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Everything posted by JFK-1

  1. I strongly feel that if it's within the powers of the SFA to do so they should deny Hibs the Euro spot. That's something which would demonstrate tangible consequences to the fans for such behaviour which fining the club would not. And they don't even need to reallocate the spot to us if that would be an issue which I have no doubt it would be as the conspiracy crazies got on to it. Give it to St Johnstone for finishing 4th in the SPL if they must. Anybody but Hibs.
  2. Actually what that post is riddled with may be damning evidence for the SFA of a support totally unrepentant for the shocking scenes at Hampden. Is THAT what we want representing the country in Europe when it could happen all over again with maybe repercussions for the future of all Scottish teams? Keep in mind that all English teams were banned for years for the activities of one team.
  3. I have no idea how the authorities will react to the scenes at Hampden but I know how the Hibs support are reacting to it. Anyone who wants to see for themselves can do so at this link which is on what I believe to be the largest Hibs forum on a post titled 'Ridiculous Ranger's Statement' Apparently the after match statement by Rangers is the ridiculous thing not the activities of the Hibs fans. http://www.hibs.net/showthread.php?311292-Ridiculous-Ranger-s-Statement
  4. Another example of how entirely unrepentant they are, they're banning even their own who suggest there was anything untoward about it. Like this guy who is arguing that Rangers players were assaulted. Result? 'Left by mutual consent!' That's what it said after they banned me too for my remarks which were entirely civil. THAT'S what has to be punished severely or risk this happening repeatedly. It's the mentality and it's a dangerous mentality.
  5. And the fans care if the club gets a fine? They don't so if nothing significant comes of it what next? They repeat the same scenes all over again in a Euro tie because nothing comes of it? That can result in implications for all of Scottish football.
  6. Take a look at this if you want to see their view on it. An perhaps the SFA should be seeing what this support thinks of the scenes today. They're more concerned with Rangers response to it than anything they did. And I suspect the chances are they may conceal this and the responses to it if they discover it''s being circulated. http://www.hibs.net/showthread.php?311292-Ridiculous-Ranger-s-Statement
  7. Or reallocate the Euro spot? Which would be the greater punishment? Especially if that Euro spot were to go to us.
  8. If it were our fans would you admit they were in the wrong? Take a look at their forums. They are totally unrepentant. If they aren't punished the chances are they will simply repeat this.
  9. The thing is how do you deal with something like this? The only way to punish the fans is to severely punish the club exactly as Rangers were in 1972. And if you take a look at their fan forums they are entirely unrepentant and claiming pitch invasions are perfectly acceptable. Let me give you just a few examples of countless. In response to a post titled "Ridiculous Ranger's Statement" And that's the opinion from the vast majority with the very few questioning it being given dogs absue so if you say even fine the club the support will still be insisting they did absolutely nothing wrong and what would they care even if there were a fine? One already said it, he doesn't care. So when will they do it again? A Euro tie when the entire country could be punished for it? I feel the SFA given this is the attitude coming from the Hibs support after this embarrasing and dangerous display have to do everything in their power to make an example and teach the fans of all clubs that this is entirely unacceptable no matter how long you waited to win a cup. I don't know if they can actually allocate the Euro spot to someone else but given it is them who allocate the spot for the cup I would suspect that it may be the case that they simply traditionally allocate it to the cup winners but that there is no automatic granting of it as such. THAT would teach one and all that this is unaceeptable and will incur serious repercussions. And incidentally I made a post on their forum regarding the whole thing. This was my post. For which I was abused and banned with a message saying 'Ban expiry date' NEVER!
  10. I have fears that the Hibs contingent who may not understand what is happening in the 13th minute may make mindless attempts to spoil the tribute. If we can presume the majority are normal empathetic human beings maybe there could be attempts to spread this story and the plan to as many major Hibs fan forums as possible.
  11. I'm in Oklahoma and when I try to view BBC Alba from here it shows this.
  12. I think he arrived at Ibrox with good intentions and delivered the 9 in a row that had been rubbed in our faces for years and I somewhat doubt that would have happened without him. His ambitions for the club simply got ahead of the means to support them when TV deals in the South altered the landscape beyond all recognition and with that in mind he cannot be compared to a true rat like Shyte who claimed to be a fan but had nothing but bad intentions from the outset.
  13. As you say this is absolute gold which is perfect for us at this time. The original recording on the TalkSPORT's website was littered with around 12 minutes of commercials and news reports which I edited out then posted the result to YouTube which makes it a lot easier to share/facebook etc. in a cleaned up commercial free format and again as you say this is guaranteed to have a certain element frothing at the mouth. At one point a caller says to him "are you at the wind up" which is a perfect example of how far gone into a self created alternate reality this crew are. They're so far down the fantasy rabbit hole they created they have forgotten that THEY started this wackiness AS a "wind up" and then became so attached to it they forgot that and began to think it was real. Then when someone outside their fantasy bubble points out how ludicrous it is they become befuddled and angry at someone inserting reality. Adrian Durham is merely pointing out how stupid it looks from right next door. I'm in the US where I have been for the past 4 years and where official sporting records are like the bible when they speak of sports. I have occasionally been questioned about this "new club, old club sevco" babble by Americans who have actually looked at the official records from the likes of the SPFL here as an example. http://spfl.co.uk/clubs/rangers/ When they look there what they see is a continuation with all achievements from 1872 up to and including the past 4 years listed beside Glasgow Rangers and THAT'S when Americans become baffled as any rational person would. I could think of no sufficient way to explain this detachment from reality without touching on sectarianism etc which I didn't want to get into because that would only confuse them further so finally settled on something they can get a grip on. I said something along the lines of in Scotland there is a kind of redneck/hillbilly segment something like their own creationist crazies denying undeniable scientific reality which traditionally follows celtic and as I said they can get a grip on something like that and nod their heads in understanding. But frankly this insanity has reached such a level of craziness it's become an international embarrassment even the English are now laughing about and these grunts seem to have drifted so far from reality they don't grasp what a complete arse they're making of themselves. Share the YouTube link as widely as you can because it is indeed a useful tool for the purpose of highlighting how batshit crazy these people have become. The more people who see this the better to expose them as the laughing stock they are.
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