in a situation with up to 10 of theirs swarming the box with a few of ours adding to the crowd how often will such a clear line open up? This is just speculation on my part but when you consider this seasons team has a lot more quality sprinkled through it suggesting that the team will be even more potent than last time how likely is it that on the whole we're going to see this packed box syndrome over and over again this season?
  8. Am I supposed to be concerned that a couple of players who still have 2 years on their contracts are allegedly rejecting an extension? It's not an issue far less a story. If both still feel the same this time next year well fair enough they can move on with our thanks for their contribution but right now this is meaningless.
  9. Some people over there are going to be looking a shade silly if something significant doesn't happen. Personally I will take their word on it for now but that's not because i'm being rational. It's simply because I want something significant to happen.
  10. Have to agree with that, Laffery has scored 4 goals in a total of 39 appearances in the past 2 years. A record like that isn't going to terrify anybody or help us win a league. Even for no cost it's not worth it. Grigg on the other hand has 25 goals in 40 appearances for Wigan last season. There's a reason the manager who is a shrewd customer would be willing to pay this money if indeed Grigg does sign. That reason is goals because only goals can win us anything as Germany just discovered despite outplaying France. If Grigg could give us 25 goals a season with Waghorn contributing a similar amount that's a potent front two and a huge leap towards the title.
  11. I agree that money isn't an indication of how valuable an acquisition is but some don't seem to grasp that. I would prefer an entire window of freebies with no spending if they were good enough.
  12. It's a great sign of organisation and a manger who knows exactly what he wants that we're getting all this done comfortably before the real action starts while the opposition seem to stumble around spending most of their time trying to offload dross. But still, they have "Broony" and his 50 Scotland caps. Right?
  13. Is the chant part of the deal if he signs? [video=youtube;Tw-yqqvkyDM]
  14. It's funny isn't it that in that same article if those were actually his words that he appears to be dismissing the Grigg link.
  15. The Grigg story is circulating through a number of media sources. Rangers new favourites to sign Will Grigg - http://rfcsince1872.co.uk/rangers-new-favourites-to-sign-will-grigg Odds slashed on Rangers snapping up cult hero - http://www.footballfancast.com/scottish-premier/rangers/odds-slashed-on-rangers-snapping-up-footballing-cult-hero And a lot more. They're not happy about it on Wigan forums.
  16. Germany were somewhat like Rangers in many matches, totally dominant but couldn't put the ball in the net. Germany had 68% of the possession.
  17. I have no idea what else could be acquired for that kind of money but 25 goals in 40 appearances for Wigan isn't a bad return plus at 25 he has a sell on value which is likely to be increased with some Euro experience. The story seems credible and since he is a Brentford old boy well known to the manager I would guess if the manager says he is worth that kind of money then he is.
  18. Unless the twitter feed is only reporting Rangers activity they have totally dominated this.
  19. I have seen the most spectacular storms I saw in my entire life since I came here to Oklahoma 4 years ago. It's almost indescribable. On an entirely different level from anything you ever see in Britain.
  20. Just checked on the local weather website. Currently registering 95 in a dark corner of the airport where the sun never reaches where they keep the thermometer for the official temp. And it's inside an aluminum foil covered plastic box with slats in it meaning not even any light at all touches it. Out in the direct sunlight it's much hotter than that and South Carolina has a very similar climate to Oklahoma.
  21. If they're playing in anything like the heat here in Oklahoma they're in for an ordeal, I can barely walk for 5 minutes far less run in the heat and humidity here. It's probably around 100 faranheit out there and the humidity makes it even worse. They should make anybody who could do with losing a few pounds play.
  22. I think all leagues are alike in that only a relative handful of teams can realistically hope to win the prizes no matter how big or small the prizes may be. How many can hope to win the SPL which though it may not offer the prize on offer entry to the EPL does it still offers a chance at Champions league football which at this time is the biggest prize anyone in Scotland can hope for. I would argue only two can realistically win it despite claims to be contenders from Aberdeen and Hearts. Decades of only two ever winning it bear that out and even back when it occasionally was won by a team outside the two it was a mere blip not a pattern. So all the rest have to play for league wise are the second and third spots while most are simply hoping to avoid relegation and make the top 6 at best. The English Championship the prize on offer for promotion aside isn't a great deal different from that for most of the teams in it. Aberdeen will never have a better chance to win the SPL than they did last season and fluffed it every time they had an opportunity to gain some ground.
  23. One of the lowest points for me was 1978 going 1-0 up against Peru then losing 3-1 I think it was Kevin Keegan commentating who when Scotland went up 1-0 said "it's going to be 5-0" Yeah right Kev. Then they followed that up with a 1-1 draw against the mighty Iran and this was a Scotland team littered with real world class. The one bright spot of the entire debacle was this.
  24. Yeah I remember that one well, he went down like Amir Khan. Apparently when he eventually got back up Aitken says to him are you OK and he says which way are we hitting? Cue substitution. He was lauded as brave for taking that right in the face and i'm not trying to take anything away from him but I feel the Brazilain hit it so hard he had no time to dodge it. All credit to the Brazilians too for putting the ball out to check on him.
  25. I don't think an old firm game needs any spin and I do think such talk gets under their skin professional or not.
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