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Everything posted by JFK-1

  1. Ally McCoist is another whom I never had any problems with collecting what he was contractually entitled to. All McCoist gave up a high profile media career to come to Rangers at a traumatic time. Appearing on question of sport made him a well known face throughout the British isles which in itself is a lucrative commodity while managing Rangers gave him nothing like as high a profile. It's disappointing that some appear to want to make it difficult or uncomfortable for a club legend to come back and spend some time at Ibrox. Keep in mind this was his job not a hobby. Who among us would accept anything less than we are due from any employer no matter how long we may have worked for them especially if we had given up highly profitable employment to be there.
  2. I hope they do now stagger down that particular path of lunacy. The longer they act like crazies the more others outside the crazy bubble will begin to notice it. And who is it they are trying to convince? Themselves? The people they have to convince are not themselves or even us. It's the footballing authorities who maintain the records which state this. Rangers Football Club - Nickname: The Gers - Founded 1872 - Manger: Mark Warburton Now even if they were somehow to convince even all of us to enter the crazy bubble and agree with them it's still pointless because the above will STILL be indipsutable fact as recorded here. http://spfl.co.uk/clubs/rangers/#honours Go for it I say, show us exactly how crazy they are. Let's see them convince the footballing authorities because at the end of the day that's all that matters in terms of historical records.
  3. It's impossible to say at this point, we can only wait and see how he performs. Gordon Strachan who was also noted for taking care of himself was playing first team football in the top tier with Leeds United at 38 years old and was the clubs player of the year at 36. And I would guess Strachan had a more physically demanding role than we will be asking of Hill who in most matches could probably spend much of his time lying back more or less static. If almost all he did was reliably clear those high balls that have been plaguing us while guiding the less experienced I will be content.
  4. Bride of Frankenstein Son of Frankenstein The Ghost of Frankenstein Frankenstein meets the Krankies So many options to feed the insanity.
  5. I would agree with that and we also have to accept that the players must take a different view of it from that of the fans who automatically think any club employee should be doing what is best for the club rather than themselves. This is the guys livelihood in what is a short term career. He has to do whatever is best for himself and his family both financially and otherwise. Is anyone here going to voluntarily give up money due from an employer they are fully entitled to? I somehwat doubt that.
  6. If the deal isn't already done they might want to get it moving because that display against Germany may have attracted attention from elsewhere. If there were ever any questions about his ability at a high level it doesn't get any higher than facing the German machine and emerging with distinction. I just watched Alan Shearer etc give the opinion that it should have been 4 or 5 goals if not for McGovern.
  7. Another great save. Difficult to get down to those low balls.
  8. During September and October 2014, McGovern set a club record of 437 minutes without conceding a goal in the Scottish top flight.
  9. You may be right but i'm not so sure. For those SPFL teams we are the goose that lays the golden eggs and could have appeared the same to the conference teams. Not only would it have got them money for full houses it would have massively raised the profile of their league.
  10. That's where we should have gone and been rid of the Scottish bile for good. Chances are we would at a minimum be in the Championship right now making more money than we are in Scotland. One step away from the goose laying the golden eggs.
  11. I thought the bit he followed with after talking about getting out of Scottish football implied he had something other than just European football in mind. So what's the long term?
  12. The ban all Rangers supporters from Ibiza petition is exceeding my wildest expectations. After a mere two weeks It now has a mighty 418 supporters. Lads i'm fearing the worst. The people have spoken. How can Nicola Sturgeon ignore this mass movement? Get in your Ibiza holiday now before it's out of bounds forever. Incidentally will we be allowed to go to Majorca and get a bus from there to Ibiza or will there be hun patrols all around Ibiza?
  13. What are their chances of beating all three of the favourites? France - Germany - Spain They blew their chances tonight. Wales have a better chance of reaching an adavnced stage.
  14. I think it's face wear they need, I could make a suggestion.
  15. Interesting to see that he appears to be stating we will "inevitably" be getting out of Scottish football.
  16. England remind me of us in many matches right now. Total siege of the Slovak goal but can't get the ball in the net.
  17. It's so batshit crazy I have my doubts that they truly believe this utter shit. In saying that I expect there are probably some who are indeed so batshit crazy they really believe it while others have always known it was a pile of shit but they played the fantasy out for so long they then found themselves in a position where they had to continue with it or look like complete tits. Now they're in a position where they look like that no matter what they do and are wheeling around wondering how to extract themselves from it with even a shred of dignity. It started as banter but they dug it so deep they ultimately couldn't get out of it without telling the 100% idiots among them who actually believed it that it was just banter and you were an idiot to believe it was real. I like it, I sometimes wonder if they grasp how completely obsessively insane it looks to outsiders.
  18. Somebody needs to go undercover on one of their alternate reality forums and convince them all even further that it's a "sevco" plot and that they should be throwing even more money at it to uncover the "truth" A parliamentary inquiry is needed. If that fails take it to the UN.
  19. Whit ye talkin' aboot? They're the "only pure ones" The alternate reality expands.
  20. Lee Wallace has signed an extended contract at Rangers, which will keep the club captain at Ibrox until 2019. The left-back joined Rangers in 2011 from Hearts and was given the captaincy last season by manager Mark Warburton. He led Rangers to a Championship and Challenge Cup double. "These are hugely exciting times for the club and I'm delighted to be part of it for the next three years," said Wallace, who was entering the final year of his previous contract. "I knew I was running into the last year," he told the club website. "We were just starting the talks at the end of last season but we had big games to play in that period and I was happy to let it sail through the summer and into pre-season." http://www.bbc.com/sport/football/36580343
  21. Tsk tsk, need I remind you again there are better qualified people than UEFA who say it's a new club?
  22. We have no idea how any available money is allocated, I presume it's up to the manager to decide and since we don't know who is payed what and how much has been freed up to cover the wages of new signings you can't say a thing about what should be spent on what. You say there should be around 3 million avaialble. Are you aware that Mariappa alone as an example was on an estimated £2 million a year at Palace? I doubt we will be matching that but we're also bringing in the likes of Barton and Hill who will also be accustmoed to large pay packets which is just a brief example of how little £3 million can do in the modern game. If the manger decides to spend the kitty on wages for free agents rather than transfer fees which would leave us little to pay quality players accustomed to large pay packets I will trust his judgement. He does have a background in finance as well as in football.
  23. Yes and that's why it's financially irrelevant to us who we play at home because the crowd will always be a more or less regular size.
  24. This time last year I would have been content to be promoted then get a top 6 finish this year and I suspect most would have settled for that. Now suddenly it's apparently not good enough unless we're throwing around mega millions we don't have and crafting a team capable of conquering Europe when we aren't even in European competition. I believe this team is capable of challenging for the title which is a lot better than the top 6 finish I would have settled for this time last year. We have nothing to complain about at this stage. Not a thing. The board and the management have delivered everything they promised and more.
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