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Everything posted by JFK-1

  1. Crooks is more highly rated by the Accrington fans. He's a 6 ft 4 in tank of a guy who may be the answer to the defensive midfielder role and can also nod them in up front. A verstaile player.
  2. It's not really about religion in Scotland as such is it? Chances are the majority of people in Scotland are basically atheist as I am so why would anyone care about any religious doctrine that has no relevance for them? I don't care any more about religious mythology than I do about Santa mythology. It's a form of tribalism that's rampant in Scotland with granted the tribes tending to form around a nominally religious stance even though they aren't religious. Might be more accurate to describe it as British v Irish. Whether some may like it or not we are British and no one seems to be acknwledging that the core root of this is an Irish element abusing the British flag and head of state all while voluntarily living under that flag and head of state. I don't know if people outside the bizarre situation actually grasp that and think it's a religious divide when at core it isn't really. I don't know if even the English grasp that.
  3. Euro 2012: It will haunt Portugal talisman Cristiano Ronaldo: why didn’t he take the first penalty? http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/football/teams/portugal/9360794/Euro-2012-It-will-haunt-Portugal-talisman-Cristiano-Ronaldo-why-didnt-he-take-the-first-penalty.html
  4. I agree. He is one of the greatest players of all time but he's not a 100% team player, it's more about him than it is about the team. His penalty was magnificently taken and maybe even the best of an exceptional bunch but there were others out there on the night far more deserving of the praise he was looking for and got simply because he hit the winning penalty. He should be taking the first penalty not the last to get the ball rolling with a good start. He did exactly the same thing at the 2012 Euros semi when it came down to a penalty shoot out between Spain and Portugal. He chose to take the final penalty exactly like he did tonight and he didn't even get to take one because their first kicker missed to put them up against it right from the start and Portugal were out.
  5. He chose to take the final penalty to give himself the best chance of hitting the winner.
  6. Something had to give. Exceptional display of penalty taking.
  7. It's becoming a match now. You're lucky you missed the first half of it.
  8. What does this remind you of? Atletico getting plenty posession but doing nothing with it.
  9. Hardly a classic so far. Might become a bit more exciting second half when Atletico reach a point they have to go for it.
  10. Don't remind me. I don't know how i'm going to survive next season if it's another one cringing at every set piece or high ball into the box.
  11. Great stop from the Atletico keeper in the first 5 minutes but I suspect it may take many more like that to keep Real at bay. Then again this has been the year of the underdog with Leicester City the prime example.
  12. Another midfielder. I would rather get Bentley if it came to one or the other.
  13. Premier League spot estimated to be worth £170m
  14. I don't get how anybody needed to have their minds changed. Despite sky declining to show the worst of it what else was needed to convince anybody that within 10 seconds of the final whistle there were thousands of them pouring on to the pitch and charging towards the Rangers end? If they hadn't done that there would have been no one who wasn't supposed to be there on the pitch and even if they had waited till Rangers players had left the pitch and then more or less stayed in their own half again there would have been no one else on the pitch. Right from the start when it became clear a fantasy version of happy dancing little munchkins was taking shape I always felt it would be unsustainable and that reality was always going to come to the fore. There can be no denying this was a horrendous display by their fans and I shudder to think what the outcome would be if they did exactly the same thing during a Euro match. Think UEFA would be talking about exuberance if opposition players were being assaulted in one of their tournaments? It's ludicrous.
  15. I sometimes wonder if Hartson is simply given a box of random words to throw together in any way he pleases. All in the same spiel he says Joey Barton is no big deal then goes on to say he is a great acquisition. And Joey Barton didn't come from "Spain, Italy or Germany" he only came from the seventh richest league in Europe while presumably Hartson's hero's are lining up bids for the cream of La Liga? After his embarrassing failure of prophecy for the Scottish cup semi final you would think this man would have learned a lesson about trying to keep the foot away from the mouth but seemingly not. But anyway, I will be keeping a close out for the coming celtic raid on Europes elite leagues.
  16. What a load of shit. If that could sell more kits I'm pretty sure that's exactly what they would have done. They're trying to sell kit it's not their place to promote some happy days style fantasy family values while they're doing it.
  17. I would hazard a guess that Motherwell, Partick Thistle, Hamilton or Kilmarnock may not be too enthused by it either. Who would want to have Rangers thrown into their group as a "second seed"? Though I suppose since none of that bunch would realistically be expecting to win the cup the chance of a tie and a cut of the gate at Ibrox may be appealing.
  18. I don't know what the procedure is for this type of thing. It's not a court so I'm thinking along the lines that he may have to go in there and face them alone with no prompting from lawyers on the sidelines. That would be the preferred scenario because this is an individual who appears to have developed a führer type mentality and who may snap when faced with people who have no respect for his kind of mindset.
  19. Unlike the record apparently. It amounts to libel if this is nothing but hearsay from invisible men and so far that's all it looks like. If there were thousands of people out there somebody must have evidence. It's the type of thing that would be on youtube in minutes. Cop cars being attacked? Potential viral video if it existed.
  20. Frankly I don't believe a word of this for a number of reasons. Claims allegedly coming from some anonymous cop? This as an example. Really? That means anything? It's ludicrous and it could just as well say one account given to the record said aliens prevailed outside for all the worth such rambling has. I kept looking for some official acknowledgement of such a claim and this is the nearest they can get to any such thing. Not even a hint of a comment backing up the claims of this article.
  21. If so i'm in the same category as you because I mentally did exactly the same thing.
  22. And as for the authorities appealing for help in identifying the worst offenders in here I have seen an acceptance that anyone who went over the line so to speak such as the guy kicking the boy in the head should indeed be identified and punished but believe me that's not their opinion of it at all. This is their opinion regarding the request to identify offenders.
  23. Yet strangely the vast majority are not deeply ashamed. On the contrary they're proud of themselves the vast majority being those who weren't among the few to be captured.
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