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Everything posted by JFK-1

  1. I hope we pull them in a cup this season and ground them into the dust. Then watch the exuberance.
  2. And what are Portugal going to do in the competition if they can't wear down a team containing a bunch of players almost all of whom play in Europes lesser legaues? That's a problem for the great Ronaldo? Interesting.
  3. Deja vu? Regarding transfer spending exactly the same things were said by all and sundry last season when the spend was a relative pittance yet that team ran away with the championship playing impressive football and dominated against SPL opposition too. This is Warburtons modus operandi and always has been. He took Brentford from league 1 to the Championship and within touching distance of the EPL in two seasons with the smallest budget in the league.
  4. I'm guessing that if McParland and the manager think he can do a job then he probably can. We have seen Miller who plays in a far more demanding role and is just a year younger have a great season. We wont be asking him to cover the pitch. He can hang back and cover a zone efficiently while keeping an eye over the less experienced.
  5. Could this guy be any more of an arsehole? Difficult to say but he's trying hard. It would appear that the bitchy little Icelanders and their 330,000 population put a dent in his mountainous ego and he doesn't like that. He makes more money in a year than the entire Iceland squad will in their whole lives but seems to think they should play in a manner that suits him. Boo fuckin' hoo. http://www.bbc.com/sport/football/36535204
  6. What would you have said if Joey Barton had been suggested a few months ago?
  7. If all these various deals come to fruition we're going to be fielding a formidable first 11 significantly stronger than I imagined we would have when promotion was secured. With the defence beginning to be secured and the midfield already sprinkled with steel and creativity all it would need now is another quality striker and even if that didn't happen given the attacking displays turned in by this team last season I would still be confident of mounting a strong challenge. Warburton is full of surprises. I had no idea at the start of last season that in a matter of no more than 3 weeks or so according to one director that he could patch together such a powerful team and even after the great season we have had he is further surprising me with the impressive side he is carefully constructing rather than hurriedly patching together like last season. Given how impressive the football he got out of that patchwork side was think what we're going to be seeing this time round with a more talented, more experienced and constructed team. It's mouthwatering to contemplate. For us that is, intimidating for others to contemplate.
  8. That wont be difficult. Next question please. "grunt"
  9. Could always just give him a severance package amounting to half his wages for the year and let them pay the other half. It gets him off the books for half the price of him taking full wages with no chance of being in the team and for his part he would lose no money and be playing.
  10. Hibs should have been topping that list 5 minutes after the final whistle at Hampden and it also brings to mind an oft repeated statistic. I have heard it said by many including the press that the vast majority of Scotland fans are Rangers fans. So do Scotland fans have a bad reputation? Hardly. This advert, paid for by Bordeaux council, was taken out in the Record after Scotland crashed out of the 1998 World Cup, and praised fans for their good behaviour.
  11. If Joey Barton says Brown can't touch him then it's true. Nobody knows better than Barton himself how good he is and I think he is smart enough to have kept talk like that to himself if he didn't know for a fact it were true. So given that it's true i'm glad he said it. Think how agitated Briown is going to be when we first play them.
  12. Well done Wales. No matter what happens now they have acquitted themselves well.
  13. Any points for predicting who will win the fights outside the England v Russia match? I go for the dogs and the tear gas.
  14. The following link has a fuller audio version of the comment where he also states that there are "some good sides and some really good players up there" I don't mind if he gets under Browns skin and maybe this type of thing will see Brown and not Barton red carded when they collide especially so if Barton is playing him off the park as he appears to think he can. http://talksport.com/football/he-aint-my-league-rangers-new-boy-joey-barton-aims-astonishing-barb-celtic-captain-scott
  15. That's what the argument was about. Barton didn't say NI and Wales had no right to be there he said the tournament had been padded out in comparison to previous tournaments which is indisputably true. Collymore was barely giving him a chance to speak.
  16. Barton certainly comes out of it looking the more reasonable. Since Collymore is supposed to be playing journalist these days I think he has to grasp that being so needlessly argumentative with an interview subject is not a useful or professional approach.
  17. I'm not so sure. Quote from the report on the St Johnstone match. From the Kilmarnock match which ended 0-0. Only Dundee opened up and tried to play and I doubt the rest are going to play like that if it gets them what it got Dundee.
