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Posts posted by StuGers

  1. 11 hours ago, ian1964 said:


    “Sent to every MSP”.


    Wow, this is growing arms and legs. Big, fat, massive fake arms and legs.


    I’ve said it many times before but this is just a continuation of this Fake News assault on us. Alex is probably over in Russia just to get tips from Putin.

  2. 23 minutes ago, aweebluesoandso said:

    Just goes to show the lengths of fabrication these SNP reprobates will go to demonise the Protestant community.

    It is an all out propoganda war. Actually, “war” isn’t a good term as that would suggest it was two-way. “Attack” would make more sense.

  3. 1 minute ago, Darthter said:

    IF he has been emailed it, there will be a trail for the police to follow (IF it has been reported)

    On the flip side, should it prove to be true, I don't think anyone on here would be able to defend it in any way....

    There is absolutely zero chance of this being true. It’s not even worth entertaining.

  4. So a MSP, who have previou for making up lies about Rangers / Rangers fans, comes out of a self imposed Twitter exile where he was called out for his hypocrisy and lies, posts a “flyer” for an “event” that literally no one has seen other than himself when he sat and made it up, and the Evening Times are reporting this?


    What chance to we have? Anyone can make up any old shite and the papers will print it now.

  5. Smash a ****** Day' event sent to Glasgow MSP James Dornan


    28 March 18 / Martin Williams, Senior News Reporter / @Martin1Williams


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    AN MSP has reported plans for a violent "Smash a ****** Day" described by transport minister Humza Yousaf as "shocking and vile" to the police.

    The action by Glasgow Cathcart MSP James Dornan comes after he was sent a circular which appeared to show the plans for the violence on May 1. He said he expected it had been sent to "others they consider '******s'".

    The poster, which has been produced anonymously, says on that date "we urge all protestants to stand up and put all ******s back in their place as it is time for our religion to fight the plastic Irish in our country."


    Evening Times:

    It does on: "These ****** b******s have infiltrated our society, our councils and our government as well as high ranking officials in law."

    The circular goes on to award points for various acts of violence including burning down a chapel, shooting, stabbing mand punching.

    READ MORE: ‘Goodnight, green white’ - Criminal probe launched as sectarian flyer showing abuse against ‘******s’ surfaces before Old Firm

    Extra points were awarded for 'Triple Bill' acts perpetrated on a "******, Scottish Nationalists and a Muslim".

    Mr Yousaf said: "Shocking. Vile stuff. All it takes is one person to act upon this and folk will get hurt."

    Mr Dornan added: "It's hard to believe someone who is intelligent enough to type something like that would be stupid enough to think it's a good idea.

    "It's a very tiny minority who try to ruin the good name of the vast majority of people in this country."

    The flier concludes with a Union Flag and the messages: "We will be mastered by no ****** b*****d.  No surrender ever.  F*** the Pope."

    Mr Dornan had previously reported a Rangers ultras fans group's sectarian flyer that was the centre of a criminal investigation and said he had quit Twitter because of the abuse he received.

    There is no evidence to suggest that the two events are in any way connected.

    The Union Bears march before the Old Firm derby at Ibrox earlier this month went ahead, while members claimed they had been visited by police.


    Evening Times:

    That poster showed a silhouette image of someone wearing a green-and-white hooped jersey appearing to be being kicked in the head while on the ground, surrounded by text reading: “Good night, green white.”

    READ MORE: ‘Goodnight, green white’ - Criminal probe launched as sectarian flyer showing abuse against ‘******s’ surfaces before Old Firm

    It described the Old Firm derby as "the match against the ******s."

    Some believe it is a copycat letter to that circulating for Punish a Muslin Day reportedly sent to addresses across the country.

    Images of those A4 notes, also contain a list of violent acts alongside a number of points for performing them, have been widely shared online.

    They have prompted a chorus of condemnation, with campaigners and MPs describing them as "disturbing".

  6. 6 hours ago, Bluedell said:

    A QP player being offered the chance to play for us? Is he really that bitter? 


    It's an easy thing to say, particularly once you've made it, but I find it hard to believe he's have turned us down. 

    The modern Celtic fan is bitter beyond belief!

