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Everything posted by JFK-1

  1. That was my youth too, at the time we were the only nation to ever have qualified for 5 world cups in a row. Others had been in 5 in a row but had qualified for at least one as holders or hosts. While that was a great achievement we still manged to underperform by never getting out of the group stage. In particular the 70's and early 80's teams were littered with players winning European trophies. We had the core of an all conquering Liverpool side at one point and others who all played at the highest club level. Would we be expecting to get out of the group stage now if we had the core of Real Madrid and a clutch of others from the top of the EPL?
  2. Bravo Wales, the great adventure comes to an end but it was still a great adventure any Scotland fan would have settled for. Hell we would settle for just being there and coming home after the group stage.
  3. Yes the technology definitely already exists, we just don't have it yet. It's a simple progarmming command to tick seats off a map as they're sold online. It could even be linked to the turnstiles with printers printing off still available tickets.
  4. That's another avenue but many people wont turn up at all unless they know for a fact they have a ticket. An electronic method removing every seat from a map as it's sold would I believe be more likely to maximise ticket sales. If people can go online even as little as an hour before a match and see still available seats then purchase seats of their choice from those available I think we may come as close as we feasibly can to selling as many seats as possible.
  5. I like it. It illustrates how deep under their skin Joey Barton has already buried himself even before a ball is kicked. Maybe we should add master of mind games to his cv.
  6. Trying to insert an efficient method of electronic ticket buying is a good idea. We could probably maximise match day ticket sales potential if for example people who hadn't thought about going to the match suddenly decided on the day that they would like to and could easily go online and check if there were still any tickets available and where they are then purchase that seat electronically. It would need to update that data in real time but if it can be done and a means to give the purchaser entry were devised as I said we could be looking at maximal match day crowds.
  7. Robby Langers won 73 caps for Luxembourg. You never heard of him? I don't know why because he is obviously a far better player than Joey Barton. Right? Apply the logic of that intellectual giant Leigh Griffiths.
  8. I think this is ludicrous given that he is comparing the Scotland caps of Brown to the one cap won by Barton for England. “You know Barton has obviously got a mouth on him. “How many caps has he got? Just the one for England? “Broony has 50 for Scotland, he’s the captain of his national team, he’s won titles and he’s competed in the Champions League" Seriously? How many caps would "Broony" have if he were English and not Scottish and how many times would he have competed in the Champions league if playing at his natural level in the EPL which most certainly isn't top 4 and possibly not even EPL. http://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/scotsol/homepage/sport/spl/celtic/7208481/Leigh-Griffiths-Show-me-your-caps-Joey-Barton.html
  9. That defence no longer exists, i'm eager to see how the new version shapes up. I'm hoping the reshaped midfield alone will form a greater barrier in front of the defence when required. In an ideal world we will hit the ground running like we did last season by giving Hamilton a thrashing while conceding no goals. I think it likely that Hamilton may simply resort to the tried and trusted strategy of packing the box. Be interesting to see if we have become any better at breaking that down. We have different options now.
  10. I predict Ronaldo will throw a tantrum if Portugal lose and say it's Wales fault we didn't win they're shite plus all my team mates are shite compared to me. The tantrum may be of epic proportions if Bale plays a blinder in a Welsh win. Nobody else would take any notice of that media babble about "Bale v Ronaldo" but Ronaldo will.
  11. Who is? Anybody? Rangers supporters? Protestants in a country that isn't even actually religious? If it's the first it's such a broken sick society innocent people who died a gruesome death are mocked because of a sport? Protestants? In a country where Church or Chapel attendance is minimal and even those who do attend largely don't even believe the fairytale and where Catholics are a huge minority? How bizarre is that? I'm in the US which actually is truly religious to what I would call an insane degree in this day and age. Within a few hundred yards or so of this house there is a church that gets bigger attendances than most Scottish football teams and which needs cops to direct the traffic when it's emptying out and there is another every few hundrd yards or so. Churches here are as common as corner stores or pubs in Scotland. And yet despite their insane religiosoity there isn't this medieval mentality that shows it's face in Scotland for reasons that at root don't or shouldn't even really exist. Is it primitive mindless tribalism? If that's what it is then it's one of the most primitive societies in Western Europe with the audacity to try masquerading as enlightened. What if someone were to paint graffiti after one of the regular middle east bomb incidents with over 100 dead at a time saying haha dead muslims keep it up. Would it get the same type of nonchalance in the media this does? Would it be a criminal offence beyond simply graffiti?