  18. If Mark Warburton were ever to be unhappy about anything at Rangers you can be 110% guaranteed that you're not going to be finding out about it via some arsehole with a blog. I took a look at some of the opposition forums after the semi final and aside from their standard "sevco" obsession they also have an obsession with Warburton and entertain fantasies that he is going to walk away at any moment. He isn't and they are going to continue indulging in all manner of fantasies about a club that doesn't even exist in their prime fantasy. That alone is a perfect illustration of how unhinged minds have become in their camp which I find totally baffling. Has 4 years with no competition made them happy? Considering their Euro humiliations you would imagine they should be welcoming real competition rather than the odds on cakewalk they have been ambling along with. Surely there must be at least some over there who experience some discomfort over these bizarre obsessions. It would even appear to an outsider looking in that they have forgotten they supposedly have a club of their own at all. On any topic the Record as an example publishes with a Rangers connection the comments section is rapidly swamped not by Rangers fans but by them. While stories on their own club get one or two or even no comments at all. Bizarre isn't sufficient to describe it. There are no words.
  19. JOSH WINDASS has backed team-mate Matt Crooks to become an instant hit at Ibrox – no matter where boss Mark Warburton pitches him into his Rangers side. The 22-year-old will make the move north of the border alongside Windass this summer after the pair agreed pre-contract switches earlier this year. He has played in both defensive and midfield roles throughout his career and his versatility will be important for Warburton as he again looks to operate with a tight first team squad. Crooks missed the final weeks of the campaign as Accrington Stanley saw their promotion dreams turn into an end-of-season nightmare and is on the road to recovery after going under the knife to cure an ankle problem. Boss Warburton remains in the market for further reinforcements as he bids to bolster his squad for a shot at the Premiership title next term. And Windass is confident Crooks can make a real impact in the middle of the park or at the back as he looks to make a name for himself at Ibrox. He told SportTimes: “Croosky is a really big guy, he is 6ft 5”, but he is a really technical and he doesn’t play how he looks, if that makes sense. “He is good on the ball, he can play centre-half or holding midfield really well. He is a good passer and a real athlete so I think he will be a really good addition to the squad. “I have spoken about him with a few people and I am not sure where his best position is to be honest. I have seen him play really well at the back and play really well in midfield. “I don’t think any of those positions would be a problem for him. You would have to ask him where he prefers but he can certainly do both roles easily. “He would tell you what he prefers but I am sure he will do well in whatever role the manager sees for him.” http://www.eveningtimes.co.uk/sport/14544777.Josh_Windass_backs_versatile_Matt_Crooks_to_make_an_instant_impact_at_Rangers/?ref=mrb&lp=6
  20. Special case, diagnosed with airportitis requiring being blinkered and muzzled in airports. Also I expect an attempted murder charge in the next 24 hours judging by the frothing over this dunking. Comment made by one of these wackos. I expect he is in intensive care after this near drowning. Unverified reports say they were going to pump his stomach but he declined on the basis that he didn't want to lose the bevvy it contained.
  21. They're not obsessed, they're simply educated. Or maybe educated simply.
  22. I'm dying to see the draft bill banning all Rangers fans from going to Ibiza. All Rangers fans must be registered and microchipped identifying them as a hun. All huns must be issued special blue coloured hun passports and removed from aircraft when attempts to go to Ibiza are detected.
  23. Record reporting an interest in Costa Rica goalkeeper Esteban Alvarado. We could have used him in the cup final, he knows how to deal with "exuberance".
  24. The squad for the season ahead is obviously still being formed but I would guess that even though it's still likely to become stronger that if we had to go with what we have at this very moment we would still be a formidable force in the SPL very little could compete with. Keep in mind that last years team were not just scoring against SPL opposition they were dominant for long periods even in the Scottish cup semi against the "best team in Scotland" So given the starting 11 for the new season will be considerably more potent than that it's looking good. Celtic may be stronger that remains to be seen but I don't see anyone else being any more of a challenge than they were in the season just past. I had my reservations about the league cup and the new format but now I think it's a great opportuinty to get the team up and running for the more important action. Winning this league in the first year back would be such an enormous slap in the face to the other side that they would never live it down. It would illustrate perefctly how irrelevant the titles they won while we were gone truly are. They know that and they fear it to the extent you can almost smell it. As for the others that being Aberdeen etc I think they talk big for the sake of their fans but deep down they know the old pecking order is being restored and they just have to settle for their place in it. Scrapping it out for third.
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