  7. 3 hours ago, Rousseau said:

    Did Boyd actually say the "simple old fashioned way"?


    It will get you so far, like NIR; it should be something we can implement.


    I think Wales -- although it's a lot to do with Bale for them -- and Iceland are a tad more progressive, though; in terms of what they bring offensively.  That's why they've went that little bit further. Iceland are actually incredibly fluid, changing from 4-4-2, to 4-5-1, to 4-1-3-2, to 4-3-3 (there was even an article I recall had them in a 3-3-2-2 in the build-up phase, which changed quickly). It's always focused, targeted tactics. And, Wales employ 3-4-1-2, which suits their players; at the very least it gives opponents something to think about. NIR's performance had an element of luck, for me (they were still effective, though).


    To be honest, it's the offensive side of the game we struggle with. We can set up defensively, and have done most of the time. Our offensive game is predictable and one-dimensional. There are no real alternatives in that regard. 


    We should be doing much better than what we are.

    I think, strangely, in modern day football it is becoming more apparent that, for the higher tier national teams anyway, having a superstar player is far more effective than having a generally proficient team.

    Look at the Dutch - a fantastic all round team but awful performances now that their superstars have waned.

    Wales, a generally poor team but pushed by one or two far above average players.


    I can’t explain NI’s success though!

  8. 22 minutes ago, Bill said:

    You could say that about almost all sport in Scotland. As a nation we seem strangely attached to the past and reluctant to move forward. Why is that?

    It is no coincidence that the Scottish National team’s performance rapidly declined upon Rangers’ banishment.


    Not that we were that great beforehand it must be noted!

  9. 15 minutes ago, Scott7 said:

    Gordon Brown the Scottish lock forward did weeks of recuperative training at Ibrox. One day he took in a rugby ball. Greig proceeded to hammer “conversions” between the sticks, over the bar and miles up into the terracing. Brown was well impressed.


    Maybe this is what DJ was referring to.

    Maybe. If that’s the case, then he should have made it much more clear as he never mentioned that at all. Just how Greig used to fire free kicks over the bar all the time.

  10. One thing a bit unrelated, but I was listening to Clyde 1 on the way in (on my lifts radio) and Derek Johnstone was commenting on the Rugby about Laidlaw hitting a kick and he said “they should have got John Greig to hit it as he was always hitting freekick miles over the bar.

    What is it with our former players making derisive comments about us, especially our “greatest Ranger”. Just shut up DJ.

  11. Don’t know if this falls under the fake news category but I’ve noticed something sinister.


    A while ago there was a story about the Henrik Larsson Foundation and how a night was run and it turns out that none of the money ended up going to charity.


    Strangely enough, there are links to this story online but whenever you try and click on it you get the “oops we cannot find this story”. Very strange...

  12. It is hard to make any argument to keep the status quo. They are a danger to our fans and something needs to change. They are throwing incendiary devices at our fans and players for god’s sake! That alone should be massive headline news and an easy decision to move / ban them.

  13. 6 hours ago, ian1964 said:

    Davie Hay: Jozo Simunovic was stupid but linesman took some glee in getting him off


    I have to say two things about Jozo Simunovic’s red card at Ibrox: it was harsh but it was entirely stupid from him.

    If he had caught Alfredo Morelos with his elbow at speed like that then we’d have seen the obvious physical consequencies.

    I thought the Rangers striker made an absolute meal of it with the way he went rolling around the pitch as though he’d been shot but I also thought that Simunovic was stupid for putting himself into that situation – and then leaving his team-mates in the lurch.

    I would also say that the linesman Douglas Ross took great delight the minute he saw the incident with his ‘red card! Red card!’ shouts. I don’t think he could wait to get the flag up and get him off.

    In the modern day you have to accept that it is a sending off and I would have been annoyed with Simunovic because it was unnecessary and could have put Celtic on the backfoot.

    Ironically, I actually thought they changed their shape to counter going down to ten men and looked more solid after he went off. But I do think that Morelos made the most of it although maybe not – if he was still concussed then I suppose that would explain his miss right at the death.


    And the barrage continues. “Do not give Rangers ANY decisions!”

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