  12. The thing is this shouldn't be hurtful to us in particular. We're talking about people mocking the deaths of 66 people who died in a most gruesome manner having the life literally crushed out of them. That shouldn;t hurt every rational human being in the country that such a mentality exists in Scottish society? The fan groups when they have finished squabbling should be focussing heavily on such a mentality because there is no reasonable excuse for it. Did they hear a song that drove them to mock the deaths of 66 in such a manner? THAT'S their mentality? If so come out and openly say you're the type of people who are so mentally deranged by an archaic song that it entitles you to descend to such depths. Let the entire world know about your mentality and how cruel archaic songs are. I'm sure they will undertand. Right? In addition, if any culprits were apprehended is this merely a run of the mill graffiti charge? Singing allegedly provocative songs is a seperate charge all on it's own but this mentality is nothing but run of the mill graffiti?
  13. Loyalty in professional football? He will grow out of it.
  14. I agree, it's pretty comical isn't it that the likes of hibs have nothing getter to do but obsess on this "newco" crap. A team that hasn't won a top tier league in almost 65 years want to make an arse of themselves ranting on about a supposedly brand new team who have a credible chance of winning one maybe this year and even if not likely in the next few years? No wonder a Scottish cup win is the greatest day in their history which they're STILL obsessing over. On the first page of their biggest fan site 7 of the topics are STILL about the cup final and an 8th about "sevco". LOL You couldn't invent this stuff and be taken seriously.
  15. If true a bizarre thing for someone supposedly interested in a move to do.
  16. It would appear that there is going to be a striker coming in if we take those over at FF to be credible. They apparently have someone who has more than once provided reliable inside information in the past and who has informed them that there is a striker coming in the signing of whom will make news. If it were indeed Jason Cummings that would tick a number of boxes for me. First of all we need another striker and secondly I believe he could do a job in our style of play. Add to that the fact he is young and would have a good sell on value a couple of years or so down the line then top it all off with the fact it would be a good slap in the face for the exuberant ones. And you have to think that they need to offload him with just a year left on his contract while showing no interest in signing an extension.
  17. Onyewu has sufficient experience at a high level to be a useful acquisition if he can remain fit to play. If he comes in we now have ample height in the centre of defence which was lacking last season and guys that tall can also be a useful threat in attacking set pices where we also lacked the height. Be good if we could get him on a basis of you will be paid if you're fit for selection.
  18. I also have a notion that I may once have read about an article of law regarding behavior likely to cause further riotous behaviour among others which I would say nicely covers EVERY hibs fan on that pitch even aside from those who were in Rangers fans faces antagonising them. If that law actually does exist which to me sounds fairly credible the next question is how many Rangers fans would have been on that pitch if none of those morons had entered it? It further seems credible to me that there would have been none which makes EVERY retaad from their end who flooded on to that pitch guilty of behaviour likely to cause riotous behaviour among others.
  19. I would be surprised if Joey is on much more than 15K a week tops. It's not EPL wages but it's obvious as you said that he has decided that he already has more money than he will ever need and let's face it. Even for someone who has more money than they will ever need 15K a week is STILL a tidy chunk to be taking home to add to the pile. It's all about creating memories for Joey now. Another season fighting to avoid relegation in the EPL isn't a memory he wanted, he already has that one tucked away. This one is different and far more stimulating for him and also gives him the chance of playing in front of 50K crowds? I can understand why he went for it.
  20. If that link is referring to a youth player with the same name then he also has the exact same birth date.
  21. Do we really want a player who so recently was the victim of a serious assault and "near drowning"? Could anyone so quickly have recovered from such trauma? https://www.change.org/p/nicola-sturgeon-ban-all-rangers-fans-from-ocean-beach-club-after-their-attempt-to-drown-jason-cummings
  22. Even the truly great Johan Cruyff said that Ronadlo is not a "great player" outside his own massive head. Cruyff stated that Messi is a great player while Ronaldo is a great goal scorer. http://www.espnfc.us/spanish-primera-division/story/2652007/cristiano-ronaldo-not-team-player-like-lionel-messi-cruyff
  23. Typical Scottish media. Everything at Rangers has be a "crisis" Nothing can ever be a mere disagreement among parties leading to a reorganisation if need be.
  24. It's Wales v Portugal, not Bale v Ronaldo, says Bale I expect that is indeed the way Gareth Bale sees it. But he probably knows as well as I do that's not the way the egomaniac Ronaldo sees it. I beleieve Ronaldo would decline to make a pass that woud be certain to clinch a winning goal if he thought he had just a half chance to clinch it himself. http://www.bbc.com/sport/football/36703057
  25. I think it also has to be considered that there will be another transfer window in January by which time the manager will have a far better sense of how the team stands and which area could most efficiently improve it. If he were to blow all his transfer kitty now then discover a flaw in the lineup that could possibly rob him of a title because he had spent his entire kitty in the summer who would get the blame for that? Personally I think this team can already mount a credible challenege for the title but a minimum expectation is a top 3 finish so that probably means competing with Aberdeen/Hearts for those spots. I would estimate we have already far outclassed anything both combined will do in this window.
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