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Everything posted by Wija

  1. We are at the present moment, the best that Scottish football has, and that in itself shows how bad Scotland is for talent, encouraging that talent, the drinking culture that adults so happily show there children, smoking, ned culture and last but not least the implosive perocial nature that breeds contempt for success, and only further ensures the spiral of failure is somehow something to be proud of. Now that was a long sentence..... Yes we were lucky, yes we are piss poor... but we have won and although I still want WS to leave and do not want AMcC in charge of Rangers, I must take a big slice of humble pie. He has done what all of us thought impossible at New Year and has had to endure the troubles of players and lack of any money. We have won, that is all we should look at now and say well done WS. Mr Moonbeams has used the last of his 9 lives in my eyes and he MUST go very very soon. We need new talent and a new focus for this club and not just a focus on the SPL... It is to be fair, an extremely poor league with no real financial backbone. CL next year will provide money, but that will go on the debt. I am over the moon we won the SPL and SC, but I really do fear for next year with Timmy getting a new man in and all the furore that brings, they will have there tails up... we must have a team and financial means to ensure it is docked.
  2. Charlie redic.... GTF But RDB had many points that hurt as they are true.
  3. Now Chick how can you be online?
  4. We are Double champs in a season where the rollercoaster went up and down more than Jon's duvet when he is watching the adult channel. Seriously thought Rangers as a club were going to implode at Xmas. We have come through adversity. Have a great summer all. I shall be on here throughout but any of you who disappear see you in July!! Oh and if there is any news on ging to see the Gers at the Emirates - or just a meet up in London for a good few bevvies keep us all updated. WATP
  5. He must be right out of touch with the fans as they don't like a Prod in charge and they have made that abundantly clear since the ginger crouton went to Porkheid.
  6. Will be getting out of my scratcher at around 14:30 - that is of course if I can sleep when it is around 27 degrees down here tomorrow.
  7. Looking in the mirror again .....!
  8. Queer! I cannot abide big norks.... past 35 years of age they hit the knees... not a good look. Prefer the pert yins that this filly has, and they look mighty fine to me....
  9. Just found this too..... lordy lordy!
  10. New strips are all being leaked.... but I have to say I am liking Linfield's approach at selling it... Miss Lucy Evangelista..... Ayyyeeeeeee!
  11. Cuellar the greatest in a Gers shirt - Fcuk me what a stupid thing to say. He couldn't lace Gough's boots....
  12. The fact that this actually worked, even for a small time is quite, quite brilliant.
  13. On the Gersnet homepage you can go to the right hand side and go to the latest forum topics... and log in that way!
  14. I have tried to log on the usual way and it says the Forum is causing problems..... I had to come through the Gersnet homepage. Anyone else getting issues with there usual way of logging in??
  15. Well done all, and heres to number 52 this weekend. That is what we all want. WATP
  16. 10...... need to find some quality filth sites....
  17. Do i keep the trophy after 3?
  18. I wouldn't say hate, but I would definately say they have run out of patience.
  19. It appears he is now clear to play! http://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/scotsol/homepage/sport/spl/article2438349.ece
  20. Fooks sake Ally sort it fackin owt! :box:
  21. I would expect nothing less from these goons. But they are forgetting they will get beat so it doesn't matter what Dundee Utd do to us as they are out of Europe for next season.. Come on the Hibees.
  22. D Utd - 1 - 2 Rangers Dhims 1 - 2 Hertz
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